Daily Announcements

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 2- HS & Day 5 - Gr. 7 & 8



IT’S HERE!!! Go to our website and simply press the button. It’s that easy.

Check out our November’s Newsletter: http://newsletter.mths.ca

Mocha Teresa Coffee House featuring talented MT students and teachers accompanied by delicious Starbucks coffee, baked goods, and other treats will be held Wed Nov 12 from 7-9 PM.  Tickets may be purchased at the door:  $3 for students and $5 for adults.  Refreshment prices will vary. Check out the great line up on the board outside room 216! (SM Nov. 12)

Attention Mocha Teresa Performers.  Two things... Reminder to email music by Friday to MTHSTalentShow2014@gmail.com AND attend a brief but IMPORTANT meeting on Monday, November 10th during HS lunch in room 213.  (Grade 7/8 performers may also stop by HS period 1 if that's better.) (SM Nov. 12)

TITANWEAR ORDER FORMS ARE OUT.  Remember Titans, order forms and payment for titanwear are due on Wednesday, Nov 12 in either room 213 or room 216.  Parents.... you can purchase your childrens' titanwear on line as well from the school website.  Let us know whether you want it to be a Christmas gift and we will contact you when it comes in!! (LB Nov. 13)

In the Learning Commons

Wednesday Nov 12 - 17:  Scholastic Book Fair.  Lunch clubs are cancelled due to the book fair setup in the Seminar Room.

Photo Club is still running Wednesday as they do not use the Seminar Room.

Looking Ahead:

Author Visit - Eric Walters Dec. 3 (PM)


Grade 7-8 Girls Volleyball: There will be a practice Wednesday November 12, from 3-4pm and a HOME game Thursday November 13! Please let Mme Beraldin know if you cannot make it. (JB Nov. 12)

7/8 photo club is cancelled for this week.  Please submit your permission form as soon as possible to Mrs. Lindale (rm 339).  Permission forms are still available outside of room 339. (HL Nov. 12)


THRIVE: (bible study) gathers every Wednesday in the chapel. If you would like to join we start at 11:40. Grab your lunch first and meet us in the chapel today. (LD Nov. 12)


This announcement is for all High School students interested in joining the Nordic ski team. We will have indoor practices twice a week and outdoor practice at the Terry Fox center in Mooney's bay once a week. If you are interested, come to a meeting Wednesday November 12 at noon in room 103 or see Mr. Francoeur for more info. (MF Nov. 12)

Any Senior girls interested in playing on the Senior Girls Volleyball team there will be three tryouts. You must attend 1 to be considered. The dates are: (JR Nov. 12)

November 10 @ 3:00 pm gym D

November 12 @ 7:30 am gym A

The third date/time is TBD

Interested in playing rugby? Want to know more about the sport? Are you a female?? Come to room 105 (by the wood shop) Wednesday, November 12 at HS lunch, we'd love to see you! (CR Nov. 12)

2014/2015 Boys Varsity Hockey Tryouts: Monday November 17, Walter Baker A 3:30-5: Wednesday November 19, Walter Baker A 3:30-4:30: Thursday November 20, Walter Baker B 3:30-4:30 (First Team Practice) This is FULL CONTACT hockey, full equipment is required.  All players welcome.  See Mr. Gervasi in 309 for more details. (MG Nov. 20)

Any Grade 11 or 12 student interested in learning more about opportunities in the Canadian Military are to sign up in Student Services. The presentation will take place November 24, 2014 @ 10:10 in the Multi Purpose room. (JR Nov. 24)


The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool, including information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships, etc.

UNB is hosting a parent/student night at the Lord Elgin Hotel on November 27th, at 7 pm.

The session features a presentation and a chance to talk with UNB representatives about admissions, scholarships, student life and more. (KW Nov. 27)

Canadian Education Exchange Foundation - Information evening for interested parents and students taking place Thursday, November 27th, 2014 at 7:30 pm at 440 Albert Street, Ottawa (Former Tech HS building)  Room C115. (KW Nov. 27)

LF French Tutor (immersion) for a grade 6 boy attending St. Luke elementary school. Looking for help once a week to start.  If interested, please contact Mr. Kay at 613-823-8482. Thank you.

Saturday, November 15th from 9am to 2pm - Open House - Saint Paul University.  For more information, please contact recruitment officer, Emilie Fournier, at 613-236-1393 ext 2580 or by e-mail efournier@ustpaul.ca (KW Nov. 15)


LF for volunteers to work with children at activity stations on Saturday, December 6th (Manotick Family Christmas Party) at the Manotick United Church from1:00 pm to 4:30 pm.  You must provide your own transportation to and from the church.  Please contact Laurel Slattery or Donna Ouellette at 613-692-4625. (KW Dec. 6)

Community Service Hours for the Nepean Ringette Association.  Need your help at the Nepean Sportsplex and the Walter Baker Sports Centre during their tournament - Thursday, November 13th to Sunday, November 16th.  For more information, please contact the Student Volunteer Coordinator Annu Chopra at tourn_volunteer@nepeanringette.ca (KW Nov. 16)

The Ravines Retirement Residence (Prince of Wales and Colonnade) Activities include but not limited to coffee club, walking club, gardening club, social hour, bingo, afternoon tea and outings.  Please contact Sonia Makus, Activity Aide - The Ravines at 613-288-7900 extension 1001.


FOR THE LATEST GRAD AND PROM INFORMATION, CHECK THE STUDENT SERVICES GRAD WEBPAGE: https://sites.google.com/a/ocsb.ca/teh-student-services-information/home/grade-12-information/graduation-prom-grad-day-info

Come order your grad ring!  A Jostens' representative will be here on Monday, November 17th and Tuesday, November 18th, in the atrium outside Student Services during senior lunch time. Come check out the rings! (KW Nov. 18)

University of Ottawa Information evening in Kanata, Wednesday, November 12th, Holiday Inn & Suites Kanata, 101 Kanata Avenue, English presentation is at 7:30pm. (KW Nov. 12)

University of Ottawa Information Evening: currents students will be in attendance to discuss programs and answer any questions: Wednesday, November 12 (JH Nov. 12)

Holiday Inn & Suites Kanata

101 Kanata Avenue

Bilingual Information Fair: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

English presentation: 7:30 p.m.

French presentation: 7:30 p.m.

Meet and Greet: 8:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Attention all Grade 12 Students.  It's graduation portrait time from Monday, November 17th to Thursday, November 20th. Friday, November 21st is a PD day so no school/appointments. 

Book your appointment online.  Go to www.bookmygrad.ca.  Our school code is MTH.  Select a session type, day and time.  Fill out your contact information.  Your student number is required to schedule an appointment.  Pay online with Paypal or bring your session fee to the camera at the time of your sitting.  Cash or cheque only. Check your email for confirmation that your appointment was successfully booked. (KW Nov. 17)



St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit www.st-monica.com

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca

clip_image004 Mother Teresa

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