Monday, September 17, 2012
Day 2 - H.S. & Day 5 - Gr. 7 & 8
GIRLS RUGBY: There will be a tryout for the 7/8 girls rugby team Tuesday, Sept. 18th and Wednesday Sept. 19th after school. Please see Mr. Nicoletti if you have any questions. (CN –Sep 19)
· GIRLS VOLLEYBALL: Please sign up outside room 332 if you would like to tryout for the girls 7-8 volleyball team. There will be a girls volleyball tryout on Wednesday September 19th and Friday September 21st from 3:00-4:00pm in the caf gym. Please be dressed and ready to start at 3:00pm. If you have any questions, please see Mme Beraldin in room 332. (JB –Sep 21)
· BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Grade 7-8 Boys Volleyball: Anyone interested in trying out for the Grade 7-8 boys volleyball team, please see the sign up sheet posted outside Room 336. There will be a tryout on Wednesday September 19th and Friday September 21st from 3:00-4:00pm in the caf gym. Please come dressed in phys-ed attire and be ready for 3:00pm. If you have any questions, please see Mme. Gareau in room 336. (JG –Sep 21)
GOLF TEAM: ** DATE CHANGE ** Due to leadership camp next Monday, The meeting for the HS golf team will be taking place Thursday, Sept. 13th, instead of Monday. Time : 11:30 am in room 315. Please see Mme Milliard if you have any questions. (KM –Sep 17)
OVERSEAS ENRICHMENT: Any student interested in participating in the Overseas Enrichment Trip to Italy, South of France and Spain in March 2013 is asked to to pick up an information package from Ms. Stuart in Room 102 or Ms. Pierce in Student Services. (MP –Sep 17)
OPEN GYM BASKETBALL NIGHTS for Boys in Grades 9 - 12 will be held on Monday, September 10th, and 17th 2012 from 6 PM - 9 PM (open to ONLY MT High School students). If you have any other questions see Mr. Rowley in room 136. (MR –Sep 17)
SWIM TEAM: There will be a brief but very important meeting at 11:30 in room 202 on Tuesday Sept 18 for all those high school students interested in joining the Mother Teresa Swim Team. Please see Mrs. Sinclair if you are unable to attend. (JS –Sep 18)
HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR: Practice session with Mr. Currie and Ms. Soprovich in room 119 on Wednesday Sept 19 at lunch (11:30). Drink lots of water ahead of time and come ready to sing. Thank you to all of you who have been attending so far! (SS –Sep 19)
WORLD YOUTH DAY 2013 INTEREST MEETING: The Archdiocese of Ottawa is bringing a group of Young Adults (18-35) to World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, July 17 – 31, 2013. “Interest Meeting” on Thurs. Sep 20, 7:00 pm at the Diocesan Centre, 1247 Kilborn Place. Info: Ted: 613-738-5025 x 231; or (MD –Sep 20)
LF TUTOR FOR A GRADE 2 STUDENT at St. Andrew Elementary School to help with reading and handwriting. Please contact Claire at 613 440-7223. (KW –Sep 17)
PARISH DINNER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: St. Patrick's Parish will be hosting its Harvest Dinner on September 30th and requires volunteers. Please contact Nora Burnett at 613 825-2049. (KW –Sep 21)
YOUNG REMBRANDTS ARTS PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS: Looking for 1 or 2 Gr 11/12 volunteers to assist instructors in the Young Rembrandts Arts Program being offered at Mother Teresa High School on Saturdays from 9:15 am to 12:15 pm. Please contact Robin Dewe at either 613-889-8531 or (KW –Sep 21)
NEPEAN SKATING CLUB is looking for a few volunteers to help as Program Assistants (PA) for our CanSkate programs. Volunteers must be able to skate and would help the coaches on the ice, set up/take down equipment, and assist children learning to skate. The program runs from the week of September 22nd until around the end of April. We need volunteers who can help out on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday as listed below. For more information, please contact Lori Walker, our CanSkate Supervisor at Tuesdays 4:30-6:30pm at Walter Baker (looking for 5). Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm at Walter Baker (looking for 2). Saturdays 9:30-11:30am at Walter Baker (looking for 5) (KW –Sep 21)
JOSTENS is back to our school on Wednesday, September 26th, Thursday, September 27th, Friday, September 28th, during senior lunch in the atrium, in front of Student Services. There are 14 brand new rings to choose from, so come to Student Services to pick up a leaflet and brochure. Order now to receive your ring before Christmas. (KW –Sep 28)
GRAD OPTIONS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: The Guidance counsellors will be meeting with all grade 12 studentS this month to discuss post-secondary options. Scholarships have started to arrive at the school.
Deadline: *Due October 9th in Student Services for Sponsored Applicants
Due Oct 24th for Direct Pool Applicants-must mail your application
Criteria: maintain 85% average. Demonstrate character, leadership and a commitment to the community
Application and more information at: (TC –Sep 21)
DRIVER EDUCATION FORMS HAVE ARRIVED! Registration runs from September 7th - October 10th. Come pick up your form in Student Services. (KW –Sep 21)
UOTTAWA DAY is on Friday, October 26th from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event features a variety of activities for students, including presentations on admission, financial aid and academic programs. Students are encouraged to visit Ottawa U's website where they can explore workshops being offered by various departments and faculties. Faculty and service representatives will be on hand to answer questions. Students also receive a coupon worth $6 towards their lunch purchase. Students can also take a tour of the campus, residences, sports facilities and labs. Please visit (KW -Sep 21)
CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY FAIRS: Free admission - financial aid workshops - taking place on Wednesday, October 17th, at the Metropolitan Bible Church. (KW –Sep 21)
For information about St. Andrew’s Parish, including parish bulletins, please visit
Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2012. Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm (doors open at 11:30am)
Location: Centurion Convention Center (170 Colonnade Road). Admission: $25.
For more information about D.I.F.D. please visit For more information about The Royal please visit (SD –Sep 18)
UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE THE PARENT PLAYS IN BUILDING A RESILIENT 21ST CENTURY TEENAGER: WHAT PARENTS CAN DO. Please join us for this presentation by Dr. Leonard Sax, on Monday September 24th at 7 pm at Mother Teresa High School. Register online at (AB –Sep 24)
OFFICER’S NOTES – News and Information from our School Resource Officer
GET TO KNOW YOUR SRO… The School Resource Officer Program has been in effect in Ottawa Schools for over 17 years and was established for officers to provide support for school staff, students and parents. SRO’s may be involved in delivering lectures on various topics as well as dealing with incidents which take place at school during school hours or those that have an effect on the overall school environment. When an SRO becomes involved in dealing with an incident it may result in a conversation, mediation or a referral to an intervention or diversion program, or a charge. The School Resource Officer mandate is to build healthy, trusting relationships with youth of all ages by becoming a familiar presence in their schools.
- September 21st – Student fees due
- September 24th – Understanding Gender Difference in the 21st Century Teenager