Thursday, November 29, 2012


Day 2 - H.S. & Day 5 - Gr. 7 & 8



clip_image002POPCORN: White Pine Club will be selling popcorn during both lunches on Friday, November 30. $1.00/bag. (CHV –Nov 30)


clip_image004OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COLLECTION IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!  Beginning December 3 all HR's are encouraged to challenge each other to raise a minimum $100 per class for our families this year.  It can be done!  It must be done! (MD –Nov 30)


clip_image006BOOKFACE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST: Submit your entry by Friday to the Learning Commons. Be creative and have fun promoting reading.  Prizes!  (CHV –Nov 30)


clip_image007SKI/SNOWBOARD CLUB:   Forms are available in the main office, as well as on the MTHS website, under the News & Docs tab. Please return ASAP as the demand is high and space is limited. (KN –Nov 30)


clip_image009BOOK WEEK WRITING CONTEST FOR KIDS & TEENS:  Each year the Canadian Children’s Book Centre runs a writing contest for students in Grades 4 to 12. Young writers from across Canada are invited to submit their stories and/or poems to the Book Week 2013 Writing Contest for Kids & Teens. Judging is done by noted writers from across Canada and one winner from each grade will receive a $250 gift certificate for the bookstore of his or her choice. Two honourable mentions from each grade category will also receive $50 gift certificates. The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2013. Entry forms can be picked up in the Learning Commons. (CHV - Nov. 30)




clip_image013SWIM TEAM: A reminder to all swim team members that there is a mandatory meeting and pizza lunch in room 202 on Thursday Nov 29 to discuss the details of the upcoming swim meet. (BM –Nov 29)

clip_image015HS CHOIR PRACTICE: Thursday Nov 29 in room 205 at lunch. Bring booklet and water. (SS –Nov 29)


clip_image017SENIOR GIRL'S VOLLEYBALL TRYOUTS will be held on Tuesday (Nov 27) and Thursday (Nov 29) after school from 3:00-4:15. All are welcome! (CS –Nov 29)

M.T.S.A.I.D CLUB: Reminder to all M.T.S.A.I.D club members that there is a lunch meeting Friday, November 30th in room 311. New members are always welcome! (EB –Nov 30)

SPEAK OUT: YOUTH AGAINST SLAVERY:  Wednesday Nov. 21 to Friday Nov. 30.  PACT-Ottawa's 5th annual END SLAVERY DAY.  See Martha for details.  (MD –Nov 30)

clip_image019CALLING ALL ACTORS/SINGERS/DANCERS!  See Mrs. Simpson in Rm 138 for information regarding an Audition and Workshop in February for Ottawa area Cappies.  You could win a chance to spend a week in New York City working with Broadway professionals!  You can't miss this opportunity. (JS –Nov 30)


STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image021

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at is set up as an information tool.

Includes information about: Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.


LOOKING FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES? Check out a great website that posts opportunities throughout the city.

LOOKING FOR PART-TIME WORK?  Dr. Libuse Gilka at the Robertston Retirement House at 1 Mill Hill Rd. Nepean is looking to hire 1 - 3 students.  Type of work includes word processing , answering letters, and/or essay writing.  No French required but excellent knowledge of English.  Hours are flexible; according to mutual convenience, late afternoons, 2-4 hours or 7-9pm., 2-4 days per week.  $12-$15 per hour. Long-term position.  Please contact Dr. Gilka at 613-721-0091. (KW –Nov 30)

clip_image023CARLETON SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Photonics and Laser Technology is inviting high school students to:  December 13th, 2012, 2pm Rm 132 Azrieli Pavilion Carleton University.  Please contact if you are interested in attending this event. (KW –Dec 7)

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image025



OTTAWA UNIVERSITY INFORMATION EVENING AND FAIR, THURSDAY DEC 6 AT 7:30PM: The presentations will focus on the undergraduate studies admissions process for high school students in Canada, important deadlines and ways to increase scholarship and bursary potential. In addition, faculty representatives will be on hand during the fair to answer questions. The information fair is from 5pm to 9pm. Jock Turcot University Centre at 85 University Street. Students must confirm their attendance by completing the online registration form. Those unable to attend the on-campus event can join us online instead for a live webcast of the presentations. We will stream the English-language presentation at 7:30 p.m. (EST) and the French-language presentation at 6 p.m. (EST). For details on this event, please visit  (JH –Dec 6)


clip_image029 COMMUNITY CORNER  clip_image031

For information about St. Andrew’s Parish, including parish bulletins, please visit

clip_image033GIRLS FIELD HOCKEY: Any High School girls interested in improving their field hockey skills this winter are encouraged to check out the Ottawa Capitals Field Hockey Club at  This club offers a skills development program every Sunday (8-10am) from January 20th to March 31st, 2013.  The program will run at Carleton University and focus on ball control, passing (pushing, sweeping, and flicking), short corners, and various game play situations. Similarly, the Nepean Nighthawks offer a comparable program.  More information can be found at For more information, please see Ms Pendergest in room 236. (CP –Nov 30)

clip_image035DO YOU NEED A STOCKING STUFFER OR A GIFT?  Mother Teresa Quick Fundraiser only until December 3rd.  Please see below for ordering information. The cost is $10.00 tax included, and the School gets $4.00 back from every purchase.

Fundraising Order form:
Fundraiser product selection sheet:
clip_image037 clip_image039

(MEA – Dec 3)


clip_image042COMING UP…

  • Dec 2 – Advent Begins

  • Dec 6 – Gr 7/8 Dental Screening

  • Dec 7 – Grad Day – Part 1

  • Dec 13th – 15th – School Play – Willy Wonka

  • Dec 17 – School Council Meeting – 7 pm


 Mother Teresa


we believe in




Dec. 3 to Dec. 14

The Blessings Collection

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