Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day 1 - H.S. & Day 5 - Gr. 7 & 8
~ Thought for the Week ~
Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received, and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work. ~ Mother Teresa
YOUTH EVENTS: “Under the Son” Youth Rally, takes place at St. Monica’s Parish, on June 25th, AND “Journey to the Father” Youth Conference July 15 to 17 in St. Raphaels, Ontario. Students have really enjoyed these programs in the past and registration is limited, so see Martha for details. (MD –Jun 10)
GRADE 7 DAY OF AWARENESS: All Grade 7 Homerooms should come to the caf gym for 8:45 (right after morning exercises). Each workshop will have at least one ACTS representative to assist the presenters or teachers. (MD –May 25)
8:45 | Welcome and Opening Prayer | 1:10 | Travel to next workshop |
9:00 | (Keynote) Lac LaBiche Students | 1:20 | Workshop begins (Atrium) |
9:25 | Travel to first workshop | 1:55 | Travel to workshop 6 (Everyone) |
9:30 | First Workshop (Chapel) | 2:05 | Debrief, evaluate and closing prayer (Caf Gym) |
10:10 | Travel to next workshop | 2:50 | Dismissal |
10:15 | Workshop Begins (Multipurpose Rm) |
10:50 | Snack and Travel to next Workshop |
11:00 | Workshop Begins (Rm. 230 –Drama) |
11:40 | Travel to next workshop |
| |
11:50 | Workshop Begins (Video Rm) |
12:25 | Lunch |
7/8 SOFTBALL: Boys Softball: Any boys interested in trying out for the 7/8 boys softball team are reminded that try-outs will take place next Wednesday and Thursday, May 25th and 26th, from 3:00 to 4:00. Please sign up this week outside room 333. Please see Mr. Shannon with any questions. (KS –May 26)
MTSAID: All MTSAID members ordering t-shirts are asked to submit $20 to Mrs. Kowal by Friday May 27th. (MK –May 27)
DO YOU LOVE MUSIC? Do you enjoy working with people? Do you need community service hours? Then start checking out the websites for the awesome festivals in Ottawa this summer. It all starts in June with the Jazz Festival, followed by the Country Festival and Bluesfest in July and finally, Folkfest in August. If volunteer registration is not open yet for some of them, keep checking back every week. Some positions fill up quickly and if you are under 18, some festivals require parental permission forms to be completed before being accepted. Good luck. (SS –May 27)
D.I.F.D. CLOTHING ORDERS ARE IN! You may pick up this week (to May 27) at lunch in room 216. (SM –May 27)
IMPROV CLUB: The Improv Club will meet every Monday at lunch until the end of May in Rm 138. (JS –May 30)
VICTORIA QUILTS CLUB: Reminder that the last meeting for the Victoria Quilts Club members will be Tuesday, May 31st in the library from 3:30 pm to 5:30pm. Thank you to all who have participated this past semester. Looking forward to next year's events. (KW –May 31)
MOTHERCRAFT OTTAWA – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Mothercraft Ottawa is recruiting for their annual fundraiser, Touch-a-Truck, taking place on Sunday, May 29th at Lincoln Fields Shopping Centre parking lot from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Volunteer shifts are between 4 to 5 hours in length and start at a variety of times. Help is needed with set up, arts and crafts, security, concessions, attendants, runners, team leads etc. Volunteers receive t-shirt, refreshments and a light meal. Please contact Sarah at: 613 72l8-1839 x 500 or by email at You can also visit the website: Info sheets available in Student Services. (KW –May 27)
UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA 2011-2012 TRANSITION PROGRAM for students with a learning disability or other functional limitation (cognitive, psychological, psychiatric, medical, physical or sensory). Please visit Orientation days are on September 1st and 2nd. (KW –May 27)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Bright Math Camp 2011 is a not-for-profit camp for the promotion of mathematics taking place at Carleton University, UC 282 (Unicenter) from July 18-22, 2011. The camps are organized for motivated bright and gifted students entering in the fall 2011 into grades 7-8-9. The camp covers recreational math, study skills strategies. There is 1 hr free swimming on one day and introduction to Tai Chi. Information sheets are available in Student Services. Check their website: for further details. (KW-May 30)
DRIVER’S EDUCATION: It's here! Driver’s Education for the summer. Locations for in class sessions are at All Saints HS, Sacred Heart HS, St. Joseph HS, St. Paul HS and St. Peter HS. Open to all students attending Ottawa region secondary schools. Must be at least 16 years of age and have a G1 license prior to July 4th, 2011. Registration runs from May 2 - June 17, 2011. Forms can be found in Student Services. (KW –May 31)
SUMMER SCHOOL: Both Catholic and Public School Board Summer School information and registration packages are available in Student Services. Pre-registration is from May 2nd to June 17th. (KW –Jun 2)
FERRARI FESTIVAL – JUNE 17TH – 19TH- STUDENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Volunteers needed to work 3-hour shifts on Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday morning. You can sign up for more than a one shift. T-shirts and caps are provided. Bring your community volunteer hour sheet with you. You will be part of a team ensuring that people do not get too close to the parked and roped off sports cars, as well as helping with the Dream Ride fundraiser on Sunday. Please e-mail your NAME and PHONE NUMBER to: subject: Ferrari Festival. You will receive more details as soon as your e-mail is received. (KW –Jun 2)
SUMMER CAMP FOR ABORIGINAL YOUTH: Dream Quest is a free camp July 3-8, 2011 for Aboriginal youth (ages 12-17) held at Algonquin College, Ottawa Ontario. You can take classes, sleep in residence and explore the college campus, just like a real college student! All meals and evening activities are included. See Student Services for more details. (AB –Jun 10)
PROM COMMITTEE: The prom committee will meet one last time this week. The meeting will take place in Room 134 at 11:25 on Thursday May 26th. It is important that everyone attend we have some thank you's and final items to complete. See you there! (KP –May 26)
JEANS DAY: A reminder that Friday May 27th is Jeans Day. This week our contributions will go toward the 18th annual Tim Horton’s Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival Fundraiser on June 17-19, 2011 at Mooney's Bay Park. This year, the festival supports the following charities: Sens Foundation/Project S.T.E.P., CHEO Foundation, Bruyère Foundation, ArtsSmarts, Ottawa Humane Society, University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research, and Debra Dynes Family House. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. (SD –May 27)
- May 27th – UNITY Cross visits Mother Teresa
- May 31st – Jun 1st – Mandatory Dental Screening for Grade 7 & 8 students
- Jun 3rd – PD Day. No classes for all students.
- Jun 7th – School Council Spring Carnival.
- Jun 13th – 17th – Gr. 9 EQAO Math Testing