Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Day 1 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8
PHOTO RETAKE DAY: Edge Imaging will be back to Mother Teresa HS for photo retakes on Wednesday morning, October 24th. (KW –Oct 24)
GIRLS 7-8 VOLLEYBALL: There will be a practice on Tuesday October, 16. 2012, Wednesday October 17 and Friday October 19 in the caf gym. Please see Mme Beraldin if you have any questions. (JB –Oct 19)
7/8 CHESS CLUB: Any 7/8 student interested in joining the 7/8 chess club to prepare for an upcoming school board tournament is asked to go to Rm 232 Friday at lunch to sign up and begin playing chess. (MM - Oct 19)
- Monday -Library Ambassadors
- Wednesday- Game Club
- Thursday- Graphic Novel/Manga Club
- Red Maple- starting Tuesdays in late October
Reminder: Pick up a pass in the morning. Bring your lunch to the seminar room. (CHV –Oct 26)
TEEN ADVISORY GROUP: If you are interested in joining a Teen Advisory Group for the Learning Commons, bring your lunch to a first meeting in the seminar room on Tuesday, October 16 at the start of HS lunch. (CHV –Oct 16)
ATTENTION ALL POTENTIAL MT CURLERS!! Curling tryouts will take place next Tuesday October 16! Please meet Mrs Donaghy and Mrs Robinson at 2:30pm at the side doors, in order to catch the cabs! (CD –Oct 16)
DRAGON'S DEN COMPETITION: Do you have the next great product or service idea??? ....pitch it at the high school Dragon's Den Competition at Ottawa University October 23rd! Enter and seize the chance to gain valuable presentation skills, networking skills, and prizes! Don't delay as space is limited. See Mr. Baldin or Mrs. Morency in room 216 today! (SM –Oct 16)
REMINDER TO THE SCHOOL CHOIR of a meeting on Wednesday in Room 119 at lunch to practice our Neil Young song. Bring your lunch and folder. (SS –Oct 17)
MONT STE. ANNE SKI TRIP will be taking place the weekend of February 8th, 2013. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, October 17th at HS lunch in room 100 to discuss details about the trip. No funds will be collected at this time. See Mr. Linke if you have any questions. (RL –Oct 17)
STUDENT TUTORS: Student tutors work with other students on homework, preparing for evaluations and reviewing the material taught in class. Tutors can work for community service hours or earn $10 per hour. We are especially in need of mathematics and science tutors at the senior level. If you are interested in being a tutor this year, please stop by Student Services to pick up an application form. (MP –Oct 17)
SOCIAL SKILLS TUTOR WANTED: Looking for a male grade 11 or grade 12 student to dialogue with a younger student at lunch 2-3 times per week here at MT. Earn community service hours or $10 per hour. Please see Ms. Pierce in Student Services for more information. (MP –Oct 19)
WRITING CLUB: Meets every Tuesday at lunch in Rm 138. New members always welcome. (JS –Oct 30)
The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool.
Includes information about: Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.
DRIVER'S ED: The Driver’s Ed class has been confirmed, starting Wednesday, Oct 17 at 3:15pm. (KW –Oct 17)
TUTOR NEEDED: Looking for a female tutor to help out a Grade 6 student from Msgr. Paul Baxter, once a week with French. Willing to pay. Please contact either Annette or Joseph at 613-823-5774. (KW – Oct 19)
· Volunteers for Oktoberfest are asked to help with set-up and decorating, monitoring children and family activities and with the tear down. Volunteers are needed between 8:30 am until 4:00 pm. Half day and full day opportunities are available. See poster in Student Services.
- The Byward Market is lookng for school choirs to perform in the market during the Christmas season. Interested groups can send their information and availability to Stefanie Lalonde at 613 562-3325, fax: 613 562-3326, email bia@byward-market.com. See poster in Student Services. (KW –Oct 19)
SHAD VALLEY! The pre-university experience of a lifetime for Grade 10, 11 and 12 students; a unique 4-week program. For details on Shad Valley campuses, post-secondary scholarships, and alumni accomplishments, visit their website at www.shad.ca. See information pamphlet in Student Services. (KW –Oct 19)
INTERESTED IN THE CANADIAN FORCES?? Any Grade 11 or 12 student interested in learning more about the Canadian Forces, is invited to go to Student Services and sign up to attend an information session by Sergeant Contini. He will be at Mother Teresa on November 6 at 9:30 am. All students that sign up will report to the multi purpose room on that date and time for the presentation. If you have questions please see Mrs. Rennick in room 320. (JR –Oct 26)
LOOKING FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES? Check out a great website that posts opportunities throughout the city. http://volunteerottawa.ca/youth/
THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK (UNB) is hosting a parent/student night at the Lord Elgin Hotel on Wednesday, October 24th, at 7pm. Find out about admissions, scholarships, student life. The session is open to anyone interested in UNB. (KW –Oct 24)
ALGONQUIN COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE: Students interested in attending Algonquin College next year are invited to spend the day at the college on Thursday, November 1st. Please sign-up & pick up a permission form in Student Services. First come first served with a signed permission form gets you a seat on the bus. (MP –Oct 26)
MCGILL UNIVERSITY WILL BE HOSTING ITS ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE for prospective students and their families on Sunday, October 28, 2012. Faculty, students and administrative staff from all units, including the academic departments, Admissions, Recruitment, Scholarships and Financial Aid, Student Services and members of McGill's student societies, will be on hand to answer questions and talk about academic and student life at McGill. Tours of campus, residences, libraries and the athletics facilities will also be provided. We encourage students to register online to attend the event at: www.mcgill.ca/openhouse/register. Should you have questions, please consult our website www.mcgill.ca/openhouse or contact the Open House Team at openhouse@mcgill.ca. (MR –Oct 26)
UNITED WAY SILENT AND LIVE AUCTIONS: Thursday Oct 18th in the staffroom. There will be a chance to pre-purchase chili and cornbread for the November PD day. Large number of excellent items and services up for grab in both auctions! (SS –Oct 18)
For information about St. Andrew’s Parish, including parish bulletins, please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.
CATHOLIC GRADUATES – WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU: We believe that Ontario Catholic education makes a difference. The Institute for Catholic Education (ICE) invites you to participate in a "Beyond Catholic Graduation Survey" about: the spiritual formation, the cultural engagement, the academic development of Ontario school graduates. All Catholic school graduates are urged to complete this survey in the next few weeks. For further information about this survey, go to www.beyondcatholicgraduation.com. (MEA –Oct 26)
HPV VACCINATION (NO COST) FOR YOUNG WOMEN IN GRADES 10 – 12: The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care has announced they will provide three doses of the HPV Vaccine for eligible young women in Grades 9 through 12. For more information please see the flyer at https://bboard.ocsb.ca/bbcswebdav/xid-1062257_1. (PG –Oct 31)
TAKE CHARGE: A GIRLFRIEND'S GUIDE TO MENTAL HEALTH. Presented by Women in Mind - The Royal’s conference on Women’s Mental Health. When: Thursday, November-01-12 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM. Where: Hampton Inn Conference Centre, 200 Coventry Road, Ottawa, Ontario. 613-741-2300.
To register: http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventId=1113963. (MR –Oct 31)
- Oct 18 – Co-op In School Integration Day
- Oct 24 – Photo Retake Day
- Oct 25 – 26 – Gr 7/8 Leadership Camp
- Nov 1 – Gr. 7/8 Progress Reports