Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8

~ Thought for the Week ~

It is impossible to walk rapidly and be unhappy.  ~ Mother Teresa


clip_image002LOLLIPOPS! Each Tuesday and Friday in May, the Ambassadors are selling lollipops during lunch. Don't forget your loonie! (MP –May 6)

clip_image004FIRST AUDITIONS FOR NEXT YEAR’S PLAY! The Drama Guild at Mother Teresa is proud to announce that the rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar will be performed on our stage in December of 2011. Students from grades 8 to 11 are welcome to audition to become part of the cast of one of the greatest stories ever told. The sign-up sheet is located outside the drama stage door and all those who wish to be a part of the production are asked to attend the first round of auditions which take place on Monday, May 9th at 3:05 on the stage. Check out the stage door for further info and announcements. (RL –May 9)

7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS  clip_image006

clip_image008CANADIAN ECOLOGY TRIP: Grade 7/8 students participating in the Canadian Ecology trip, are asked to please return your medical information form to Ms. Stewart in Rm 130 immediately. (NS –May 6)


clip_image010ATTENTION ALL PEER HELPERS ATTENDING PEER HELPING CAMP NEXT WEEK: There will be an important meeting today at the beginning of lunch in room 302.  Please be prompt. (MB –May 6)

clip_image012MARINE BIOLOGY TRIP SEPTEMBER 2011: There will be a very brief but important meeting this Friday at 11:25 in room 202 for all those students enrolled in SBI4U next year who are interested in going on the 5-day marine biology trip to New Brunswick.  Please see Mrs. Sinclair or Ms. Pipkins if you are unable to attend the meeting. (JS –May 6)

ALL PEER HELPERS: Please check the bin in Student Services for your last peer helping visit instructions. You will need some time to prepare for your last visit, so please check your folders ASAP! (VW –May 6)

clip_image014DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS? Staff from Canadian Blood Services will be in the atrium (Career Services) during HS lunch on Monday May 9th and Tuesday May 10th to type the blood of interested students. Minimum age to participate is 17 years.  See Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130 if you would like more information. (DM –May 10)

CO-OP STUDENTS: Students who signed up for co-op are reminded to submit their application with a current resume and $20 ASAP.  For those students seeking a placement at Ottawa Police Services, you are asked to submit an application to co-op no later than Wednesday, May 11th.  Application forms are available in Student Services and the Co-op Office in rm. 111. (KN –May 11)


  • clip_image016The annual blood donor clinic is being held on May 13th in our gym.  You must be a minimum of 17 years old and 50kg/110lb to donate blood.  For complete eligibility requirements, please call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283).

  • UPDATE: Please remember to return your permission forms to Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130 if you are 17 years old and donating blood at the clinic on May 13th.  Also, we are in need of 10 more donors at the May 13th clinic - please consider donating blood (see Mrs. McLaughlin to sign up)  (DM –May 12)

clip_image018HIGH SCHOOL TOUCH FOOTBALL INTRAMURALS ARE HERE! Come be a part of the final intramural of the year.  6 vs 6 one hand touch football (teams of 8). Check out the rules posted in the wood floor gym hallway to see if you and your team have what it takes to be crowned a champion. Games will take place at lunch on our main field (field width) weather permitting. See Mr. Currie or Mr. Prigent for details. $1 per player.  Drop forms off to rm 117. (DP –May 16)

STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image020

clip_image022LOOKING FOR THE NEXT TOP YOUNG PHILANTHROPIST: One Dreem is looking for a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of time and money to good causes.   One Dreem wants to give you $10,000 to fund your good cause.  Enter your idea at  Former NBA-star Jerome Williams and businessman John Tory will judge the finalists.  Other prizes to be won include exclusive television & radio interviews, a free youth leadership workshop, lunch with a mystery philanthropist and a BlackBerry Playbook.  Simply go to and tell us your idea.  They accept videos, photos and essays. Entries must be submitted by May 6th, 2011.  Start voting for your favourites beginning May 7th, 2011. (KW –May 6)

PEER HELPERS NEEDED FOR FEEDER SCHOOL TOURS: Please sign up in Student Services to assist with the Grade 6 feeder school tours which take place next week. (JH –May 10)

clip_image024ANOTHER CHANCE FOR SCHOOL RINGS! Jostens Rings will be back for Grade 11 and Grade 12 students during senior lunch on Wednesday, May 11th and Thursday, May 12th.  It is the perfect opportunity for all grade 11 students to purchase their class rings in May and receive them in September and for the Grade 12 students who haven't had a chance to order one yet. By ordering in May, you will get your ring early and save money as well. (KW –May 12) 

clip_image026VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Are you a mature high school student who would like to complete your volunteer hours working outdoors?  Do you enjoy working with people? Are you patient?  You could be part of an innovative summer camp which involves working with teens and adults with Special Needs. Saturday, May 14th 2pm to 5pm, Sunday, May 15th 9am to noon (raindate), July 11th-22nd; Monday - Friday, 9am - noon. Location: 5480 Richmond Road, Nepean K2R 1G4. Contact: Kathleen Rooney @ 613 789-1212 or email:  See information in Student Services. (KW –May 13)

clip_image028VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY – CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL: Friday, May 6th to Monday, May 23rd, 2011. Visit their website: Contact: or call (613)567-5757 ext. 236. Pick up an information sheet in Student Students. (KW – May 13)

clip_image030DRIVER’S EDUCATION: It's here!  Driver’s Education for the summer. Locations for in class sessions are at All Saints HS, Sacred Heart HS, St. Joseph HS, St. Paul HS and St. Peter HS.  Open to all students attending Ottawa region secondary schools.  Must be at least 16 years of age and have a G1 license prior to July 4th, 2011.  Registration runs from May 2 - June 17, 2011.  Forms can be found in Student Services. (KW –May 31)

clip_image032SUMMER SCHOOL – PUBLIC BOARD: Summer School information from the Public Board is available in Student Services. Summer school locations are Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS, Adult HS, Sir Robert Borden HS and Longfields-Davidson Heights SS.  Summer schedule is from July 6th to July 29th.  Reach ahead classes are from 8:30 am to 3:15 pm.  Make-up classes are from 8:30 am to 11:35 am and 12:10pm to 3:15pm.  Registration takes place during the day from Monday, May 2nd to Friday, June 3rd from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.  Registration also in the evening at the high school site of the course choice.

  • May 17th (6pm to 7:30pm) Sir Robert Borden HS and LDHSS
  • May 18th (6pm to 7:30pm) Adult HS registration is at the Albert St. Education Centre, 440 Albert Street
  • May 18th (6pm to 7:30pm) at Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School
  • Registration deadline for Reach ahead is June 3rd. (KW –Jun 2)

GRADS clip_image034

clip_image036GRADUATION CEREMONY – EXTRA TICKET REQUESTS: The Grad Ceremony will be held Wednesday June 29th at 1:00pm at Mother Teresa HS. Each graduate will be given 2 tickets for their guests. Students that require more than 2 tickets must request the number of extra tickets by signing up in Student Services between Monday May 2nd and Friday May 6th. Signing up does not guarantee you will receive the number requested. Students should drop by Student Services the following week to find out how many extra tickets they will receive. (JH –May 6)

clip_image038SCHOOL LETTER FOR GRADUATES: A reminder that the School Letter Applications are due in Student Services no later than Tuesday May 10. The application requires teacher signatures so start the process now! (JH –May 10)

clip_image040DEADLINES APPROACHING FAST!  GRADUATING STUDENTS: In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June.  As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa: 

·          PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance.  The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by May 13th, 2011.

  • GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Friday June 10, 2011.

Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (SD –May 13)

STAFF clip_image042

clip_image044NATIONAL DENIM DAY – TUESDAY MAY 10TH: All staff are invited to wear denim on Tuesday May 10th, in support of Breast Cancer Research.  Donations of $ 5 may be made in the jar in the Main Office.  Check out for more information. Thank you for your generosity as we Help Fight Breast Cancer! (SD –May 10)


clip_image047COMING UP…

  • May 12th – 15th New York City Trip
  • May 13th Blood Donor Clinic for students
  • May 16th Student Council Elections
  • May 18th – 19th Grade 7/8 Immunization Clinic
  • May 19th Grad Day                                                             
  • May 20th Prom
  • May 23rd Victoria Day – no classes
  • May 25th Grade 7 Retreat Day
  • May 27th UNITY Cross visits Mother Teresa
  • May 31st – Jun 1st Mandatory Dental Screening for Grade 7 & 8 students


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