Friday, December 6 , 2013

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 1 - Gr. 7 & 8

The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.


Students with overdue books and fines are asked to go to the Learning Commons after morning announcements. (MP Dec 6)

clip_image004 SKI/SNOWBOARD CLUB: Forms are available in the main office or the MT website. Forms are due back by December 14th and can be dropped off in the main office, Rm.320 or Rm. 213. (KN Dec 14)

clip_image006ATTENTION ALL ARTISTS/PERFORMERS: Grade 7-12 students are invited to submit a piece of art or media for the CCSTA (Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association) “Share Your Gifts Contest”. Students are invited to create a performance, piece of art, or media, which answers the question: “What does Catholic Education mean to you?” Prizes to be won including an ipad mini. Contest ends December 10th, 2013. Please see Ms. Stuart in room 102 to pick up an entry form. (CS Dec 10)


7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS clip_image008

7 and 8 boy's futsal try-out is next Tuesday after school. The first cuts for the girl's team have been made. The girls will have a second try-out next Thursday after school. (CN Dec 12)

Grade 7/8 girls will have Floorball tryouts after school on Monday, December 9 and Wednesday, December 11. (MP Dec 9)

All Grade 7 and 8 boys wanting to try-out or the Titan floorball team please sign-up at Mr Rusch's class room 240. (GR Dec 11)


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The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at is set up as an information tool.

Includes information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.

Study and Go Abroad Fairs.

Ottawa, February 28th, Ottawa Convention Centre

2pm to 6pm

Free Admission

Free Seminars - start one hour before the fair opens

Pre-register online and enter Grand Prize Draws

SAT prep at Ashbury College.  Students will learn test-taking strategies and develop the necessary math, reading, grammar and writing skills to increase scores and achieve their admission goals.

Class session:  Six 4 hour sessions, December 21st - January 18th, 2014.  Location:  Ashbury College.  Time:  Saturdays 10 am to 2pm; Wednesdays5:30pm - 9:30pm.  Dates:  Dec 21, Jan, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18. Final SAT simulation test-Sunday, January 19th, 2014 from 10 am to 2 pm at Ashbury College.  Official SAT date is January 25th, 2014. Students/Parents must register for the official SAT exam at  Register at: (Select Ashbury College from the drop down menu) (KW Dec 18)

St. Luke school is having a Christmas Dance on Dec. 6: We are looking for student volunteers to help with set up, during the dance and clean up after. Volunteer hours are 4:00 to 9:45-10:00 depending on how fast we clean up. Please contact or Mrs. Rundquist in room 308. (KW Dec 6)

Manotick Family Christmas Party: Saturday, December 7th, 2013.  Looking for volunteers.

The party takes place immediately following the Manotick Lions Christmas Parade.  There will be 10 activity stations set up in the basement of the Manotick United Church.  Students interested in working with children from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm on that day are asked to contact Donna Ouellette or Laurel Slattery at 613-692-4635. (KW Dec 7)



clip_image013CANADIAN GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND: will host a gift wrapping station at Rideau Centre, 50 Rideau Street, during all mall hours in the month of December.  We are seeking students to fill two or four hour shifts on any given day.  The volunteer duty involves dealing with the public and wrapping gifts.  There will be adult supervision at all times by a representative of our organization. I can be contacted directly by telephone or email by any students wishing to volunteer.
Steven Doucette
Tel: 613-692-7777
Direct email:

Senior High School students who maintain an average of 80% and who are fluent in English and French are invited to apply to the House of Commons Page Program for the 2014-2015 academic year.  More information is available on the Parliament of Canada Web site.  Applications must be submitted online at  Deadline for applications this year is Monday, December 9, 2013.  Those chosen as Pages will be contracted to work for a period of one year, beginning late August 2014.  (KW Dec 9)

LF a French Tutor for a Grade 7 female student.  Please call Mr. or Mrs. Richardson at either

613-823-5774 or 613-864-1993.  Thank you. (KW)

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image015


ATTENTION MT GRADS! Write-ups for the yearbook are due November 25th. They must be 180 characters long and emailed to Chelsey Aulenback at Please keep in mind that they will be published for all to see so keep it appropriate. (AP Dec 10)

The new StudentAwards offers students

access to money for school.

peer advice on all sorts of school-related topics.

a new, enhanced user experience.

the ability to filter their awards and contests to more quickly access the information they need.


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JEANS DAY: A reminder that Friday Dec 6th is Jeans Day. This week our contributions will go toward our Annual Christmas Basket! Your generosity is greatly appreciated. (KM –Dec 6)

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St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit


clip_image026COMING UP….

December 5- Co-Op Fair

December 19- Last Day of Classes

December 21- First Day of Winter

December 20-January 6- Christmas Break

clip_image028 Mother Teresa… Did you know…??

The Catholic Church has begun to move Mother Teresa along the steps toward sainthood, and she was beatified in 2003. Her official title is now Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. (

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