Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8

Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.


RESILIENT & READY: A Luncheon Conversation for Parents: Date: Thursday, September 26, 2013: Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm (doors open at 11:30am) Location: Centurion Convention Center (170 Colonnade Road) Admission: $25. The second annual Resilient & Ready luncheon is presented by Tomlinson, D.I.F.D. and The Royal in response to a growing desire amongst parents in our community for more information about youth mental health. It follows a successful inaugural event, which reached more than 550 parents. (MR Sep 26)

clip_image004 A LUNG TO RUN: Barrhaven Fall Run, The Give 2 Live Campaign. Saturday October 5, 2013. Register today, visit for more information, come support a great cause and get fit at the same time! (MR Oct 5)

Roy G. Biv club: There will a meeting on Friday (senior Lunch) for the Roy G. Biv club. Traditionally, this group was created to celebrate equality. Anyone in grade 9-12 can join. Come to the Chapel during HS lunch and learn more about how we can re-imagine this group. Please see Leanne (chaplain) for more details. (LD Sep 13)

clip_image006JOSTENS: Mark your calendars. Jostens Rings will be coming in to our school, during senior lunch, on October 23rd, 24th and 25th.  More information to follow soon. (KW Oct 25)

7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS clip_image008

clip_image009ULTIMATE: Any grade 7/8 boys and girls interested in trying out for the 7/8 Ultimate team are asked to sign up outside Rm. 333. Tryouts will be held Wednesday and Thursday of this week. See Mr. Shannon (KS Sep 12)

LUNCH TIME CLUBS: Sign up now for lunch time clubs in the Learning Commons. Next week the Manga/Graphic Novel club will meet every Wednesday and the Game Club will meet every Friday. The Red Maple club will meet every Tuesday, but will not start until mid-October. Please sign up in the Learning Commons (before/after school or at lunch) for any of the above clubs as soon as possible, as year-long library passes will be given to all members. We look forward to seeing you soon.  (NBD Sep 13)

clip_image011BOYS AND GIRLS RUGBY: Any 7/8 boys and girls interested in trying out for flag rugby teams please sign up in front of Mr. Nicoletti's Phys. Ed. office near the C/D gym. Tryouts will start next week. (CN SEP 16)

clip_image013 CROSS-COUNTRY RUNNING: The grade 7/8 cross country running try-outs will begin next Tuesday September 10th after school from 3:00 - 4:00.  Please sign up on Monday September 9th on the list outside Mme Kinloch's classroom. (room 232) On Tuesday we will meet behind the school near the basketball standards.  Please be changed and ready to run. Bring your backpacks outside with you. A water bottle would also be a good idea.

Practices will continue every Tuesday and Thursday after school until the meet on Tuesday September 24th. (JK Sep 24)


MTSAID: Any past members of MTSAID that are interested in helping with set-up and take down of a MADD presentation please see Mrs. Byrne in student services ASAP. (EB Sep 13)

HS LEADERSHIP CAMP PARTICIPANTS: There will be a mandatory meeting for all Leadership Camp participants this Thursday at lunch in the chapel. Please be prompt. (CS Sep 12)

clip_image015 HIGH SCHOOL TUTOR: Any high school student interested in being a tutor for students at Mother Teresa High School, please come to Student Services to fill out an application. Tutoring takes place at the school. For more information go to Student Services. (TC Sep 27)

clip_image017 FUTSAL & SPRING SOCCER: Could any High School girls interested in playing for the futsal and spring soccer team, please come to a short mandatory meeting on Thursday Sept. 12 at the beginning of lunch in the wood floor gym. Please see Mrs. McSwiggan or Mr. Nicoletti if you have any questions. (CN Sep 12)

clip_image019JUNIOR BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM TRYOUTS: Mon. Sept. 16. 6:30 PM – 8:15 PM, Mon. Sept. 23.6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. Any questions please see Mr. Rowley in Rm. 136 (MR Sep 16)

SENIOR BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM TRYOUTS: Mon., SEPT. 16. 4:45 PM – 6:30 PM, Wed., Sept. 18, 4:30 PM 6:00 PM Any questions please see Mr. Rowley in Rm. 136 (MR Sep 18)

clip_image021 WHITE PINE: High school students interested in joining the White Pine reading club are asked to sign up in the Learning Commons. This club will begin meeting in October and will meet informally once a week. Day of the week to be determined. (NBD Sep 13)

MANGA: Any high school students who are interested in joining a Manga/Graphic Novel club are asked to sign up in the Learning Commons. Informal meetings will occur once a week. Day of the week to be determined. (NBD Sep 13)

clip_image023 NEW YORK CITY 2014: Permission forms and first deposits are due on or before Friday, September 27th 2013 to Mr. Rowley in Room 136.  Spots are guaranteed on a first come - first pay basis. (MR Sep 27)

PEER HELPERS: Attention all high school students interested in becoming a peer helper.  There will be a mandatory information meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 11at the beginning of lunch in room 302.  Please be prompt. (MB Sep 11)

clip_image025 GOLF TEAM: Any HS students interested in being part of the high school golf team, please sign up in room 315. Try out will be on Thursday, September 12, at 3:05 pm. (KM Sep 12)

clip_image027 PARIS TRIP: Attention any high school students interested in participating in the Overseas Enrichment Trip in 2014.  The trip will be to Dublin, Wales, London and Paris. Registration is taking place now.  Please see Mr. Buccino in room 302.  All students my sign up by Sept. 30, 2013. (MB Sep 30)

STUDENT SERVICES clip_image029

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at is set up as an information tool.

Includes information about: Community Service Hours Opportunities, Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image031


STAFF clip_image033

Welcome back to all new and returning staff! To a wonderful year ahead.

COMMUNITY CORNER clip_image035


St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit

St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit


clip_image040COMING UP….

September 3, 2013- First day of Semester 1

September 12, 3013- Program night/Meet the teachers

September 17, 2013- Gr. 7 &8 Immunizations

September 23-24- Gr. 7 & 8 Leadership Camp

September 27, 2013- Student Fees due

clip_image042 Mother Teresa… Did you know…??

The Catholic Church has begun to move Mother Teresa along the steps toward sainthood, and she was beatified in 2003. Her official title is now Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. (

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