Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 2 - HS & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.


Mother Teresa High School Parent Info Session on June 3rd from 7:00-8:00pm. Please click on link to view more information. (MR June 3)

CHOIR PRACTICE: Year- end performance practice. Come to Rm 202 at the beginning of high school lunch - bring your lunch, music folder and water. Email, tweet, and talk to each other so that we can get everyone out for the practice. (SS May 23)


clip_image003All GRADE 7 AND 8 CONCERT BAND MEMBERS are invited to room 120 for a pizza+ lunch this Friday, May 23. See you all then! (IC May 23)

clip_image0057/8 GIRLS SOFTBALL:  Any grade 7/8 girls interested in trying out for the 7/8 girls softball team are asked to sign up outside room 333. (KS May 26)


MTSAID: All members are asked to attend a Meeting this Friday, May 23, at lunch in room 326 to finish working on Kiss bags. (ZM May 23)

STUDENT SERVICES clip_image007

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at is set up as an information tool, including information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships, etc.


Number of spots available: 30

Date: June 10 2014
Hours: 4-9pm
Location: Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary school 601 Longfields Drive Barrhaven
Contact:  Rebecca by email at:
**Please note: P-E-T is a French elementary school so french speaking students are preferable but not mandatory**. (KW June 9)

Current Volunteer Opportunities: Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or

clip_image009Ottawa Race Weekend Running Expo- May 22-25th Greet all our participants and to hand out running jerseys to our top fundraisers. It will be a busy and energy filled weekend! (KW May 25)

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or

clip_image011Run or Dye - June 21th – As the chosen charity The Society will be remunerated for all volunteers and participants registered using code CCSOTT14. (KW Jun. 21)

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or

clip_image013RELAY FOR LIFE

Ottawa South – May 23rd – 24th,Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm

Ottawa Centre – June 06th – 07th,Nepean Sportsplex

Ottawa East – June 13th – 14th, Millennium Park

Ottawa West – June 13th – 14th, Walter Baker Park.

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or

clip_image015Hope Volleyball July 12th Please help us thank Max Keeping for his ongoing support by helping with security at the Hope Volleyball event in support of the Max Keeping Foundation. (KW Jun 12)

Sign up online using the QR Code or contact us at (613) 723-1744 ext. 3623 or

clip_image017The Royal City Soccer Club is looking for volunteers, C.I.Ts and Co-op students for their summer camps.  Students interested in applying can visit their website at and apply online (preferred). (KW May 23)

SUMMER SCHOOL FORMS: Summer School Forms are now available in Student Services. (KW May 23)

clip_image019ABORIGINAL YOUTH CREATIVE WRITING AWARD.  The Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration is looking for submissions for the James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Award.  Creative writing pieces may include short stories, poems, essays, plays, songs or even comic strips.  Recipients will receive a cash award of $2,500 each. Submission forms and more information are available at, or by phone at:

1 877 832-8622.  Submissions must be received by May 31, 2014.  See poster on the Student Services Board in the atrium. (KW –May 23)

clip_image021VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! FUN GUARANTEED! Canada Day in Barrhaven runs exclusively on volunteer power. We are looking for volunteers to help out before, during and after the event. We are looking for responsible, enthusiastic, energetic individuals that want to come and enjoy Canada Day by helping out and getting involved in the community. Can you help out? Please contact us whether you can spare an hour or more. For more information or to become a volunteer, please send us an email: (KZ –May23)

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image023



clip_image025Students can pick up Prom invitations on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at lunch in the atrium. Please note that volunteer hours, guest information and behavior contract must be handed in before you get the ticket. (JR May 23)

clip_image027GRADUATING STUDENTS – POLICIES AND DEADLINES:  In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June.  As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa:

· PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance.  The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by Friday May 23rd, 2014.

  • GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Monday June 09, 2014.

Forms are available in Student Services, or on the Mother Teresa website. (JH –May 23)

clip_image029THE ONTARIO STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (OSAP). You are invited to a presentation on Thursday, May 22nd from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at A.Y. Jackson Secondary School, 150 Abbeyhill Drive, Kanata.  Also attending are representatives from Algonquin College, Carleton University, Saint Paul University and University of Ottawa.  6:30-7:00 meet and greet, 7:00-7:30 powerpoint presentation from OSAP, 7:30-8:00 Questions and Answers.  RSVP at 613-836-5194. (KW May 22)

GRADUATION CEREMONY TICKETS: The Graduation Ceremony will take place at Mother Teresa HS on Thursday June 26 from 1:00 - 3:00pm. Please note that each graduate will be given 2 tickets for guests. Students can request extra tickets by signing up in Student Services between Thursday May 1st and Friday May 23. No extra tickets can be requested after May 23. Students will be informed exactly how many extra tickets they will receive shortly there after. (JH May 23)


clip_image031 JEANS DAY: A reminder that Friday May 23rd is Jeans Day. This week our contributions will go towards Threads of Life, which is a National Charity that provides help and support to families who have had a family member killed or injured in a workplace accident. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. (KM–May 23)

COMMUNITY CORNER clip_image033


St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit


clip_image038COMING UP….

May 30, 2014: PROM- 5:30-11:00pm- Sala San Marco

clip_image040 Mother Teresa… Did you know…??

The Catholic Church has begun to move Mother Teresa along the steps toward sainthood, and she was beatified in 2003. Her official title is now Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. (

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