~ Thought for the Week ~

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa


                                   Friday, May 13, 2011                                        

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 1 - Gr. 7 & 8

7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS  clip_image002


GIRLS SOFTBALL: Attention Grade 7 & 8 Girls: Interested in trying out for this year's Girls' Softball Team? Sign your name to the list posted outside room 332.  The try out schedule is posted above the sign up sheets. Speak with Mrs. Jewitt if unable to attend any of the tryouts.  See you on the diamond! (AJ-MAY20)

clip_image005IMMUNIZATION CLINIC: Reminder to all grade 7 students and to grade 8 girls: Our final immunization clinic will be held on Wednesday May 18th and Thursday May 19th. Students already handed in permission forms in the fall. Grade 7 students will be able to receive the final dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine and grade 8 girls will receive the final dose of the HPV vaccine. Students are reminded to dress appropriately to receive the immunization and to eat a good breakfast on the day of the clinic. (CB –May 18)


CAPPIES GALA - All students interested in attending the Cappies Gala at the NAC on June 5th are asked to see Ms. Stuart in room 102 to reserve a seat. We would like to have a large group of attendees this year to support our three nominations. Tickets cost $25 and the event is semi formal.  Reservations will be taken until Tuesday May 17 at 3:00pm. (CS-MAY17)

clip_image007HIGH SCHOOL TOUCH FOOTBALL INTRAMURALS ARE HERE! Come be a part of the final intramural of the year.  6 vs 6 one hand touch football (teams of 8). Check out the rules posted in the wood floor gym hallway to see if you and your team have what it takes to be crowned a champion. Games will take place at lunch on our main field (field width) weather permitting. See Mr. Currie or Mr. Prigent for details. $1 per player.  Drop forms off to rm 117. (DP –May 16)

clip_image009GRADE 12’S – CHECK YOUR MARKS! Grade 12's that applied to College or University are asked to check OCAS / OUAC to ensure the midterm marks are reported and accurate including night school marks. (JH –May 17)

 IMPROV CLUB:  The Improv club will meet every Monday at lunch until the end of May in Rm 138. (JS –May 30)

STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image011


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Havenlea Chapman-Mills Community Association is again in need of high school volunteers for their Community Spring Clean Up event. As a part of this event we are distributing much needed rain barrels for people in our community. This will involve unloading the barrels from the trailer, and collecting money from purchasers. We are looking for 5 to 10 volunteers. Students can email: andrea@vronsky.ca, or phone 613-850-2680 to get more details. The event starts at 9:00 am this Saturday May 14th at Cresthaven Park (near St. Andrew School) and will end around 12:30. Hot dogs and drinks will be available for volunteers.

(KW –May 13)

clip_image013VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Are you a mature high school student who would like to complete your volunteer hours working outdoors?  Do you enjoy working with people? Are you patient?  You could be part of an innovative summer camp which involves working with teens and adults with Special Needs. Saturday, May 14th 2pm to 5pm, Sunday, May 15th 9am to noon (raindate), July 11th-22nd; Monday - Friday, 9am - noon. Location: 5480 Richmond Road, Nepean K2R 1G4. Contact: Kathleen Rooney @ 613 789-1212 or email:  mailto:outdoorworkexperience@gmail.com.  See information in Student Services. (KW –May 13)

clip_image015VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY – CHEO: The 28th Anniversary of the annual Telethon for CHEO on CTV Ottawa, takes place on June 4th and 5th.  They are looking for student volunteers to work the phones. MT available timeslots:

Sunday, June 5th         9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.                       

Sunday, June 5th         11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.                     

Sunday, June 5th         12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.                       

See Mr. Hallarn if interested. (JH –May 17)


clip_image017**NEW DATES** ANOTHER CHANCE FOR SCHOOL RINGS! Jostens Rings will be back for Grade 11 and Grade 12 students during senior lunch on Wednesday, May 18th and Thursday, May 19th.  It is the perfect opportunity for all grade 11 students to purchase their class rings in May and receive them in September and for the Grade 12 students who haven't had a chance to order one yet. By ordering in May, you will get your ring early and save money as well. (KW –May 19) 


clip_image019DRIVER’S EDUCATION: It's here!  Driver’s Education for the summer. Locations for in class sessions are at All Saints HS, Sacred Heart HS, St. Joseph HS, St. Paul HS and St. Peter HS.  Open to all students attending Ottawa region secondary schools.  Must be at least 16 years of age and have a G1 license prior to July 4th, 2011.  Registration runs from May 2 - June 17, 2011.  Forms can be found in Student Services. (KW –May 31)

clip_image021SUMMER SCHOOL: Both Catholic and Public School Board Summer School information and registration packages are available in Student Services.  Pre-registration is from May 2nd to June 17th. (KW –Jun 2)

GRADS clip_image023



GRADUATING STUDENTS: In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June.  As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa: 

  • GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Friday June 10, 2011.

Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (SD –May 13)


STAFF clip_image027






  • May 18th – 19th Grade 7/8 Immunization Clinic

  • May 19th Grad Day                                                             

  • May 20th Prom

  • May 23rd Victoria Day – no classes

  • May 25th Grade 7 Retreat Day

  • May 27th UNITY Cross visits Mother Teresa

  • May 31st – Jun 1st Mandatory Dental Screening for Grade 7 & 8 students




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