‘Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 2- H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8

Life is an adventure, dare it.


Priesthood Ordination of Deacon Matthew: You are invited to attend the ordination to the priesthood of Deacon Matthew Keshwah which will be held Saturday January 25th at 10am in Notre-Dame Cathedral downtown Ottawa. Deacon Matthew is serving in St. Andrew's Parish and has been visiting Mt religion classes. We are excited and honoured to be part of his journey to the priesthood, and pray for his continued discernment and ministry as a priest. (LD Jan 25)

7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS clip_image004

clip_image006Boys interested is trying out for the Boys Basketball team are asked to come to room 337 Friday (Jan 24) at the beginning of lunch to sign up and get information. This meeting is mandatory. (DL Jan 24)

clip_image008 Just a reminder to parents and students in grade 7 & 8 concerning Immunizations. Immunizations through the City Of Ottawa Public Health  will continue for Mother Teresa students on January 22nd and 23rd.  This round will consist of Menactra (all grade 7/8 boys and girls), HPV (grade 8 girls only) and any one who missed the Hepatitis B immunization in the fall. Parents were sent home consent forms via Ottawa Public Health earlier this year. Any questions, please contact the city of Ottawa Public Health Dept at (613) 580-6744 ext 24224. (MR Jan 23)


Final list is posted for the Boys Floorball team by the phys-ed office. Thanks to all who tried out!

Boys Titan Floorball practices for next week--- Mon. Jan 20 (after school), Wed Jan 22 (after school) and Friday Jan 24 (after school). They will be taking place from 3-4 in the cafe gym. (GR Jan. 25)


KINDNESS WEEK COMMITTEE: Plan in motion! Hey! Last meeting was full of great ideas!  We're looking for members to help set them in motion.  Come to 311 this Fridaylunch to help all TITANS and your community service hours! (PC Jan 24)

clip_image011 Sr. Wrestling conditioning practice will be cancelled for today, Tuesday, Jan 21st. Practice will remain for Wednesday and Thursday on the mats. (JL Jan 23)

High School Students: In order to view your schedule for semester 2

· Go to my.mths.ca

· At the top right is the login button.

· Students must use their school gmail account to login.

· click Accept --It is that easy

School gmail account: Example john.smith@ocsbstudent.ca plus their password.

If the student has not logged into their account this year the password is Welcome2FL (F=First name initial and N=last name initial, both Capital letter, they should then change their password) (MR Jan 25)

clip_image013 Alpine Ski Team's first race is on Tuesday February 4 at Mont Cascades. All grades and levels will be able to race in this All Catholic ski race.Racers should be at school by 7 am to catch the bus. Please see Mrs. Brady if you have any questions. (AB Jan 24)

MTSAID: All MTSAID members are asked to attend a meeting on Thursday, January 23 at lunch in room 326.  Please wear your MTSAID T-shirt, so we can take a photo for the Yearbook. (ZM Jan 23)

clip_image015 Any high school girl interested in being a member of MT's Varsity Girls Futsal Team is invited to come tryout on Tuesday, February 4th @ 7:20AM SHARP!  If you have any questions please see Mr. Nicoletti or Ms. McSwiggan. (SM Feb 4)

STUDENT SERVICES clip_image017

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool.

Includes information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.

NEED STUDENT VOLUNTEER HOURS! Join the dynamic team putting on Annie-The Board-wide Broadway Musical to help raise funds for the Catholic Education Foundation of Ottawa and earn volunteer hours.  All funds raised remain in our Catholic Schools to support those who are in most need. Students can earn volunteer hours selling food in a canteen, taking tickets, handing out programs or working backstage at rehearsals and shows.  Shows run February 13-16/19-22, 2014.  Contact Joanne.MacEwan@ocsb.ca 613-842-0166 (call or text) (KW Feb. 13)

LF for volunteers for the ByWard Market, BIA Annual Stew Cook-Off on February 7th. 

It is a yearly charitable stew competition held between restaurants in the ByWard Market.  The event goes from 11:00am to 2:00pm.  We are seeking volunteers to assist in set up and take down of our event.  Please contact Angel Caldwell at 613-562-3325.  Poster with more information will be available next week. (KW Feb 7)

Carleton U's undergraduate students can help you prepare for your physics and advanced functions exams - the most critical subjects for entry into engineering programs.  Saturday, January 18th and 25th, 2014; 10 am to 12 pm.  Register in advance for these free sessions: carleton.ca/engineering-design/outreach/tutor.  Questions?  Ask ODEng@carleton.ca (KW Jan 25)

Saint-Paul University has an open house on Wednesday, January 22nd from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

4 scholarships of $1,000 to be awarded.  Register online at www.ustpaul.ca (KW Jan 22)

Explore is a five-week language-immersion course (spring or summer). Participants live in a student residence on campus or with a homestay family whose members speak French.  Participants in Explore receive a $2,200 bursary that covers tuition fees for the course, meals, accommodations, workshops, but the bursary does not cover other necessary costs such as registration fee ($225 non-refundable and payable only if you receive a bursary), travel costs, optional activities, spending money.  See brochures in Student  Services.   To be eligible to apply, you must meet all of the following criteria:  be a canadian citizen or permanent resident; be at least in Grade 11 during the current school year; have been a full-time student for at least one term during the current school year.   You must also be at least 16 years old.  To see a detailed list of the participating colleges and universities across Canada, go to their website:  www.myexplore.ca and to apply, visit www.myexplore.ca/apply

SAT Prep At Ashbury College.  Students will learn test-taking strategies and develop the necessary math, reading, grammar and writing skills to increase scores and achieve their admission goals.

Class session:  Six 4 hour sessions, December 21st - January 18th, 2014.  Location:  Ashbury College.  Time:  Saturdays 10 am to 2pm; Wednesdays5:30pm - 9:30pm.  Dates:  Dec 21, Jan, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18. Final SAT simulation test-Sunday, January 19th, 2014 from 10 am to 2 pm at Ashbury College.  Official SAT date is January 25th, 2014. Students/Parents must register for the official SAT exam at www.collegeboard.com.  Register at:  http://www.prepskills.net/app/RegisterSAT.aspx (Select Ashbury College from the drop down menu) (KW Jan 25)

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image019




clip_image021clip_image023GRADUATING STUDENTS – POLICIES AND DEADLINES:  In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June.  As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa:

· PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance.  The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by Friday May 23rd , 2014.

  • GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Monday June 9th, 2014.

Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (JH Jan 24)

clip_image025clip_image027GRADUATION INFO: The MT Graduation Ceremony for the class of 2014 will be held at Mother Teresa on Thursday June 26, 2014 (As of now, time to be determined). Each student will be given 2 tickets for guests. Students will be able to request extra tickets by signing up in Student Services between May 1st and May 23rd . Students will be informed whether they will get extra tickets, in early June. (JH –Jan 24)

The new StudentAwards offers students

access to money for school.

peer advice on all sorts of school-related topics.

a new, enhanced user experience.

the ability to filter their awards and contests to more quickly access the information they need.


STAFF clip_image029

COMMUNITY CORNER clip_image031


St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit www.st-monica.com

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca


clip_image036COMING UP….

January 22-23 7/8 Immunization

January 27-30- High School Exams

January 31- PD Day No School

clip_image038 Mother Teresa… Did you know…??

The Catholic Church has begun to move Mother Teresa along the steps toward sainthood, and she was beatified in 2003. Her official title is now Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. (legacy.com)

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