Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8

~ Thought for the Week ~

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. ~ Mother Teresa


clip_image002HEY MT! COME OUT TO M.T.EX: Our year-end carnival is on June 7th!  $ 5 gets you 2 pieces of pizza and 4 tickets.  Pizza MUST be pre-ordered with your homeroom teacher by this Thursday, June 2nd.  Extra tickets can also be pre-ordered at 50 cents each if you want to beat the ticket booth lineup! (NR –Jun 2)

AUDITIONS RESUME! Jesus Christ Superstar auditions resume this week.  Students from grades 8 to 11 who have not yet auditioned are asked to see Mr Linke in Rm 100 before homeroom or Rm 212 after school to pick up audition information. (RL –Jun 2)

clip_image004YOUTH EVENTS: “Under the Son” Youth Rally, takes place at St. Monica’s Parish, on June 25th, AND “Journey to the Father” Youth Conference July 15th to 17th in St. Raphaels, Ontario.   Students have really enjoyed these programs in the past and registration is limited, so see Martha for details. (MD –Jun 10)

7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS  clip_image006

clip_image009GRADE 8 SEMI FORMAL DINNER AND DANCE: When: Friday, June 17th, 6 - 9 PM. Tickets are on sale May 30Th - June 2nd. Purchase your ticket before June 2nd to ensure you do not miss out on this fantastic event! $10 and permission form given to your homeroom teacher. Tickets will be distributed on June 17th. (AJ –Jun 2)

GRADE 8 STUDENTS: All grade 8s are invited to email digital photos for the upcoming Semi Formal.  Please email images of you and your friends to mtsemi2011@gmail.com. All images are due by June 8th. (AJ –Jun 2)

GRADE 8 SEMI-FORMAL – SONG REQUESTS:  All grade 8s are reminded that any song requests for the upcoming Semi Formal Dance must be placed before June 8th. Please email song requests to:
(AJ –Jun 2)


IMPROV CLUB:  The Improv Club will meet every Monday at lunch until the end of May in Rm 138. (JS –May 30)

clip_image011VICTORIA QUILTS CLUB: Reminder that the last meeting for the Victoria Quilts Club members will be Tuesday, May 31st in the library from 3:30 pm to 5:30pm.  Thank you to all who have participated this past semester.  Looking forward to next year's events.  (KW –May 31)

clip_image013LONDON, ENGLAND THEATRE TRIP: An information meeting for a school field trip to London, England will be held in Rm 138 at lunch on Wednesday, June 1.  Students will be given a detailed itinerary, cost breakdown and permission form.  Find out about this once in a life time opportunity! (JS –Jun 1)

ATTENTION CAPPIES GALA ATTENDEES: Please see Ms. Stuart in room 102, by Thursday to pick up your Cappies Gala Tickets. The cost is $25 and is due upon pick up. You may not collect a ticket for your friend unless it has been paid for. The Gala is this Sunday at the NAC starting at 6:30pm. (CS –Jun 2)

clip_image015MTSAID: All MTSAID members ordering t-shirts are asked to submit $20 to Mrs. Kowal by Thursday June 2nd. (MK –Jun 2)

clip_image017BARRHAVEN BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: Wed June 8th, 5:00pm - 8:00pm, at the Barrhaven Legion, 3500 Fallowfield Rd.  Call 1-888-2-DONATE to book an appt. (DM –Jun 7)


STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image019

clip_image021VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Bright Math Camp 2011 is a not-for-profit camp for the promotion of mathematics taking place at Carleton University, UC 282 (Unicenter) from July 18th -22nd, 2011.  The camps are organized for motivated bright and gifted students entering in the fall 2011 into grades 7-8-9. The camp covers recreational math, study skills strategies.  There is 1 hr free swimming on one day and introduction to Tai Chi. Information sheets are available in Student Services. Check their website: http://www.ncf.ca/~au680/index.htm for further details. (KW-May 30)

clip_image023SUMMER SCHOOL: Both Catholic and Public School Board Summer School information and registration packages are available in Student Services.  Pre-registration is from May 2nd to June 17th. (KW –Jun 2)

clip_image025SUMMER CAMP FOR ABORIGINAL YOUTH: Dream Quest is a free camp July 3-8, 2011 for Aboriginal youth (ages 12-17) held at Algonquin College, Ottawa Ontario. You can take classes, sleep in residence and explore the college campus, just like a real college student! All meals and evening activities are included. See Student Services for more details. (AB –Jun 10)

clip_image027DRIVER’S EDUCATION: It's here!  Driver’s Education for the summer. Locations for in class sessions are at All Saints HS, Sacred Heart HS, St. Joseph HS, St. Paul HS and St. Peter HS.  Open to all students attending Ottawa region secondary schools.  Must be at least 16 years of age and have a G1 license prior to July 4th, 2011.  Registration runs from May 2nd - June 17th, 2011.  Forms can be found in Student Services. (KW –Jun 17)

clip_image029VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER! We have several volunteer opportunities this month, in June and throughout the summer. Too many details to include in these announcements, but here is a brief summary of what is available. We strongly encourage students to drop by Student Services and check out the Volunteer Clipboard!

  • Berrigan Elementary School BBQ: Thursday, June 9th, 3pm to 8:30pm.  Contact Esmat Fares, 613-797-4004, or email: salameh252@yahoo.ca.
  • St. Luke Elementary School - Year End Dance: Friday, June 10th, 5pm to 9pm.  Tina Granville, tgranvil@gmail.com, 613-823-7427.
  • Canadian Cancer Society Ottawa Centre 2011 Relay for Life:  Friday, June 10th, 7pm at the Nepean Sportsplex.  12-hour overnight, non-competitive event. To put in a team, register online at cancer.ca/relay or contact Shannon Pierangeli at ottawacentreflteams@gmail.com or 613-618-4437.
  • 2011 Barrhaven Run for Rogers's House: Saturday, June 11th, 2011. Over 125 volunteers are required.  Please email volunteers@Barrhaven.Run.ca.
  • Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School: June 14th, 4pm-9pm.  Contact Assunta Ricciuti by email sueandbrad@live.ca.
  • clip_image031Faces of Aces Needs You: Year end BBQ bash at Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School - Thursday, June 16th, 5pm to 8pm.  Please email your name, your school name, and your phone# to faces.of.aces@gmail.com.
  • clip_image033Ferrari Festival: June 17th-June 19th - email your name and phone number to:  dharding@magma.ca subject: Ferrari Festival.  You will receive more details as soon as your email is received.
  • Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival - June 17th - 19th.
    Email:  volunteer@dragonboat.net.

  • clip_image035Ride the Rideau Cancer Research Fundraiser: Prizes, entertainment, fun, silent auction at Greenfields Pub and Eatery, 900 Greenbank Road, Tuesday, June 21st, 2011, 7pm to 10pm.  Volunteers needed for the event.  Please contact Manuela McLaughlin at 613 223-7951. On September 10th, Carol Badenoch and Cosmo Grant will bike the 100km. Proceeds from their sponsorship will go to support the Ottawa Hospital Cancer Research Institute.  See http://www.ridetherideau.ca for more details. 
  • clip_image037Summer Camp working outdoors with teens and adults with Special Needs. July 11th-22nd, Monday-Friday, 9am to noon.  5480 Richmond Road, Nepean. Contact Kathleen Rooney @ 613-789-1212 or email outdoorworkexperience@gmail.com.
  • GreekFest 2011.  August 10th-21st, 2011.  www.ottawagreekfest.com.  Please contact Tasia Reklitis at treklitis@helleniccommunity.com. (KW –Jun 17)

GRADS clip_image039

clip_image041SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Attention all grads.  Don't miss out on this opportunity.  The Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship is an Ontario Government program that recognizes hard working students who earn top marks.  Winners may receive a tuition scholarship worth up to a maximum of $3,500 per year. The minimum scholarship that you can receive is $100.  Apply using the 2011-2012 OSAP online web application for full-time students at http://osap.gov.on.ca, or apply using an OSAP paper application form. For more information, drop by Student Services. (KW –Jun 10)


clip_image046COMING UP…

  • Jun 3rd PD Day.  No classes for all students.
  • Jun 7th Student Council Spring Carnival.
  • Jun 13th – 17th Gr. 9 EQAO Math Testing
  • Jun 17th Grade 8 Semi Formal, 6 – 9 pm
  • Jun 22nd – 23rd Grade 7 & 8 Year End Trips
  • Jun 28th Last Day of Classes for Grade 7 & 8 Students
  • Jun 29th High School Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony, 1:00 pm.


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