Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 2 - HS & Day 1 - Gr. 7 & 8

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

Mother Teresa High School Parent Info Session on June 3rd from 7:00-8:00pm. Please click on link to view more information. (MR June 3)

**Students with overdue books and fines are asked to go to the Learning Commons after morning announcements.** (MP May 28)

clip_image004This Week in the Learning Commons

Tuesday:  Animanga (High School Anime Club) - HS Lunch

Red Maple is now finished for the year.  Thank you to all staff and students for your participation.

Thursday:  Animanga (High School Anime Club) - HS Lunch

Grade 7 Games Club - 7/8 Lunch

Friday:  Grade 8 Games Club - 7/8 Lunch

Please remember that Library passes will be available only to Grade 8 Students on Mondays and Wednesdays, only to Grade 7 Students on Tuesdays and Thursdays, to both Grade 7 & 8 Students on Fridays.


clip_image005Any grade 7 or 8 student wishing to join the 7/8 Choir should see Mr. Card in room 120 this Wednesday May 28 at the beginning of lunch. (IC May 28)

clip_image007The boys baseball semi finals will be on Tuesday, May 27 at 1 pm at Fallowfield Park.  If we win, we will be playing on Wednesday, May 28 at 1 pm at Nepean Sportsplex. (LB May 28)


clip_image009THE BOY’S BASEBALL TEAMwill be playing in the semi finals on Monday at Faulkner park at 2 pm.  Should we win on Monday, the team will play in the city championship on Tuesday at 1 pm at Nepean Sportsplex.  Any fan support would be appreciated. (LB May 27)

LEADERSHIP CAMP LEADERS 2014: Leadership Camp Leaders have been selected and the list is posted outside of the Chapel doors.  Please listen for further announcements regarding our first meeting.  Thank you to everyone to submitted an application. (EB May 28)

STUDENT SERVICES clip_image011

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool, including information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships, etc.

MPB is looking for volunteers to babysit during their Kindergarten information night on May 29th from 6-7pm.   If you are interested, please call Janet Sanii at 613-823-3559 or email jsanii@rogers.com. (KW May 29)


Number of spots available: 30

Date: June 10 2014
Hours: 4-9pm
Location: Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary school 601 Longfields Drive Barrhaven
Contact:  Rebecca by email at:    optimistar04@gmail.com
**Please note: P-E-T is a French elementary school so french speaking students are preferable but not mandatory**. (KW June 9)

Current Volunteer Opportunities: Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or ottawavolunteer@ontario.cancer.ca

clip_image013Run or Dye - June 21th – As the chosen charity The Society will be remunerated for all volunteers and participants registered using code CCSOTT14. (KW Jun. 21)

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or ottawavolunteer@ontario.cancer.ca

clip_image015RELAY FOR LIFE

Ottawa South – May 23rd – 24th,Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm

Ottawa Centre – June 06th – 07th,Nepean Sportsplex

Ottawa East – June 13th – 14th, Millennium Park

Ottawa West – June 13th – 14th, Walter Baker Park.

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or ottawavolunteer@ontario.cancer.ca

clip_image017Hope Volleyball July 12th Please help us thank Max Keeping for his ongoing support by helping with security at the Hope Volleyball event in support of the Max Keeping Foundation. (KW Jun 12)

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or ottawavolunteer@ontario.cancer.ca

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image019




clip_image021 Any Grade 12 students who are attending prom and have not yet handed in their behavior contract and picked up their tickets, are to see their Vice Principals before Thursday of this week. (MC May 28)


COMMUNITY CORNER clip_image023


St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit www.st-monica.com

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca


clip_image028COMING UP….

May 30, 2014: PROM- 5:30-11:00pm- Sala San Marco

clip_image030 Mother Teresa… Did you know…??

The Catholic Church has begun to move Mother Teresa along the steps toward sainthood, and she was beatified in 2003. Her official title is now Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. (legacy.com)

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