Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Day 2 - H.S. & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8
(+ denotes updated announcements)
~ Thought for the Week ~
I am ready to accept whatever He gives and to give whatever He takes with a big smile. ~ Mother Teresa
SIREN: We will be continuing with our SIREN (Stop Immediately Read Everything Now) literacy initiative this year. Please encourage your student to bring a novel, magazine, newspaper - anything they would like to read for pleasure as they will be afforded time in classes to read. (MC –Sep 9)
LOCKS FOR LOCKERS: Students are reminded that only combination locks are acceptable for use at Mother Teresa High School. If you change your lock during the course of this school year, please notify the main office of your new combination. In addition, students are to occupy only the locker assigned to them by their homeroom teacher. Unauthorized occupation of another locker will result in your lock being cut and all contents of the locker removed. (KL –Sep 9)
RICHARD SCARSBROOK – AUTHOR, TEACHER, ENTERTAINER: Richard Scarsbrook will be in the MT Learning Commons (Library) next week on Tuesday, September 13 from 10:15 -11:30. His most recent book, The Monkeyface Chronicles, won the Ontario Library Association White Pine award in May. Please check out his website below. If you would like to attend his presentation, please drop by the Learning Commons/Library for a pass. Website:
Blog: Twitter:
Facebook: (CHV -Sep 13)
CHEO CONNECTS is a Free Information Series for Parents of 14 -18 year olds. Monday Sept 19 from 7 - 9pm. For a list of topics covered and registration info please visit (JH -Sep 19)
JUNIOR BOYS SOCCER TRYOUTS begin TONIGHT (Wednesday) at 3 PM. All interested boys should attend this first tryout. Meet in the Atrium after school - the remaining tryouts will be on Thursday, September 8th, and Monday, September 12th after school at 3 PM. If you have any questions see Mr. Rowley in room 136. (MR –Sep 12)
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR: All participants including leads, ensemble, crowd, band, orchestra, mob (and if you are not sure where you fit in come anyway) are asked to come to the stage Wednesday, Sept. 7th after school to receive a rehearsal schedule, discuss the show and basically get things started. Please see Mr. Linke if you have any questions. (RL –Sep 7)
MT C.A.N. ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB: Open to all students grades 9-12 who are looking to make a difference in our environmental community. Our first meeting is Wednesday at the beginning of lunch in room 203. If you want to be a part of our Eco-Gold award winning team, please come join us. (SR –Sep 7)
CAPPIES: Students interested in writing for Cappies this year are asked to see Mrs. Simpson in Rm 138 at lunch on Thursday in Rm 138. (JS –Sep 8)
COSTA RICA 2012: Attention all students planning to go on the Costa Rica Adventure trip this March Break; there is a meeting Thursday at the beginning of lunch in room 203. Anyone who may be interested is welcome to come and ask questions. (SR –Sep 8)
SR. BOYS VOLLEYBALL: All grade 11 and 12 students that are interested in joining the volleyball team, should note that the first try-outs are Thursday September 8th and Monday September 12th, immediately after school in the gym. Please come ready with running shoes, shorts and a t-shirt. If you have any questions please see Mlle McMurchy (room 233 7-8 wing) or M. Atkinson. Thank you! Hope to see you all there! (EM –Sep 8)
OUTDOOR CLUB: Any High School students interested in joining the outdoor club this year are asked to come to room 103 Friday September 9th, at 11:45 am. (MF –Sep 9)
ATTENTION ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Want to have fun and make a difference at school? We are looking for Peer Helpers. There will be a meeting for all students (Gr. 9-12) interested in being a peer helper, Friday, September 9th at lunch in room 302. (MB –Sep 9)
BOYS BASKETBALL: All boys interested in playing High School basketball this year are invited to the OPEN GYM nights - every Monday night from 7 PM - 9 PM beginning this Monday night September 12th. If you have any questions see Mr. Rowley in room 136. (MR –Sep 12)
LONDON, ENGLAND TRIP – MARCH 2012: Please see Mrs. Simpson (Rm 138) by Sept. 16th if you are interested in a fabulous March Break trip to London. Pick up letter of permission, itinerary and payment information. (JS –Sep 16)
COURSE CHANGES: Students requiring course changes are asked to drop by Student Services in between classes or at lunch to book an appointment with their counselor. Do not sit and wait in Student Services as you will not be seen without an appointment. (JH –Sep 9)
LOOKING FOR: Before school supervision for two children, aged 8 and 10. Responsibility includes staying in the house with the children and ensuring they board the school bus from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am - 8:50 am. Location: Woodpark Way (near St. Luke elementary school). Suitable for a responsible teenager with a spare first, or an adult. Please contact Blair at 613 878-1569. (KW –Sep 14)
QUILTS! We have a unique opportunity for students to earn their volunteer hours right here at our school! Victoria’s Quilts Canada is a non-profit organization making quilts for people with Cancer living anywhere in Canada. Demand for these quilts has increased dramatically in the past few years. Victoria’s Quilts is looking for students. Both boys and girls can help to tie and finish the quilts. Sewing skills are not required. Please sign up in Student Services. (KW –Sep 30)
STAFF MASS: Our first staff mass will take place on Wednesdsay September 7 at 3:15 in the chapel. The after school masses will be open to any person in school who wants to attend. (MD –Sep 7)
EMERGENCY INFO SHEETS: Staff Emergency Contact information sheets can be found in your Staff Handbook (yellow sheet). Please fill out and return to Sharleen in the main office by Friday September 9th. It is VERY important we have the most current information for you. (SD –Sep 9)
VOICEMAIL: Every staff member is provided with a Voicemail box to collect phone messages. If you have not already done so, please set up your voicemail so that it will properly reflect as your voicemail box. (Instructions can be found in your mailbox). Please make sure to check your voicemail box often, to pick up those messages, so you may respond to them in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please contact the main office for help. (SD –Sep 9)
- September 14th – School Photo Day
- September 15th – Program Night Open House
- September 23rd – Student fees due