Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 1 - HS & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8

How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers…


Welcome back to Staff and Students!

Student Picture day is September 10th. (DD Sep. 10)

· YEARBOOKS: Please be advised that any student who has paid for a yearbook but not yet picked it up, they are available in the main office for pickup. (DD Sept. 6)

clip_image004[4]Learning Commons Information

  • Looking for help accessing your timetable?  Drop by the Learning Commons for assistance.  We can help you get to where you need to be as well as help you get your password reset so you can access that information yourself.
  • Grade 7/8 Students are invited to stop by before school in the morning to pick up a Learning Commons Pass.  On Monday / Wednesday / Friday, grade 7 students are welcome to come after eating in the cafeteria on your lunch time.  On Tuesday / Thursday / Friday, grade 8 students are welcome.  Come see what the Learning Commons has to offer!

· All girls Field Hockey players are asked to meet Ms. Pendergest on the side soccer field on Wednesday September 3rd, at 3pm, for a brief practice/meeting. Also, any H.S. girls (grades 9-12) interested in joining this year's Girls Field Hockey team are asked to come to the try-out/first practice on Wednesday September 3rd. Plan to be outside from 3pm until 4pm. No equipment necessary to try-out, however please wear regular phys-ed attire and running shoes. See Ms. Pendergest in room 234 for more information if needed. (CP Sept. 3)


· Any High School student interested in joining the outdoor club is asked to meet in room 103 at 11:45 am on Monday September the 8. We will be discussing the activities for this year. (MF Sept. 8)

  • All grade 7 students are invited to Mother Teresa's Honk N'Blow on Wednesday September 10 at Mother Teresa HS. Come and try all the instruments before your Music class begins. The fun starts at 6 PM! (IC Sept. 10)
  • If you are a high school student and are interested in furthering and improving your vocal music abilities, Mr. Linke will be continuing last year's vocal program on an extra-curricular basis starting in the third week of September.  The goal will be to build your skill level, perform at school functions and prepare you to perform on a competitive level at local festivals. Rehearsals will be Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting on September 16th.  Sign up on the stage door. This year's drama production will be Alice in Wonderland.  Auditions will start next week and there will be an information session this Friday at the beginning of senior lunch on the stage.  Audition sign-ups will be on the stage door starting Thursday, September 4th. (RL Sept. 16)

· Cappies 2014-2015 -- For all those interested in joining or finding out more about the MT Cappies team, please come to Rm 138 after school on Tuesday.  If you can't make the meeting, see Mrs. Simpson. (JS Sept. 9)

· There will be a try-out for all girls who are interested in playing for the Varsity Girls Basketball team.  Next Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school. (KS Sept. 11)

  • Leadership camp Leaders: There will be a mandatory meeting this Friday, at lunch, in the chapel for all Leaders. Please meet with your partners prior to attending regarding the activities you signed up to
    run. (CV Sept. 5)

· All Leadership Camp Participants: Your final payment of $60 for camp is now due. Please see Mrs. Byrne in room 200 before school, or during periods 1 or 2 with a cheque. If you did not submit your permission form, or still wish to attend, please bring all paperwork to room 200 by Friday, September 5th. There will be a meeting for ALL participants, Wednesday, September 10th in the chapel. Attendance is mandatory. Camp runs September
15-17. (CV Sept. 10)

· Junior and Senior Boys Soccer tryouts will take place on Wednesday, September 3rd 2014 and Thursday, September 4th 2014 - tryouts will be held on the field across the street from the entrance of the front of the school - Both tryouts will begin at 3:10pm - if you have any questions please see Mr. Rowley (Room 136) or Mr. Gervasi (Room 309) (MR Sept.3)

  • Those grade 11 and 12 students interested in the New York City trip in May 2015 are asked to attend an infromation meeting in Room 136 on Friday, September 5th 2014 at 11:30am (start of lunch) - if you have any questions please see Mr. Rowley (Room 136) (MR Sept. 5)
  • MT Open Boys Basketball Gym Nights begin Monday, September 8th 2014 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm (open to MT High School Boys only) -  if you have any questions please see Mr. Rowley (Room 136) (MR Sept. 8)

· Attention all high school students (Gr. 9-12) who are interested in becoming a Peer Helper for this school year, please attend a short information meeting on Friday, Sept. 5 at the beginning of lunch in room 302.  Please be prompt as the meeting will commence at 11:30am. (MB Sept. 5)

· Varsity Football: High School students interested in playing football this season need to stop by room 119 today at 3:00 to pick up equipment. The team's first practice will be on Wednesday. (AC Sept. 3)

· Students currently enrolled in PLF4C (Rec Leadership) must meet in room 117(Mr. Baird's room) today at 11:30...bring your lunch. (RB Sept. 2)

New this year at MT is the HISTORY ON FILM CLUB.The main requirements for this club are: 1) Do you like to watch movies? 2) Do you like good company while watching movies? and 3) Do you like discussing said movies with friends? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this Club is for you. We will be watching any genre of film from any era in history and the choices will be UP TO YOU, so please come to Room 304 during lunch any time this week to sign-up and if you have any questions please see Mrs. Galbraith. I hope to see you there!!! (MG Sept. 5)

· Welcome back all you runners out there and anyone who just wants to run to get in shape. The High School Cross Country team will have sign-ups ALL THIS WEEK in room 304 during lunch and all NEXT WEEK. Please see Mrs. Galbraith for more information. Practices for Week 1 will be Wednesday and Thursday after school. Please meet in the atrium dressed and ready to run! (MG Sept. 12)

clip_image006[4]STUDENT SERVICES

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at is set up as an information tool, including information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships, etc.


St. Patricks Church is looking for volunteers for their annual Fall Harvest Dinner. Looking for servers. Contact is Helen Bergeron, email is Sept. 28)

clip_image008[4]GRADE 12’s / GRADS




St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit


clip_image013[4] Mother Teresa

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