Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Day 1 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8
Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.
~ Mother Teresa
A CATHOLIC GRADUATE IS… A reflective, creative and holistic thinker, who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good (Apr 29)
2013-2014 STUDENT COUNCIL: Do you have ideas for activities you would like to see happen in our school? Do you have school spirit? Are you reliable? Are you currently in grade 8, 9, 10 or 11? Have you considered running for Student Council? There will be information meetings on Monday April 22 and Tuesday April 23 at the beginning of senior lunch in room 301. Grade 8 students will have one meeting on Tuesday April 23 at the beginning of junior lunch in room 301. Come and see what being a member of Student Council is all about! (NR –Apr 23)
DID YOU BUY A TICKET FOR DINE-IN FOR DARON? If yes, Congratulations....it is a Sold out event! On Wednesday, please remember two things:
1. Go to Homeroom for attendance, then give your HR teacher your ticket as you leave class and proceed to the caf to check in for your hot breakfast.
2. Wear purple. Add to the spirit and compete for the prize for most purple! (SM –Apr 24)
CALLING ALL CANDY LOVERS! On Wednesday April 24th in the atrium, there will be a magnificent purple palace waiting for all the candy lovers to come and buy their delicious candy (at lunch) for only $2.00. All of the money raised will be going to D.I.F.D. to help support mental health. Can’t wait to see you there! (SM –Apr 24)
WORKPLACE SAFETY WEEK: April 22 – 26 is Workplace Safety Week. We have an information letter available in the main office if you wish to read one. (MEA – Apr 24)
POPCORN: The White Pine Club will be having a final popcorn sale this Friday at lunch. $1.00/bag. (CHV –Apr 26)
LEARNING COMMONS POETRY CONTEST: April is Poetry Month and the Learning Commons is celebrating with a poetry contest. Submit your poems up until April 26. Rules: Poem must be your original work and submitted in typed format. Include your name and grade. Any form of poem can be submitted. One poem per person. Four categories: 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, French. Prizes! (CHV –Apr 26)
PIZZA! The prom committee will be selling pizza for $2 a slice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, from now until the end of April. Thank you in advance for your support. (JR –Apr 30)
MINI-ENRICHMENT: ORIENTATION/INFORMATION SESSIONS – GRADES 8 – 11: Students attending mini-enrichment courses (May 6 - 10) are encouraged to attend the information session being held at the University their course is being offered at. The University of Ottawa's Information session is Saturday May 4th and Carleton University's Information session is Sunday, May 5th. For detailed information please visit: www.emcp-pmce.ca, choose "Information/Orientation" at the top of the page and then choose either "Carleton University" or "University of Ottawa". Contact Mrs McLaughlin in room 130 if you have questions. (DM –May 3)
WEDNESDAY MAY 8TH: EDUCATION WEEK OPEN HOUSE: Please come join us beginning at 4:30 to celebrate Education Week at Mother Teresa. We will have department displays, and student performances taking place. As well, you will be able to purchase a fresh made pizza prepared in a wood oven courtesy of Pizza All'Antica. (MR –May 8)
7/8 BOYS TOUCH FOOTBALL: Any 7/8 boy interested in trying out for the 7/8 touch football team, please sign up outside of Mr. Quinn's phys ed office by Tuesday April 23rd. Please listen for tryout dates in the upcoming days. (TQ –Apr 23)
REFUGEES AND HUMAN RIGHTS POETRY CONTEST: Open to Grade 9 and 10 Students. Topic: Refugees and Human Rights. FREE to enter. Poems to be written in English or French. Only one poem, 24 lines or less per person. Entry forms available at www.unhcr.ca. Contest Deadline: 3 May 2013. See poster in English hallway for more details. (SD –May 2)
The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool.
Includes information about: Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.
Check out a great website that posts opportunities throughout the city. http://volunteerottawa.ca/youth/
VOLUNTEER NEEDED: Senior citizen looking for a Grade 12 volunteer to help with lawn maintenance (leaf raking). Please call Mrs. Moon at 613 825-4257. (KW –Apr 26)
ST. BRIGID’S CAMP: We are looking for male counsellors (16-18---preferably completing Grade 11 or 12) who will take care of the campers from Monday to Friday starting on July 1st to July 26th). It is such an important job as nobody matters more in a camper's life----a counsellor is a mom/dad, teacher, role model and best friend who provides a safe environment of leadership, compassion and kindness to so many campers. All information regarding applications and camp is available on our website (www.stbcamp.ca). Contact Camp Director Joanne Cooke at 613 728-3017. (KW –Apr 30)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! FUN GUARANTEED! Canada Day in Barrhaven. We are looking for responsible, enthusiastic, energetic individuals that want to come and enjoy Canada Day by helping out and getting involved in the community. Can you help out? Please contact us whether you can spare an hour or more. For more information or to become a volunteer, please contact: John Scholman, Volunteer Coordinator. volunteer@canadadaybarrhaven.ca. (KZ –Apr 30)
VOLUNTEER HOURS! THE CN CYCLE FOR CHEO event takes place on Sunday, May 5 which is just a few weeks away! There are approximately 80 route assistant positions still open for students (16 years of age and over) who need their community service hours. Students can register on-line at cncycle.ca and will receive an e-mail response confirming their volunteer position. (KW –May 3)
JAMES BARTLEMAN ABORIGINAL YOUTH CREATIVE WRITING AWARD is open to all Aboriginal young people attending school anywhere in Ontario. Get creative! You could write a short story, song, poem, or even a play. Deadline is May 31st. See Poster on the Student Services Bulletin Board in the Atrium. Visit www.ontario.ca/bartleman. email: OntarioHonoursAndAwards@ontario.ca. (KW –May 3)
SUMMER SCHOOL: The Ottawa Catholic School Board Summer School Registration Forms have arrived. Summer school classes run from July 3rd to July 24th. The pre-registration period is from May 1st, 2013 to June 21st, 2013. Students unable to register before this date will have to do so in person on July 2nd from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at all summer school locations. The registration form must be signed by the student, a parent/guardian and a guidance counsellor. (KW –May 15)
COLLEGE NEXT YEAR? By May 1, you must confirm your acceptance to your chosen college program through www.ontariocolleges.ca If you have any questions, stop by Student Services. (KW –Apr 30)
HERE ARE THE DATES OF THE UPCOMING PROM COMMITTEE MEETINGS. They will all take place in the Library Seminar Room at lunch. Please attend in order to be heard. This is the final push until the big event.
Dates: Monday May 6, 2013. Thank you all for your participation. Please see Mrs. Rennick if you are going for a school letter to ensure that you get the proper points. (JR –May 6)
· St. Andrew’s Parish: For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.
- St. Monica’s Parish: For information please visit www.st-monica.com
- St. Patrick’s Fallowfield: For information please visit www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca
ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKING SAFETY 101 PRESENTATION FOR PARENTS: On Wednesday May 1st, we will have Paul Davis at Mother Teresa. In the evening there will be a presentation for parents beginning at 6:30 pm. Topics include: FACEBOOK, CyberBullying, HandHeld Devices, Texting, Legal Matters, and a Common Sense Approach to dealing with the technology your children have, or are asking you for! Free Child care/babysitting will be provided. We ask that where possible, any children needing care be of ages 4 and up (to age 12). You can see reviews of Paul Davis at http://www.socialnetworkingsafety.net. This presentation is only for parents. Signup online at https://docs.google.com/a/ocsb.ca/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFZDNHBkZFRsZlpldHRhMS1HRGJUTnc6MQ#gid=0 (MR –May 1)
- Apr 25 – HS Report Cards go home
- Apr 26 – Co-op Integration Day
- Apr 30 – Gr 6 Parent Information Night 6:30 – 8 pm
- May 6 – 10 – Catholic Education Week
Mother Teresa… Did you know…??
Word began to spread about Teresa’s good works, and soon she had other volunteers wanting to help. By 1950, she was able to start the Mission of Charity – a congregation dedicated to caring for “the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone.” (legacy.com)