Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Day 2 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8
~ Thought for the Week ~
It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.
SAY IT OUT LOUD: Students who are interested in entering the school's writing contest, Say it Out Loud, are asked to submit a 500 word opinion essay to Mrs. Simpson in Rm 138 by the end of the month. Win a gift certificate to Chapters. (JS – Oct. 30)
AMBASSADORS: There is an Ambassador meeting this Thursday, October 13th at the beginning of lunch in Room 230. Please bring your lunch and your completed application (if not already submitted). (MP – Oct 13)
LET JUSTICE FLOW is a social justice and leadership workshop for high school students. It takes place at Waupoos Farm on Friday October 21 to Saturday October 22. Please see Martha if you are interested in attending. (MD –Oct 11)
PEER MENTORS: Got what it takes to be a leader? Do you have something you think you could share with younger students? Challenge yourself to be a peer mentor. You can ask questions and sign-up in Student Services. (MP – Oct 14)
CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITMENT: Any student in Grade 11 or 12 interested in The Canadian Forces are to sign up for an information session. The sign up sheet will be in Student Services. Recruitment Sergeant D. Contini will be presenting in the multi purpose room at a date to be determined. Thank you for your interest. Please see Mrs. O'Sullivan, Mr. Nearing or Mrs. Rennick in the Cooperative Education room for further information. (JR – Oct 14)
SR. BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Monday October 3rd we have a home game against Ridgemount High School. Thursday, October 6th we have a practice after school in the hard wood floor gym. Wednesday October 12, we are travelling to St Pius and have another away game on Thursday October 13th at Deslaurier High School. Practice Monday October 17th in the caf gym after school and home game Tuesday October 18th against Notre Dame. (EM- Oct -18)
INFORMATION SESSION: McGill, Bishop's University & Concordia University will be hosting an information session at Woodroffe High School on Tuesday Oct 11 at 7:00pm. (JH – Oct 11)
QUILTS! It's back by popular demand. Victoria Quilts' representatives will be back to show this year's club members what is involved in tie-ing the quilts. All those who have signed up are asked to come to a short presentation in the Career Centre on Thursday, October 13th, at 3:30pm. Afterwards, we can create our schedule of meetings and decide how we are going to outdo our competition (other Barrhaven schools). It's fun, it's relaxing and it's a great opportunity to meet new friends....all the while helping a great cause. It's also an easy way to get your community service hours. All are welcome. Please see Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services for more information. (KW – Oct 13)
UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE PROGRAM VIEWBOOKS: We have received new University and College Program Viewbooks. You may borrow the viewbooks for a week at a time. Please see Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services. (KW)
UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR: U of Windsor official calendar is now only available on-line at www.uwindsor.ca/calandar. Discover UWindsor; the Music Audition Workshop, the Entrance Interview/Workshop, Auditions, BFA in Acting and more. Other information is available on their website: www.uwindsor.ca/liaison. (KW)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO: Fall Campus Days are the open house events of the year. U of T St. George is Saturday, October 29th; U of T Mississauga is Sunday, October 30th and U of T Scarborough is Saturday, November 19th. (KW – Nov 19)
YORK UNIVERSITY NEWS: Project ADVANCE is a 6-week summer institute which prepares students with specific learning disabilities for success in their university studies. This initiative is offered through the Learning Disabilities program at York University and is funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Government of Ontario. Project ADVANCE is scheduled from Tuesday, July 3rd - Thursday, August 9, 2012. The program will operate from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Thursday at the Keele Campus of York University, Toronto. Application package can be found on line at http://www.yorku.ca/cds/lds/project_advance_request_form.php. A $200 refundable registration fee is required. (KW)
LOYALIST COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE: Loyalist College have their Fall Open House and College Information Program on Tuesday, November 1st, 2011 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. (KW)
Something different to do this summer. Shad Valley, Summer 2012 (July 1-July 27). Shad Valley is a four-week summer enrichment experience for students in Grades 10, 11 and 12. Download an application today at www.shad.ca/apply. Intake dates for program applications are December 7, 2011 and January 18, 2012. (KW)
Come view our program viewbooks.
GRADUATING STUDENTS – POLICIES AND DEADLINES: In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June. As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa:
· PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance. The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by Friday May 11th, 2012.
- GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Friday June 11, 2012.
Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (SD – Oct 14)
- October 5th – 6th - HepB, Menacta and HPV immunizations for Grade 7 & 8 Students
- October 7th – PD Day – No classes for all students
- October 10th – Thanksgiving Day
- October 11th – Photo Retake Day
~For information about St. Andrew’s Parish, including parish bulletins, please visit www.saintandrewparish.ca.
(+ denotes updated announcements)