Daily Announcements

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 2 - HS & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8



Lunch Club Sign Up:  Sign up in the learning commons to participate in the various lunch clubs that we will be running this semester / year.

Mondays 7/8 Lunch:  Grade 8 Games Club (video games, board games, card games)

Tuesdays 7/8 Lunch:  Grade 7 Games Club (video games, board games, card games)

Thursdays 7/8 Lunch:  Tinker Thursdays (robotics, computer programming, maker)

Fridays 7/8 Lunch:  Red Maple Book Club (book talks, reading club)

Thursdays HS Lunch: Tinker Thursdays (robotics, computer programming, maker)

Fridays HS Lunch:  White Pine Book Club (book talks, reading club)

Grade 7/8 Students are invited to stop by before school in the morning to pick up a Learning Commons Pass.  On Monday /Wednesday /Friday, grade 8 students are welcome to come after eating in the cafeteria on your lunch time.  On Tuesday / Thursday / Friday, grade 7 students are welcome.  Come see what the Learning Commons has to offer!  No passes required before or after school.

Visit http://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/OCSB today to register for your FREE Virtual Library Card from the Ottawa Public Library.

Thrive: Please join us on Wednesday, October 1st in the Chapel during High School lunch for our first meeting of “Thrive”, a Christian group committed to studying and understanding the bible as well as walking and growing deeper in our faith. Whether you are a different religion, are interested in a relationship with Jesus or are a Christian looking for some fellow believers to hang out with, you are welcome! Hope to see you there. (LD Oct. 1)


All grade 7/8 students that have signed up for 7/8 Photography Club are invited to the first meeting on Wednesday, October 1st from 12:45 - 1:00 in the Learning Commons.  Please be prompt. (HL Oct. 1)

There will be tryouts on Wednesday October 1 @ 7:15am and Friday October 3 in the caf gym from 3:00-4:30pm for all 7-8 girls that signed up for volleyball. (JB Oct. 3)

Boys Flag Rugby Practice will take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3-4.  Please bring water and cleats.  See Mrs. DePippo in roon 237 if you have a conflict.  (JD Oct. 2)

The tryouts for the 7/8 Boys Volleyball Team will be Wednesday October 1st and Thursday October 2nd at 7:30 am.  If you have not signed up yet, please do so outside of room 238.  (KB Oct. 2)


Senior Boys Volleyball Schedule this week: Tuesday & Friday practice @ 7:15 am and Monday & Wednesday games @ 4:00. (MC Oct. 3)

Do you have talent??? Perform at the upcoming Talent Show and Coffee House on November 12th 7-9pm. Signups for “Mocha Teresa” are posted outside room 216.  Auditions will be held October 20th – 24th at lunch and after school in the multipurpose room.  Self tapes may also be submitted to mthstalentshow2014@gmail.com.  Sign up now! (SM Oct. 20)


All Grade 11 and 12 students going on the Ancient History trip to Toronto are reminded to pick up their permission form and submit their forms and cheques by October 8th at the latest.  Please see Mrs. Galbraith in room 304 if you need more details.  Spots are filling up.  Get your form in today. (MG Oct. 4)

Attention all High School Swimmers - Sign up all week outside room 205 for the high school swim team. Our first meeting will be at the start of lunch in room 205 on Friday October 3.  See Mr. Cote or Mrs. Sinclair if you can't attend. Practices at Walter Baker Pool will begin in November. No swimming experience necessary. (JS Oct. 3)

Business Competition!  Submit a team to compete in the annual High School Perfect Pitch Competition being held at Ottawa University on October 15th.  Help us defend our title!  (Mother Teresa students have won the last three years in a row!!!)  More information is available on The Business Buzz information board outside room 216.  Those interested will have an opportunity to sign up for a preparation workshop being held during period 1 or 2 on October 1st.  Sign up now! (SM Oct. 1)

Cappies: The date of the critics training session is October 16. (JS Oct. 16)

CIBC Run for the Cure: On October 5th, the City is hosting the CIBC run for the cure.  If you are interested in completing some volunteer hours or making an MT running team, come in and talk with Mr. Côté in room 315 Wednesday September 17th at lunch. (PC Oct. 17)


The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool, including information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships, etc.

Driver Education Forms are available in Student Services.  Registration period is until October 15th.

Sign up quickly as class sizes are limited. (KW Oct. 15)

Study and Go Abroad Fair - Thursday, October 2nd at the Ottawa Convention Centre. Expo from 2pm to 6pm and seminars start at 1pm.  Visit www.studyandgoabroad.com

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board - Night School - Fall 2014. Come pick up your registration form from Student Services, complete it, have a parent/guardian sign it, have your counsellor sign it. Then register: Registration is from now until Friday, September 12th during the day at Continuing Education, 440 Albert Streeet, from 9 am to 3:30 pm.  Evening registration is at the school offering your course choice (either Adult HS or Merivale HS) on Tuesday, September 9th from 6pm to 7:30pm and Wednesday, September 10th from 6pm to 7:30pm. 

Saturday, November 15th from 9am to 2pm - Open House - Saint Paul University.  For more information, please contact recruitment officer, Emilie Fournier, at 613-236-1393 ext 2580 or by e-mail efournier@ustpaul.ca (KW Nov. 15)


St. Luke is looking for two volunteers to help with movie night on October 17 from 5-9:30ish. Please contact stlukevolunteers@gmail.com if you are able to help out. (ER Oct. 17)

Volunteers Needed - Thursday, October 9th, 4pm - 9pm, 199 Berrigan for the Berrigan Elementary School BBQ.  Duties may include set up, monitoring activities, face painting, distributing food orders and clean up. (1 hour shifts).  Please email Esmat at :  salameh252@yahoo.ca (KW Oct. 9)

Volunteer Opportunity at The Ravines Retirement Residence (Prince of Wales and Colonnade).

Activities include but not limited to coffee club, walking club, gardening club, social hour, bingo, afternoon tea and outings.  Please contact Sonia Makus, Activity Aide - The Ravines at 613-288-7900 extension 1001.


FOR THE LATEST GRAD AND PROM INFORMATION, CHECK THE STUDENT SERVICES GRAD WEBPAGE: https://sites.google.com/a/ocsb.ca/teh-student-services-information/home/grade-12-information/graduation-prom-grad-day-info

College and University visits - September and October 2014

October 1:    Ottawa University, 1:30 pm, location TBD

October 7:    St. Lawrence College visit at 11:25 am in the atrium.

October 8:    Carleton University visit from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm in Room 131

October 14:  Trent University, 1:15pm, location TBD

October 15:  Cape Breton University, 11:30 am in the atrium

October 23:  Algonquin College, 1:45pm, location TBD

October 29:  Queen University, 9:00 - 10:00, location TBD



St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit www.st-monica.com

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca

clip_image003 Mother Teresa

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