Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Day 2 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8


It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.

~ Mother Teresa

 He is Risen!   HAPPY EASTER.


clip_image005PHOTOVOICE CONTEST: The City of Ottawa is running a photocopy contest for youth grades 7 - 12. You may use a cellphone or a digital camera to capture "Active Transportation" or "General Health Issues" occurring in our community and potentially have your work displayed in a photo gala! There are several cash prices to be awarded each week by random draw, and you can submit up to 5 entries. If you want to win some easy money, this is the contest for you! The contest runs until April 19th, 2013.  See Ms. Stuart for a Consent Form, and submit your pictures online at photovoice@ottawa.ca.  (CS –Apr 4)

clip_image007CHOIR PRACTICE FOR MASS IN APRIL: All practices will be held in Rm 119 at lunch. Bring lunch, water bottle and choir folder. Everyone welcome to perform - male voices needed! Music for mass will have a rock theme.  Practice Dates:

·          Thursday April 4th (SS –Apr 4)

clip_image008CAKE WALK:  Friday, April 12th is the day for M.T.’s second annual Cake Walk.  All homeroom classes are asked to bake and decorate (preferable) or purchase a cake to be entered into the cake walk.  Homeroom classes are to collect money for the event from April 4th to April 10th.  The classes with the most collected money ratio per person will get the first selection of the cakes at the cake walk to take up to your class and enjoy with your friends.  Got cash?  Get Cake! (All proceeds from this event will be divided among our social justice programs, the Christmas Outreach, the Longfields Manor Outreach and hosting the Cape Dorset students at our school.)  (KL - Apr 11)

clip_image010PIZZA!  The prom committee will be selling pizza for $2 a slice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, from now until the end of April. Thank you in advance for your support. (JR –Apr 30)


7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS clip_image012

clip_image014clip_image016SPRING HAS SPRUNG FOR GRADE 7/8!!! There will be an AFTERNOON DANCE on Friday, April 5. A twoonie gets you unlimited dancing and the opportunity for some great DOOR PRIZES!! Popcorn and various drinks will be available for purchase for just a loonie! Part of the proceeds of this sale will support the Barrhaven Food Cupboard. To assist the Barrhaven Food Cupboard, we are asking ALL students and teachers in Grade 7 & 8 to bring in ONE canned food item OR non-perishable item. Please note that ALL donations will stay in Barrhaven and support OUR LOCAL food bank. Items of need include: canned soups, canned vegetables, non perishable items such as peanut butter and pasta. Food items to be collected in  homerooms during March 27- April 5.  Teachers: food donations WILL be collected by Mr. Williams and his dynamic SOCIAL JUSTICE Team members. (TC –Apr 5)



clip_image018GIRLS TOUCH FOOTBALL: Any High School female interested in Touch Football please come and sign up in room 320 at lunch on Tuesday April 2, 2013. Tryouts will start early the following week. (JR –Apr 2)

clip_image020HIGH SCHOOL PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS: Parents can now book Parent teacher interviews online from the link on the homepage at mths.ca.  Interviews will take place Thursday April 4th, from 2:30 – 5 pm, and 6 – 7:30 pm.  (MR –Apr 3)


clip_image022MOSAICS 2013: Any first semester Art Students interested in attending MOSAICS 2013 on Thursday, April 18th please see Ms. Stuart in room 102. MOSAICS is a day of art workshops at the Nepean Creative Art Centre with other high school students. I can only accept 8 students to attend on this full day workshop event. (CS –Apr 5)


STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image024

The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool.

Includes information about: Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.




Check out a great website that posts opportunities throughout the city.  http://volunteerottawa.ca/youth/

clip_image026SUMMER JOBS AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES AT THE WAUPOOS FAMILY FARM:  The Waupoos Foundation is a Christ-centered community integrating prayer, work and play in our activities, while providing vacations to families in need. www.waupoos.com  Application Deadline for Positions: April 18, 2013. See poster sheet in Student Services. (KW –Apr 2)

clip_image028LF FOR A BABYSITTER FOR A ONE-YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL.  Home is located in the Claridge/Woodroffe area. The hours would be from 5:30-6:00 to 8:00 pm, Monday and Tuesday one week, and Wednesday and Thursday the following week.  Please contact either Lindsay or Barry at 613 798-3646 or email: lindsaymellan@hotmail.com.  (KW – Apr 3)

clip_image030VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED!  The Ottawa Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is holding their annual MS Walk on Sunday, April 28, 2013.  Positions include: a balloon inflator, greeter, rest stop helper, site set up, water station, parking, barricade monitor and many more.  Contact Michelle Davis at 613 728-1583 ext 235. Apply: http://mssociety.ca/chapters/ottawa/MSWalk/volunteer.htm. Email:  info.ottawa@mssociety.ca.  Please see poster on Student Services Bulletin Board in the Atrium. (KW –Apr 12)


GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image032



clip_image034GRAD FEES: Graduating students should bring their grad fee of $75 to room 130 any time until April 5th.  This fee is different from the prom fee.  This fee covers all costs associated with grad day and commencement (gown rental etc).  Your height will be measured when you bring your cash/cheque (payable to "Mother Teresa High School".  Grad gowns will be ordered after the April 5th deadline. (DM –Apr 5)

clip_image035 ALGONQUIN COLLEGE SPRING OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, April 6th. Student can: 

·  Meet our faculty and current students

·  Ask questions about program choices and options

·  Check out the amazing facilities including our new Student Commons Building

·  And so much more!

To register go to:

http://www3.algonquincollege.com/openhouse/?utm_source=mainpage&utm_medium=featuredBanner&utm_campaign=SpringOpenHouse  (MP –Apr 5)

clip_image037PROM TICKETS: Prom Tickets will be sold April 10, 11, and 12 in room 216 at lunch. Price is $75.  You must purchase your ticket before reserving your seat and table. Please make cheques payable to Mother Teresa High School. (SM –Apr 12)


COMMUNITY CORNER  clip_image041


·         St. Andrew’s Parish:  For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

clip_image045IF YOUR TEEN HAS A CELL PHONE; THEN YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS….. FREE INFORMATION SESSION: Teens & Technology - A presentation for parents about sexting, cyberbullying, and internet safety. Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 7 pm to 9 pm.  Earl of March High School. 4 The Parkway, Kanata. No Registration Required. Free parking. ottawapolice.ca. (AS –Apr 16)

clip_image047MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS NIGHT:  Thursday, April 4th, St. Mark High School, 1040 Dozois Road, Manotick  6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Community Partner Displays , 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Special Guest Keynote Speakers:

clip_image049BABYSITTING COURSE: For students aged 10 – 16. When: Saturday April 27th 2013. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Ruth E. Dickinson Library. Cost: $50 includes an information package & certificate. Bring: a doll or a bear, a small blanket, a pencil, your lunch and healthy snacks.  Please register on line at www.biblioOttawaLibrary.ca. (KZ –Apr 19)



clip_image052COMING UP…. 

  • Apr 4 – HS Interviews.  Early Dismissal (1:50 pm) for ALL students.

  • Apr 5 – 7/8 Dance - afternoon

  • Apr 5 – HS Semi-Formal Dance (Masquerade Ball) - evening



clip_image054 Mother Teresa…   Did you know…??

Teresa’s first year in the slums was particularly hard. She was used to a life of comparative comfort, and now she had no income and no way to obtain food and supplies other than begging. She was often tempted to return to convent life, and had to rely on her determination and faith to get herself through it.  (legacy.com)



Thursday, March 28, 2013


Day 1 - H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8


In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.  ~ Mother Teresa





clip_image006MESSAGE TO (PARENTS OF) STUDENTS WITH OUTSTANDING FEES/ITEMS: At this time there are still a number of outstanding textbook and fees (athletic, library) that are owed by students for semester 1. Unfortunately, any student who has an outstanding item will not be allowed entry into any of the upcoming school dances (which includes the Prom). As well, students planning on playing spring sports will need to have their fees cleared before they will be allowed to participate. If there are individual circumstances that the school needs to be made aware of, or if your child has returned the item or paid the fee and it has not yet been recorded, please let us know. Again, we thank you for your continued support. (MR –Mar 28)


clip_image008PHOTOVOICE CONTEST: The City of Ottawa is running a photocopy contest for youth grades 7 - 12. You may use a cellphone or a digital camera to capture "Active Transportation" or "General Health Issues" occurring in our community and potentially have your work displayed in a photo gala! There are several cash prices to be awarded each week by random draw, and you can submit up to 5 entries. If you want to win some easy money, this is the contest for you! The contest runs until April 19th, 2013.  See Ms. Stuart for a Consent Form, and submit your pictures online at photovoice@ottawa.ca.  (CS –Apr 4)


clip_image010CHOIR PRACTICE FOR MASS IN APRIL: All practices will be held in Rm 119 at lunch. Bring lunch, water bottle and choir folder. Everyone welcome to perform - male voices needed! Music for mass will have a rock theme.  Practice Dates:

·          Thursday April 4th (SS –Apr 4)


clip_image012PIZZA!  The prom committee will be selling pizza for $2 a slice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, from now until the end of April. Thank you in advance for your support. (JR –Apr 30)


7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS clip_image014


clip_image016clip_image018SPRING HAS SPRUNG FOR GRADE 7/8!!! There will be an AFTERNOON DANCE on Friday, April 5. A twoonie gets you unlimited dancing and the opportunity for some great DOOR PRIZES!! Popcorn and various drinks will be available for purchase for just a loonie! Part of the proceeds of this sale will support the Barrhaven Food Cupboard. To assist the Barrhaven Food Cupboard, we are asking ALL students and teachers in Grade 7 & 8 to bring in ONE canned food item OR non-perishable item. Please note that ALL donations will stay in Barrhaven and support OUR LOCAL food bank. Items of need include: canned soups, canned vegetables, non perishable items such as peanut butter and pasta. Food items to be collected in  homerooms during March 27- April 5.  Teachers: food donations WILL be collected by Mr. Williams and his dynamic SOCIAL JUSTICE Team members. (TC –Apr 5)





clip_image020COSTA RICA 2014:  All students interested in going on the Costa Rica experience of a lifetime Feb. 2014 please get your initial cheques ($400) in by Thursday March 28 to save your spot on the trip.  All students who have already handed in forms and cheques are asked to meet in room 115 at the beginning of lunch (11:30) on Mar 28 to pick up their fundraising packages.  Please see Mrs. Ragaisis if you have any questions. (SR –Mar 28)


clip_image022MASQUERADE BALL: The Mother Teresa semi formal this year is a masquerade ball which will be held on Friday April 5th.  Tickets are $10 and are on sale from Monday March 25th to Thursday March 28th.  Guest tickets must be purchased by Wed March 27th. Only half masks are permitted and must be submitted to Student Council prior to the dance. Get your tickets early as semi-formal dances often sell out! (MM –Mar 28)


clip_image024GIRLS TOUCH FOOTBALL: Any High School female interested in Touch Football please come and sign up in room 320 at lunch on Tuesday April 2, 2013. Tryouts will start early the following week. (JR –Apr 2)


clip_image026HIGH SCHOOL PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS: Parents can now book Parent teacher interviews online from the link on the homepage at mths.ca.  Interviews will take place Thursday April 4th, from 2:30 – 5 pm, and 6 – 7:30 pm.  (MR –Apr 3)


clip_image028MOSAICS 2013: Any first semester Art Students interested in attending MOSAICS 2013 on Thursday, April 18th please see Ms. Stuart in room 102. MOSAICS is a day of art workshops at the Nepean Creative Art Centre with other high school students. I can only accept 8 students to attend on this full day workshop event. (CS –Apr 5)



STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image030


The STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE at ss.mths.ca is set up as an information tool.

Includes information about: Courses, Careers, Graduation, Scholarships,etc.




Check out a great website that posts opportunities throughout the city.  http://volunteerottawa.ca/youth/


clip_image032INTERESTED IN A FUN-FILLED SUMMER CAMP EXPERIENCE AT ST. BRIGID'S SUMMER CAMP? Information is available on their website; www.stbcamp.ca.  Registration is on Saturday, April 27th, from 8 am to 10:30 am at St. John the Apostle Church, 2340 Baseline Road.  More information available in Student Services. (KW –Mar 28)


clip_image034SUMMER JOBS AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES AT THE WAUPOOS FAMILY FARM:  The Waupoos Foundation is a Christ-centered community integrating prayer, work and play in our activities, while providing vacations to families in need. www.waupoos.com  Application Deadline for Positions: April 18, 2013. See poster sheet in Student Services. (KW –Apr 2)


clip_image036LF FOR A BABYSITTER FOR A ONE-YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL.  Home is located in the Claridge/Woodroffe area. The hours would be from 5:30-6:00 to 8:00 pm, Monday and Tuesday one week, and Wednesday and Thursday the following week.  Please contact either Lindsay or Barry at 613 798-3646 or email: lindsaymellan@hotmail.com.  (KW – Apr 3)


clip_image038VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED!  The Ottawa Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is holding their annual MS Walk on Sunday, April 28, 2013.  Positions include: a balloon inflator, greeter, rest stop helper, site set up, water station, parking, barricade monitor and many more.  Contact Michelle Davis at 613 728-1583 ext 235. Apply: http://mssociety.ca/chapters/ottawa/MSWalk/volunteer.htm. Email:  info.ottawa@mssociety.ca.  Please see poster on Student Services Bulletin Board in the Atrium. (KW –Apr 12)



GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image040





clip_image042EASTER WISHES CRAFT SHOW LF VOLUNTEERS to help with photo booth, craft station, bake table, princess manicures, handing out bags, giving vendors a break, etc.  Easter Wishes Craft Show on Saturday, March 30th, from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Walter Baker Centre, 100 Malvern Dr.  All proceeds support the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, CIBC Run for the Cure. Please contact Pam Carvish at 613 838-7242 or email at:  pamsboobcrew@gmail.com (KW –Mar 28)


clip_image044GRADUATING STUDENTS – POLICIES AND DEADLINES:  In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June.  As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa: 

·          PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance.  The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by Friday May 10th, 2013.

  • GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Monday June 10, 2013.

Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (JH –Mar 28)


clip_image046GRAD FEES: Graduating students should bring their grad fee of $75 to room 130 any time until April 5th.  This fee is different from the prom fee.  This fee covers all costs associated with grad day and commencement (gown rental etc).  Your height will be measured when you bring your cash/cheque (payable to "Mother Teresa High School".  Grad gowns will be ordered after the April 5th deadline. (DM –Apr 5)


clip_image047 ALGONQUIN COLLEGE SPRING OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, April 6th. Student can: 

·  Meet our faculty and current students

·  Ask questions about program choices and options

·  Check out the amazing facilities including our new Student Commons Building

·  And so much more!

To register go to:

http://www3.algonquincollege.com/openhouse/?utm_source=mainpage&utm_medium=featuredBanner&utm_campaign=SpringOpenHouse  (MP –Apr 5)


clip_image049PROM TICKETS: Prom Tickets will be sold April 10, 11, and 12 in room 216 at lunch. Price is $75.  You must purchase your ticket before reserving your seat and table. Please make cheques payable to Mother Teresa High School. (SM –Apr 12)

STAFF clip_image051

clip_image053STAFF GRAD COMMITTEE MEETING: This is a reminder of the staff grad committee meeting happening during lunch in room 132 on Thursday March 28th.  New members always welcome! (DM –Mar 28)

clip_image055JEANS DAY: A reminder that Thursday March 28 is Jeans Day.  This week our contributions will go toward Diabetes Research.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated. (SD –Mar 28)



COMMUNITY CORNER  clip_image057



·         St. Andrew’s Parish:  For information please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.

clip_image061HOLY WEEK AND EASTER CELEBRATIONS IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF OTTAWA: View the schedule of Holy Week Services in the Archdiocese of Ottawa, starting Holy Thursday, March 28, to Easter Sunday, March 30, 2013 by city, parish, date, and time. For more information, please feel free to contact the parish. (SD –Mar 28)

clip_image063IF YOUR TEEN HAS A CELL PHONE; THEN YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS….. FREE INFORMATION SESSION: Teens & Technology - A presentation for parents about sexting, cyberbullying, and internet safety. Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 7 pm to 9 pm.  Earl of March High School. 4 The Parkway, Kanata. No Registration Required. Free parking. ottawapolice.ca. (AS –Apr 16)


clip_image065MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS NIGHT:  Thursday, April 4th, St. Mark High School, 1040 Dozois Road, Manotick  6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Community Partner Displays , 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Special Guest Keynote Speakers:


clip_image067BABYSITTING COURSE: For students aged 10 – 16. When: Saturday April 27th 2013. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Ruth E. Dickinson Library. Cost: $50 includes an information package & certificate. Bring: a doll or a bear, a small blanket, a pencil, your lunch and healthy snacks.  Please register on line at www.biblioOttawaLibrary.ca. (KZ –Apr 19)



clip_image069clip_image071COMING UP…. 

  • Mar 29 – Good Friday (No Classes)

  • Apr 1 – Easter Monday (No Classes)

  • Apr 4 – HS Interviews.  Early Dismissal (1:50 pm) for ALL students.

  • Apr 5 – 7/8 Dance - afternoon

  • Apr 5 – HS Semi-Formal Dance (Masquerade Ball) - evening



clip_image073 Mother Teresa…   Did you know…??


In 1948, Teresa set aside her nun’s habit – adopting instead the simple sari and sandals worn by the women she would be living among – and moved to a small rented hovel in the slums to begin her work.  (legacy.com)

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