Monday, September 14, 2015

HS Day 1- 7/8 Day 5


Please don’t forget that Picture Day is Wednesday, September 16th, 2015! (DD Sept. 16)


Grade 7 Students are invited to visit the Learning Commons before school starts to pick up a lunch pass on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Grade 8 Students are invited to visit the Learning Commons before school starts to pick up a lunch pass on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Red Maple (the Grade 7/8 Book Club) will be starting soon.  Please sign up in the Learning Commons.

White Pine High School Book Club - Anyone interested in participating in the White Pine High School Book Club are invited to attend a meeting at lunch on Friday in the Learning Commons Seminar Room.


Any 7/8 student who has golf experience, has their own clubs and is interested in trying out for the7/8 golf team is asked to sign up outside of Mr. Quinn's office located off of the cafeteria gym.  Tryouts will be held on Wednesday Sept. 16, Thursday Sept. 17, and Monday Sept. 21 from 3 until 4pm in the cafeteria gym.  (TQ Sept.15)

Rugby time! Any grade 7/8 boy interested in trying out for the flag rugby team, please sign up outside of room 237.  No experience necessary!  Try outs will start next week!  Stay tuned for dates and times of tryouts. (JD Sept. 18)

7/8 Ultimate Frisbee:  All grade 7/8 boys and girls interested in trying out for the 7/8 Ultimate team are asked to sign up outside room 235. (KS Sept. 14)

7/8 Cross- Country Running: Any grade 7/8 students interested in trying out for the grade 7/8 cross-country running team are invited to sign up outside of Mme Kinloch's classroom, room 232, and to come prepared to run after school next week on Monday,Tuesday and Thursday.  The meet is Thursday Oct. 1st.  If you have any questions please see Mme Kinloch. (JK Oct. 1)

Honk n’ Blow: All Grade 7 students are cordially invited to attend this years Honk n'Blow, Wednesday September 16 from 6 to 7:30 pm at Mother Teresa. Come and try all the music instruments that you could play in Music class this year! Mr. Card. (IC Sept. 16)



High School Girls Hockey: All high school girls looking to play hockey this year, try-outs will take place Sept. 23rd - Sportsplex #2​ at 3:30-4:30 and Sept. 24th – Sportsplex #2​ at 3:30-4:30.  Full equipment is required.  Please see Mr. Gervasi in room 309 for more information. (MG Sept. 24)

Junior Girls Basketball: All Junior Girls who would like to join the basketball team are invited to try-out Monday and Tuesday after school starting at 3:00. (CH Sept. 15)

Honk n’ Blow: Any High School students wishing to volunteer at this years Grade 7 Honk n'Blow on Wednesday September 16 from 5:30 to 8 pm, please see Mr. Card ASAP. (Flute players are especially needed) (IC Sept. 16)

Auditions for Peter Pan will begin Tuesday, September 15 after school. The sign up sheet is on the stage door (room 114). For the audition, students are expected to prepare a short 30 second monologue. Students may choose from one of the monologues posted on the stage door or prepare their own. Monologues do not need to be memorized and props or costumes are not required. No theater experience is required to audition; all are welcome. Please see Mrs. Rose or Ms. Laviolette if you have any. (MR Sept. 15)

Cappies 2016: If you like writing, school plays and expressing an opinion, then give Cappies a try!

Students interested in joining Cappies are asked to attend a brief but important meeting at the start of lunch on Friday, September 11 in Rm 138. (JS Sept. 11)

Cross-Country Running: Any High School student interested in signing up for Cross Country Running, is asked to sign the list on the door of Room 304. Running will start on Monday September 14. Please meet in the atrium dressed and ready to run. For information please see Mrs. Galbraith in Room 304 at lunch or after school this week. (MG Sept. 11)

All Girls Field Hockey Players are asked to meet Ms. Pendergest on the side soccer field on Thursday September 10th, at 3pm, for a brief practice/meeting. Also, any H.S. girls (grades 9-12) interested in joining this year's Girls Field Hockey team are asked to come to the try-out/first practice on Thursday September 10th. Plan to be outside from 3pm until 4pm. No equipment necessary to try-out, however please wear regular

phys-ed attire and running shoes. See Ms. Pendergest in room 234 for more information if needed. (CP Sept. 10)


The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at is set up as an information tool, including information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships, etc.

Night School Registration packages from the public board are now available in Student Services.

Daytime Registration is at 440 Albert Street, Room E122B, 9:00am to 3:00pm from September 8th to September 16th.  Evening Registration is at the school of your choice (Adult HS or Merivale HS) on Monday, September 14TH, ONLY, from 6pm - 7:30pm.  All triplicate forms are to be signed by student, parent/guardian and guidance counsellor. (KW Sept. 16)

Carleton University is coming to visit our school on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm, location TBD. (KW Oct. 14)

Lakehead University will be visiting our school on November 18, 2015 at 2:45 pm.  Location TBD. (KW Nov. 18)


LF volunteers at the St. Patrick's Parish Hall on Steeple Hill Crescent for their Fall Harvest Supper on Sunday,September 27th, between the hours of  4pm and 8pm  You need to provide your own transportation to and from the event.  Come at least 30 minutes ahead of the shift you choose.  You do not need to work the full 4 hours.  You will be expected to clear and reset tables, help package the take out meals, pour juice etc.  You will not be ​responsible for serving any hot food or beverages.  For further information, please see Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services.  We need to confirm names prior to September 24th.  Thank you. (KW Sept. 24)



Any Grade 12 students interested in being part of this year`s Prom Committee are invited to a meeting at lunch on Thursday at11:25 in rm. 314.  Bring your lunch, your ideas, and your enthusiasm! (SL Sept. 10)


St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit

clip_image002 Mother Teresa

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