Thursday, December 1, 2011 

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 5 - Gr. 7 & 8


~ Thought for the Week ~ 

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. ~ Mother Teresa


clip_image004JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR – TICKETS NOW ON SALE! Tickets are now on sale for the Mother Teresa production of Jesus Christ Superstar.  This is our largest production to date with a cast and crew of over 150 students.  The cost is $8.00 for adults and $6.00 for students and seniors.  Tickets will be sold during both Junior and Senior lunches, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Bruce House to assist those inflicted with HIV and AIDS. (RL –Dec 2)

clip_image006HEY MT! THE TLC (TITANS LEARNING COMMONS) IS ASKING FOR YOUR OLD ARTIFACTS! They’re going to be used in a display which will be kept under lock and key. Cameras, old phones, old video games and systems, old headphones, Walkmans, any old technology that you can find. Talk to your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors and anybody else. If you have any of these items lend them to the TLC! For more info check out the TLC and ask them about how technology has changed over the years!  (CHV –Dec 2)

clip_image008SKI/SNOWBOARD CLUB:  **REMINDER** Forms are due back by Friday, Dec. 2nd. The club is open to all students and is an inexpensive way for beginning skiers/snowboarders to learn the sport. Forms are available online on the Mother Teresa Website, in the office, or in rm. 320. Please return the forms to the office in the plastic bin on the wall marked SKI/SNOWBOARD CLUB. Return forms ASAP to guarantee a spot as last year we had a waiting list. (KN –Dec 2)


7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS clip_image010

clip_image0127/8 CO-ED TCHOUKBALL TRYOUTS:  Sign up sheets are posted outside the 7/8 Phys Ed offices.  Tryouts are Thursday and Friday morning this week at 7:30 a.m. in the C/D gym.  Please be here and be ready to start at 7:30.  You must be at both tryouts in order to be considered for the team.   (MM –Dec 2)




clip_image014JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR HAIR AND MAKE-UP: A reminder to the make-up crew that we will be having our first lesson, Thursday, December 1st at lunch, in room 102. Jessica will be reviewing the make-up designs for each team. Please see Ms. Stuart if you cannot attend. (CS –Dec 1)

clip_image016GUITAR SHOWCASE: There will be a guitar showcase in the Learning Commons/Library on Friday, December 2 during high school lunch. Bring your lunch, sit back, and enjoy music played by some of M.T's talented musicians. (AC –Dec 2)

clip_image018MTSAID AWARENESS WEEK – EVENTS: Tuesday November 29th: During high school lunch on the cafeteria stage students will be encouraged to participate in the "Wii distracted driving challenge" to highlight the dangers of attempting to "drive" while sending a text.

Wednesday November 30th: During high school lunch in the atrium students will experience an obstacle course with impaired vision goggles and plasma cars.

Thursday December 1st: During high school lunch in the atrium MTSAID members will be selling "mocktails" for $2 to promote alternatives to drinking alcohol.

Friday December 2nd: During high school lunch in the atrium, students will be encouraged to place their handprint on a sign that shows their commitment to not drive impaired. (MK –Dec 2)

STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image020

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR MPB PLAY: We are looking for motivated artistic students who need little supervision or direction, to help with props and set design for the MPB Christmas play.  Date is December 10th from 9-12 or later if needed.  Any interested students should contact Mrs. Oxley 613-835-7544 by December 1st in order to make sure we have something organized for you to do. (KW –Dec 1)

clip_image022INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE:  Ontario is holding an information meeting for interested students and parents on Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 7:30pm at the Ottawa Carleton District School Board Lecture Hall at 440 Albert Street. (parking is available with access from Laurier or Slater)  A representative will be present to provide information and answer questions.  Please visit for details about programs. (KW – Dec. 1)

clip_image024VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: is a new website geared towards students volunteering in the Ottawa area and accumulating their 40 hours. Click the GO! Volunteer tab to search for Volunteer opportunities.  There are numerous volunteer opportunities during the school year.  At times, there are too many to post in the written announcements. We ask that you make it a habit to stop in to Student Services and check out what is available.  
Current Volunteer Opportunities include:

1)    Interested in Volunteering at Winterlude between Feb 3 and Feb 20? See Mr. Hallarn for details.

2)     Volunteers are needed to assist with children, youth, adults with special needs in various community programs and recreational settings. Opportunities exist in community centres and programs across west district, in instructional programs which may include swimming lessons, skating and gymnastics. See Mr. Hallarn (JH –Dec 2)

clip_image026SHAD VALLEY APPLICATIONS: Shad Valley is a unique motivational experience which will not only expose you to a multitude of ideas and career possibilities and challenge you with hands-on workshops and group projects, but will introduce you to 50 other bright, inquisitive young people just like yourself. This experience takes place during the month of July at a university across Canada. First round of applications are due Dec 7. Visit for more information. (JH –Dec 7)

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image028

clip_image030IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL GRADE 12 STUDENTS: Grad Surveys have been extended.  The deadline is now THIS Friday (December 2nd).  They can be handed in to Student Services, or to Vanessa Symington.  (KL –Dec 2)

clip_image032JOSTEN’S RINGS ARE BACK! Jostens Rings will be at Mother Teresa High School, in the atrium, during senior lunch hour, on December 5th and December 6th.  Come check out the catalogs in Student Services.  You can also visit their website and design your own ring at Remember that a deposit of $60.00 is required for your order. (KW –Dec 6)

clip_image034UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA INFORMATION EVENING: University of Ottawa is hosting an Evening Fair for future students and their parents on Thurs Dec 8th. Presentations will focus on the admissions process, important deadlines, and ways to increase scholarship and bursary potential. In addition, faculty representatives will be on hand during the fair to answer questions. For more info and to register visit (JH -Dec 8)

clip_image036GRADUATING STUDENTS – POLICIES AND DEADLINES:  In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June.  As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa: 

·          PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance.  The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by Friday May 11th, 2012.

  • GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Friday June 11, 2012.

Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (SD –Dec 9)


STAFF NOTES clip_image038

clip_image040STAFF MASS: We will celebrate Mass this Thursday in the chapel, at 3:15pm. All are welcome. (MD –Dec 1)

clip_image042JEANS DAY: A reminder that Friday December 2nd is Jeans Day.  This week our contributions will go toward support of our Christmas Outreach Committee.   Your generosity is greatly appreciated. (SD –Dec 2)

clip_image044BLACKBOARD TRAINING FOR STAFF:  Taking place on Monday December 5th from 3 – 4 pm.  See the TEH Conference for more information. (SD –Dec 5)


clip_image046COMMUNITY CORNER clip_image048

For information about St. Andrew’s Parish, including parish bulletins, please visit

clip_image050FLU SHOT CLINIC: Ottawa Public Health is holding a free flu shot clinic at Mother Teresa High School on Wednesday, November 30, from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Please open Flu Shot Clinic Info from Ottawa Public Health for more information. (Nov 30)


clip_image052FUNDSCRIP CARD PICKUP: Cards will be available for pickup on December 1st, between 3:00 and 6:30pm in the atrium. (SD – Dec 1)

clip_image054CITY OF OTTAWA – DYNAMIC DANCE-FITNESS CLASSES: The City of Ottawa is introducing new Dynamic Dance-Fitness Classes for Pre-Teens and Teens (ages 11 – 14 years), starting in January 2012.  Registration is on now at any City of Ottawa Client Service Centre or Recreational Facility.  You can also register by calling 613-580-2588, or online at (AJ –Dec 2)


clip_image057COMING UP…

  • Nov 28th Dec 2nd MTSAID Awareness Week
  • Dec 1st Fundscrip Card pickup – 3 pm – 6:30 pm
  • Dec 14th Advent Liturgies
  • Dec 15th 17th Jesus Christ Superstar ~ Performances Thur/Fri/Sat @ 7pm, and Sat @ 2pm.  Doors open 15 minutes before show time.


First Week of Advent

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8


~ Thought for the Week ~ 

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. ~ Mother Teresa


clip_image004JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR – TICKETS NOW ON SALE! Tickets are now on sale for the Mother Teresa production of Jesus Christ Superstar.  This is our largest production to date with a cast and crew of over 150 students.  The cost is $8.00 for adults and $6.00 for students and seniors.  Tickets will be sold during both Junior and Senior lunches, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Bruce House to assist those inflicted with HIV and AIDS. (RL –Dec 2)

clip_image006HEY MT! THE TLC (TITANS LEARNING COMMONS) IS ASKING FOR YOUR OLD ARTIFACTS! They’re going to be used in a display which will be kept under lock and key. Cameras, old phones, old video games and systems, old headphones, Walkmans, any old technology that you can find. Talk to your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors and anybody else. If you have any of these items lend them to the TLC! For more info check out the TLC and ask them about how technology has changed over the years!  (CHV –Dec 2)

clip_image008SKI/SNOWBOARD CLUB:  The club is open to all students and is an inexpensive way for beginning skiers/snowboarders to learn the sport. Forms are available online on the Mother Teresa Website, in the office, or in rm. 320. Please return the forms to the office in the plastic bin on the wall marked SKI/SNOWBOARD CLUB. Forms are due back by Friday, Dec. 2nd. Return forms ASAP to guarantee a spot as last year we had a waiting list. (KN –Dec 2)


7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS clip_image010

clip_image0127/8 CO-ED TCHOUKBALL TRYOUTS:  Sign up sheets are posted outside the 7/8 Phys Ed offices.  Tryouts are Thursday and Friday morning this week at 7:30 a.m. in the C/D gym.  Please be here and be ready to start at 7:30.  You must be at both tryouts in order to be considered for the team.   (MM –Dec 2)



clip_image014THE ACT FOUNDATION is shooting a CPR training video here at Mother Teresa and we want you to be part of it.  You will be helping students across Canada learn the lifesaving skill of CPR.  This video will be used by over 1600 Canadian high schools. We need 6 students to perform CPR skills in the training video.  We are looking for energetic, student leaders from grades 9 - 12.  No acting experience is necessary.

Audition Online:  Here's how it works.

Step 1:  Take a 30 second video of you doing CPR (no mannequin is necessary, use a pillow, a book, be creative!) and tell us a bit about yourself.

Step 2:  Upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo.  Please password protect it, or make it private.  Send us the link.  It's that easy!  If you are interested, contact us and we will gladly tell you more about it and send you a sample script for the video. (JL –Nov 30)

clip_image016SAY IT OUT LOUD: November is sonnet month.  Write a sonnet and drop it off to Mrs. Simpson in Rm 138 by the end of the month. You might win a Chapters' gift certificate. (JS –Nov 30)

clip_image018JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR HAIR AND MAKE-UP: A reminder to the make-up crew that we will be having our first lesson, Thursday, December 1st at lunch, in room 102. Jessica will be reviewing the make-up designs for each team. Please see Ms. Stuart if you cannot attend. (CS –Dec 1)

clip_image020GUITAR SHOWCASE: There will be a guitar showcase in the Learning Commons/Library on Friday, December 2 during high school lunch. Bring your lunch, sit back, and enjoy music played by some of M.T's talented musicians. (AC –Dec 2)

clip_image022MTSAID AWARENESS WEEK – EVENTS: Tuesday November 29th: During high school lunch on the cafeteria stage students will be encouraged to participate in the "Wii distracted driving challenge" to highlight the dangers of attempting to "drive" while sending a text.

Wednesday November 30th: During high school lunch in the atrium students will experience an obstacle course with impaired vision goggles and plasma cars.

Thursday December 1st: During high school lunch in the atrium MTSAID members will be selling "mocktails" for $2 to promote alternatives to drinking alcohol.

Friday December 2nd: During high school lunch in the atrium, students will be encouraged to place their handprint on a sign that shows their commitment to not drive impaired. (MK –Dec 2)

STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image024

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR MPB PLAY: We are looking for motivated artistic students who need little supervision or direction, to help with props and set design for the MPB Christmas play.  Date is December 10th from 9-12 or later if needed.  Any interested students should contact Mrs. Oxley 613-835-7544 by December 1st in order to make sure we have something organized for you to do. (KW –Dec 1)

clip_image026INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE:  Ontario is holding an information meeting for interested students and parents on Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 7:30pm at the Ottawa Carleton District School Board Lecture Hall at 440 Albert Street. (parking is available with access from Laurier or Slater)  A representative will be present to provide information and answer questions.  Please visit for details about programs. (KW – Dec. 1)

clip_image028VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: is a new website geared towards students volunteering in the Ottawa area and accumulating their 40 hours. Click the GO! Volunteer tab to search for Volunteer opportunities.  There are numerous volunteer opportunities during the school year.  At times, there are too many to post in the written announcements. We ask that you make it a habit to stop in to Student Services and check out what is available.  
Current Volunteer Opportunities include:

1)    Interested in Volunteering at Winterlude between Feb 3 and Feb 20? See Mr. Hallarn for details.

2)     Volunteers are needed to assist with children, youth, adults with special needs in various community programs and recreational settings. Opportunities exist in community centres and programs across west district, in instructional programs which may include swimming lessons, skating and gymnastics. See Mr. Hallarn (JH –Dec 2)

GRADE 12’s / GRADS clip_image030

clip_image032IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL GRADE 12 STUDENTS: Grad Surveys have been extended.  The deadline is now THIS Friday (December 2nd).  They can be handed in to Student Services, or to Vanessa Symington.  (KL –Dec 2)

JOSTEN’S RINGS ARE BACK! Jostens Rings will be at Mother Teresa High School, in the atrium, during senior lunch clip_image034hour, on December 5th and December 6th.  Come check out the catalogs in Student Services.  You can also visit their website and design your own ring at Remember that a deposit of $60.00 is required for your order. (KW –Dec 6)

clip_image036UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA INFORMATION EVENING: University of Ottawa is hosting an Evening Fair for future students and their parents on Thurs Dec 8th. Presentations will focus on the admissions process, important deadlines, and ways to increase scholarship and bursary potential. In addition, faculty representatives will be on hand during the fair to answer questions. For more info and to register visit (JH -Dec 8)

clip_image038GRADUATING STUDENTS – POLICIES AND DEADLINES:  In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June.  As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa: 

·          PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance.  The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by Friday May 11th, 2012.

  • GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Friday June 11, 2012.

Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (SD –Dec 9) 

STAFF NOTES clip_image040 

clip_image042ELECTRONICS CENSUS FALL 2011: Each year the school does a census of what electronics students bring to school, so that teachers can use this resource more effectively during class. This year the census will take place during homeroom TODAY. The link to the census is:  (PC –Nov 30)

clip_image044STAFF MASS: We will celebrate Mass this Thursday in the chapel, at 3:15pm. All are welcome. (MD –Dec 1)

clip_image046JEANS DAY: A reminder that Friday December 2nd is Jeans Day.  This week our contributions will go toward support of our Christmas Outreach Committee.   Your generosity is greatly appreciated. (SD –Dec 2) 


clip_image048COMMUNITY CORNER clip_image050


For information about St. Andrew’s Parish, including parish bulletins, please visit

clip_image052FLU SHOT CLINIC: Ottawa Public Health is holding a free flu shot clinic at Mother Teresa High School on Wednesday, November 30, from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Please open Flu Shot Clinic Info from Ottawa Public Health for more information. (Nov 30)

clip_image054CITY OF OTTAWA – DYNAMIC DANCE-FITNESS CLASSES: The City of Ottawa is introducing new Dynamic Dance-Fitness Classes for Pre-Teens and Teens (ages 11 – 14 years), starting in January 2012.  Registration is on now at any City of Ottawa Client Service Centre or Recreational Facility.  You can also register by calling 613-580-2588, or online at (AJ –Dec 2)


clip_image057COMING UP…

  • Nov 30th – Flu Shot Clinic  3:30 – 8:30 pm
  • Nov 28th Dec 2nd MTSAID Awareness Week
  • Dec 14th Advent Liturgies
  • Dec 15th 17th Jesus Christ Superstar ~ Performances Thur/Fri/Sat @ 7pm, and Sat @ 2pm.  Doors open 15 minutes before show time.


First Week of Advent

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