Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Day 1 - H.S. & Day 1 - Gr. 7 & 8


If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.  ~ Mother Teresa





clip_image006MINI-ENRICHEMENT – GRADES 8 – 11: Students involved with mini-enrichment courses are reminded to see Mrs McLaughlin in room 130 before the end of the day Wednesday. (DM –Mar 6)

clip_image008LAST CHANCE ON LOST AND FOUND! Check the tables this week because on Friday, all the things are being donated to charity! (SS –Mar 8)

clip_image012PLEASE PRAY: This period of time in the Church is known as ‘sede vacante’, during which the Pope’s chair is empty. The governance of the Church goes into an administrative holding pattern, which lasts until the election of a new Pope. During the Mass, the name of the Pope is omitted. Please pray for the Cardinals, that their hearts may be open to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit as they prepare for conclave, and the election of a new Pope. (JW –Mar 8)

clip_image010PENNIES FOR LENT: Did you know that 2500 pennies can provide clean water for one person for life??  During Lent, MT will be collecting pennies to help people in the developing communities.  In the atrium, students can put their pennies in the Penny Box.  There will be slots for individual homerooms.  So, bring in your pennies and let’s see how many people we can provide clean water for!! (Mar 8)

clip_image014CHOIR PRACTICE FOR MASS IN APRIL: All practices will be held in Rm 119 at lunch. Bring lunch, water bottle and choir folder. Everyone welcome to perform - male voices needed! Music for mass will have a rock theme.  Practice Dates:

  • Thursday March 21st

  • Wednesday March 27th

  • Thursday April 4th (SS –Apr 4)

clip_image016PIZZA!  The prom committee will be selling pizza for $2 a slice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, from now until the end of April. Thank you in advance for your support. (JR –Apr 30)


7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS clip_image018

clip_image0207-8 DRAMA CLUB: This week’s drama schedule: 

  • Tuesday March 5th (Act 1) from 3:00-4:00pm

  • Wednesday March 6th (Act 2) from 3:00-4:00pm

  • Thursday March 7th (Singers and Dancers) 3:00-4:00pm

All rehearsals are mandatory and on the stage. Please stop by room 332 to pick up a schedule for the month of March. (JB –Mar 7)



clip_image022COSTA RICA TRIP:  The parent information meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 5th at 7:30 in room 117.  Any high school student who is interested in next year's  Costa Rica adventure are welcome to come with their parents to this meeting.  Don't miss out, there are only 8-10 spots available. (SR –Mar 5)

ATTENTION ALL PEER HELPERS:  There will be a mandatory meeting on Wednesday (March 6) at 11:30am in room 302 (Mr. Buccino's classroom).  The meeting will not be long so please be prompt. (MB –Mar 6)


CAPPIES GALA CHORUS: Students interested in auditioning for the Cappies' Gala Chorus are welcome to attend the open auditions at Mother Teresa on March 20, after school from 4-5:30.  All high school students are welcome not just those who were involved with the play. (JS –Mar 20)

STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image024

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool.

Includes information about: Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.




Check out a great website that posts opportunities throughout the city.  http://volunteerottawa.ca/youth/

clip_image026LOOKING FOR ONE STUDENT VOLUNTEER to help with prep work for a workshop for Scientists in School Program.  The student volunteer is required to cut wool and raffia for birds' nests.  All materials to complete the task will be provided.  The work can be done at home.  This work can be done over the month of March and into early April.  Please contact Jennifer at 613-823-2235 or see Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services for more information. (KW – Mar 6)

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Polar Party.  Saturday March 9 at the Prince of Wales Manor. This event is connected to the World Wildlife Federation. Volunteers are needed from 12:00 - 5:00pm to run crafts tables, fun games, bake table as well as set up and tear down. Please send an email to LivPolarBear@gmail.com. (JH –Mar 8)


GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image028



CARLETON & OTTAWA UNIVERSITY FOLLOW-UP VISITS: Representatives from Carleton and Ottawa U will be at MT to discuss the next steps in the application process including offers of admissions, how to change program, how to choose university courses, etc.  Ottawa U: Monday March 4 at lunch in the library.  Ottawa U Immersion representative: Tuesday March 5 in the Career Centre. (JH –Mar 5)

clip_image030UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA SPRING OPEN HOUSE: Friday, March 15.  For students who have applied for admission for September. We’ll be offering a variety of presentations, workshops and tours to give university applicants a feel for our campus. For more info visit: uOttawa.ca/events. (JH –Mar 8)


COMMUNITY CORNER  clip_image034


·         St. Andrew’s Parish:  For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

clip_image038MARCH BREAK - BABYSITTING COURSE -AGE 10 – 16: When: Monday March 11th 2013.  Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Ruth E. Dickinson Library. A SMART babysitter has LEADERSHIP SKILLS and INITIATIVE and always keeps SAFETY in mind. Cost: $50 includes an information package & certificate. Bring: a doll or a bear, a small blanket, a pencil, your lunch and healthy snacks. Please register on line at www.biblioOttawaLibrary.ca, or for more information call Elaine Ménard at 613.443.2027. (KZ –Mar 8)



clip_image043COMING UP…

  • Mar 6 – Ski Club (make-up day for Jan 23 cancelled date)

  • Mar 11 – 15 – March Break

  • Mar 29 – Good Friday

  • Apr 1 – Easter Monday



Did you know…??

Inspiration Day: September 10, 1946 on a train journey from Calcutta to Darjeeling, Mother Teresa received the "call within a call," which was to give rise to the Missionaries of Charity Order.

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