Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 1 - HS & Day 1 - Gr. 7 & 8

Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.


Mother Teresa High School Parent Info Session on June 3rd from 7:00-8:00pm. Please click on link to view more information. (MR June 3)

clip_image004Amazing Race Schedule (MN June 3)





8:40- 8:50



8:50- 9:30



9:30- 10:10


10:10- 10:16

Snack Break


10:16- 11:00




All students on extended lunch



Please take attendance and students dismissed at 11:00. Leave books and return to class for 12:45


1:27- 2:08





clip_image006This Week in the Learning Commons

Tuesday: ECL Class Graduation in the morning.  Learning Commons Closed all morning.

Animanga (High School Anime Club) - HS Lunch

Thursday:  Grade 7 Games Club - 7/8 Lunch

Friday:  Animanga (High School Anime Club) - HS Lunch

Grade 8 Games Club - 7/8 Lunch

**Please remember that Library passes will be available only to Grade 8 Students on Mondays and Wednesdays, only to Grade 7 Students on Tuesdays and Thursdays, to both Grade 7 & 8 Students on Fridays.**

clip_image007Choir Practice - Wednesday June 4th Room 202  (Ms. Soprovich) at high school lunch: Thursday June 5th, Room 115 (Mr. Currie) at high school lunch. Bring folders, lunch, water bottles and be prepared to sing! (SS June 5)

clip_image009ATTENTION ALL ACTIVE TITANS!  Support your healthy lifestyle and support your school at the same time!  Monday, June 9th is the last day to submit your order for high quality, white, ankle-length athletic socks.  These anti-blister, odor free, longer lasting socks are available to purchase in single pairs ($6), 6 for $25 , or 12 for $45.  Order forms are available in room 213, by contacting holly.todd@ocsbstudent.ca or may be downloaded at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tzaot7h-hyxqtDrWR49oLrIyGvgJsBBSCsTuFH9R7iw/edit?usp=sharingSpring into Summer with Socks in the School! (SM June 9)


clip_image0117-8 boys softball- there will be a practice on Tuesday June 3 from 3-4:30pm (JB June 3)



clip_image014The High School Athletic Banquet will be held here at MT on Wednesday, June 11th @ 6:30 pm.  Dinner @ 6:30pm, Awards @ 7:30pm. Athletes can pick up their banquet ticket during lunch at the Tuck Shop starting Thursday, June 5th.  Last day will be Tuesday, June 10th. Athletes are reminded to make sure that outstanding uniforms, fees, etc.

are returned to their coach or Mr.Liska in order to receive their tickets. (JL June 10)

clip_image016Leadership Camp Team Leaders: All 2014 Leadership Camp Team Leaders are asked to attend a meeting on Wednesday June 4th during HS lunch in Student Services.  Please bring your lunch. (EB June 4)

clip_image018 2014 Leadership Camp: Any high school student, who has not attended HS leadership camp in the past, and is interested in attending this September is asked to pick up an application in Student Services.  Deadline to submit your application is June 11th. (EB June 11)

Student Provincial Vote June 6: Grades 9 to 12:

There will be a student vote in the atrium on Friday, June 6. Students will have the opportunity to vote for a member of provincial parliament (MPP).  Please research the different platforms of the following candidates and provincial parties so you can make an informed decision. See you at the polls!  (AC June 6)

Coreen Corcoran         Libertarian Party                www.libertarian.on.ca
Ric Dagenais               Ontario New Democratic Party    www.ontariondp.ca

Gordon Kubanek          Green Party of Ontario          www.gpo.ca

Lisa MacLeod              Pogressive Conservative Party of Ontario    www.ontariopc.com
Jack Uppal                   Ontario Liberal Party           www.ontarioliberal.ca
STUDENT SERVICES clip_image020

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool, including information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships, etc.

clip_image022The Barrhaven Tennis Club is hosting a Youth Summer Slam for students interested in trying tennis and getting involved. It's a fun atmosphere with friends being hosted on Friday nights, starting June 6th. Information is posted on the bulletin boards outside the gyms.  All are welcome - bring a friend. (JL June 6)

clip_image024 St. Luke's is looking for 20 student volunteers to help out at our end of year dance on June 13. Hours are from 4-9:30(ish) Please emailstlukevolunteers@gmail.com to sign up. (ER June 13)

clip_image026 St. Andrew is looking for volunteers from 4:45-7:15 for their End of the Year BBQ, on Thursday June 5th to help setup, serve, and take down afterwards. If you are available, please email emmajgrimes@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you there! (NP June 5)

clip_image028 The life for Dew Committee is a fundraising group formed to help in raising funds to cover the costs involved in Dew's recovery from as recent double lung transplant.  As a part of the fundraising efforts, this group will be providing Food Services for an annual softball tournament in Richmond.

The tournament takes place June 21/22 and September 6/7, 2014. Location is Richmond Lions Community Park on Huntley, near the arena.  For more information, please contact Terry at tl.garwood@hotmail.com or at 613-728-3525. (KW June 21)

clip_image030 Barrhaven Run for Roger's House, June 7th, at Mother Teresa High School.  Need volunteers. All volunteers will receive an event t-shirt and ticket to the BBQ after the event.  For more information, see Student Services.  You can also contact Shannon Sullivan at instridevolunteers@gmail.com and at 613-884-6948. (KW June 7)

clip_image031 All Terrain Kids Triathlon, June 21st, Baxter Conservation Area, Kars: Sweet Dreams Foundation.  Volunteers needed.  All volunteers will receive an event t-shirt and ticket to the BBQ after the event.  You can also contact Shannon Sullivan at instridevolunteers@gmail.com and at 613-884-6948.  For more information, see Student Services. (KW June 21)


Number of spots available: 30

Date: June 10 2014
Hours: 4-9pm
Location: Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary school 601 Longfields Drive Barrhaven
Contact:  Rebecca by email at:    optimistar04@gmail.com
**Please note: P-E-T is a French elementary school so french speaking students are preferable but not mandatory**. (KW June 9)

Current Volunteer Opportunities: Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or ottawavolunteer@ontario.cancer.ca

clip_image033Run or Dye - June 21th – As the chosen charity The Society will be remunerated for all volunteers and participants registered using code CCSOTT14. (KW Jun. 21)

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or ottawavolunteer@ontario.cancer.ca

clip_image035RELAY FOR LIFE

Ottawa South – May 23rd – 24th,Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm

Ottawa Centre – June 06th – 07th,Nepean Sportsplex

Ottawa East – June 13th – 14th, Millennium Park

Ottawa West – June 13th – 14th, Walter Baker Park.

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or ottawavolunteer@ontario.cancer.ca

clip_image037Hope Volleyball July 12th Please help us thank Max Keeping for his ongoing support by helping with security at the Hope Volleyball event in support of the Max Keeping Foundation. (KW Jun 12)

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or ottawavolunteer@ontario.cancer.ca

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image039





COMMUNITY CORNER clip_image041


St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit www.st-monica.com

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca


clip_image046COMING UP….

June 3, 2014: ECL Graduation

June 3, 2014: Parent Presentation: Mental Health

clip_image048 Mother Teresa… Did you know…??

The Catholic Church has begun to move Mother Teresa along the steps toward sainthood, and she was beatified in 2003. Her official title is now Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. (legacy.com)

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