Daily Announcements

Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 2- HS & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8


Craving Pizza?! No problem! Great start to Spirit Week!!!  Help support our MT Dance program!! Warm and delicious pizza available after schoolMonday December 15th in the Atrium! See you there! (CD Dec. 15)

Hey Titans! Next week is our Christmas Spirit Week!! Here are the days:

Monday is Christmas Comfy/Pajama day!

Tuesday is Twin Day! So find someone and dress up together!

Wednesday is Battle of the Grades day: (12’s - Black,11’s - Blue, 10’s - Green, 9’s - Red, 8’s - Orange, 7’s - Yellow) Thursday is Ugly sweater day!

Friday is Christmas Character Day, so wear your Santa hats, elf ears, etc.

In the Learning Commons

Mon. Dec 15:

Grade 8 Games Club meeting cancelled today due to Grad Photos taking place in the Seminar Room today

Tues. Dec 16:

HS Animanga Club meeting in the Seminar Room - HS Lunch

Grade 7 Games Club meeting in the Seminar Room - 7/8 Lunch

Wed. Dec 17:

Learning Commons is closed all day today due to Shakin’ it with Shakespeare. 

HS Animanga Club meeting in the Seminar Room - HS Lunch

Learning Commons is Closed also for 7/8 Lunch today

Thurs. Dec 18:

7/8 Tinker Club meeting in the Seminar Room - 7/8 Lunch

Fri. Dec 19:

Red Maple (7/8 Book Club) meeting in the Seminar Room - 7/8 Lunch

Ski/Snowboard Club: information packages are now available in the main office.  There is a 3-step registration process this year that includes first completing the online portion at my.mths.ca.  Online registration, permission forms, and payment are due by Wednesday, December 17th. Let it snow! (SM Dec. 17)


7/8 Dance Club is BACK!!! Starting Monday January 5th from 3-4pm in the Dance Studio!  Everyone is welcome!  Please sign up with Mrs. Donaghy before the Christmas holidays! (CD Jan. 5)

7-8 School Play: All 7-8 students interested in being in the 7-8 school play must sign up for an audition time slot outside room 332 before Dec 15th. Please see Mme Beraldin if you have any questions. Auditions are Monday Dec 15 and Wednesday Dec 17th after school. (JB Dec. 17)


Alpine Ski Team:  Our bus to Mont Ste.Marie will be at school at 7 am on Wednesday December 17 to pick the team up for our training.  Please be sure to have your equipment tuned. (AB Dec. 17)

Debate- The next debate meeting will be Monday, December 15 after school in Rm. 138. Meetings will switch to Mondays from this time onward. All are welcome! (JS Dec. 15)


The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool, including information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships, etc.

LF French Tutor (immersion) for a grade 6 boy attending St. Luke elementary school. Looking for help once a week to start.  If interested, please contact Mr. Kay at 613-823-8482. Thank you.



FOR THE LATEST GRAD AND PROM INFORMATION, CHECK THE STUDENT SERVICES GRAD WEBPAGE: https://sites.google.com/a/ocsb.ca/teh-student-services-information/home/grade-12-information/graduation-prom-grad-day-info


St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit www.st-monica.com

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca

clip_image002 Mother Teresa

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