Thursday, April 28, 2011
Day 1 - H.S. & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8
~ Thought for the Week ~
It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish. ~ Mother Teresa
MINI-ENRICHMENT COURSES: All students attending mini-enrichment courses next week (May 2nd - May 6th) are reminded to attend the orientation sessions this coming weekend. See Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130 if you have questions. (DM –Apr 29)
MT SPIRIT WEEK! Spirit Week is from Tuesday April 26th to Friday April 29th. That's this week! Tuesday is Element Day, wear red like Fire, blue like Water, green/brown like Earth and white/blue like wind. Wednesday is Toga Day! So embrace your inner Greek God or Goddess. Thursday is Cartoon Day. From Bart Simpson, to Stewie, to Mickey Mouse, show us your inner child. Friday is Superhero Day. Grab your tights, capes, masks and crazy abilities and come prepared to save (or wreck) the day! Go Titans!!! (NBD –Apr 29)
MULTICULTURAL SHOW AUDITIONS: Hey Titans! Do you have a talent from your culture that you want to show off? Come out and audition for our annual multicultural show. Auditions will be held in the Multipurpose Room on April 27th, 28th, and 29th after school. Can't make it after school? We will have a lunch time audition in the Dance Room on the 28th! Don't miss out - sign up outside of room 301. (NR –Apr 29)
THINK YOUR REACH TEAM HAS WHAT IT TAKES TO BE MT CHAMPION?? Reach For The Top - QUIZ GAME showdown!!!! Students are invited to participate in a REACH FOR THE TOP BATTLE during Mother Teresa’s Open House on Thursday, May 5 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. in the school library. Please go to Room 235 during HS or 7/8 lunch for more details. (TC –May 3)
REACH FOR THE TOP: Reach for the Top will be in Room 235 during 7/8 lunch on Thursday, April 28. New players are always welcome! (TC –Apr 28)
GRADE 7/8 TOUCH FOOTBALL: Coach: Mr. O'Donnell. Supervisors: Mrs. Becchina and Mrs. Torrie-Smith. First Try out will be held Wed. April 27 and Thurs. April 28 at 3:05-4:15. Bring cleats and water. Meet at the back field near portables. More information will be given at that time. (CB –Apr 28)
GRADE 7/8 SWIM MEET: Grade 7/8 Swim Team members who are participating in the Swim Meet on FRIDAY, MAY 6 are asked to come to a very important meeting on FRIDAY, April 29 at the beginning of 7/8 Lunch. Please be on time and don't forget to bring your lunch!!! (TC –Apr 29)
RED MAPLE CLUB: Drop by the library any time this week to vote for your favourite fiction book. Next meeting is on Friday, April 29th. (CHV –Apr 29)
RED MAPLE FAN VIDEO CONTEST: Entries must be submitted by Friday, April 29th, (5:00pm EST). Directions and examples can be found on the Ontario Library Association site at Individual (iPod touch) and school prizes (Macbook, flip camera) can be won. (CHV –Apr 29)
POETRY CAFÉ: Just a reminder about the Grade 7/8 Poetry Cafe that is being held in the School Library during MT’s Education Week Open House from 6:15 pm to 6:45 pm. Students are asked to go to Room 235 if they have any questions AND/OR to pick up the INFORMATION SHEET. (TC –Apr 29)
AMBASSADORS MEETING: The next Ambassador meeting will be Monday, May 2 during lunch. We start our lollipop sales on May 3rd! The grade 6 tours are coming up! See you in Room 230 at the beginning of lunch. (MP –May 2)
REMINDER -SOLAR CAR PARTICIPANTS: Meeting at lunch in room 202 on Thursday April 28th. Bring your car. (SS –Apr 29)
ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS – PLEASE READ! High school students are reminded that you are NOT to use the 7/8 hallways to get to class. (JP –Apr 29)
WHITE PINE CLUB: Drop by the library any time this week to vote for your favourite book. Last club meeting will be on Friday, April 29. (CHV –Apr 29)
FEDERAL ELECTION MAY 2ND: If you are 18 years old you have the right to vote in the Federal Election. Exercise your right!! If you did not receive a voter's card see Mr. Hallarn. (JH –Apr 29)
JERSEY RETURN: Reminder to all Junior Boys Volleyball players to return their jerseys to Mlle. McMurchy or to M. Atkinson, by FRIDAY. (EM –Apr 29)
OVERSEAS ENRICHMENT TRIP 2012 – RETURN TO VIMY RIDGE: Next year we are planning a trip, in conjunction with a number of high schools in our board, to Return to Vimy Ridge to participate in the ceremonies hosted by the Ministry of Veteran Affairs to commemorate the 95th Anniversary of The Battle of Vimy Ridge. Students will represent a given soldier who died at Vimy Ridge by creating a tribute and wearing a shirt at the ceremony bearing the name of the soldier. The 12 day trip will take us to Milan, Venice (Italy), Bern, Lucerne (Switzerland), Paris, Normandy(France), Ypres, Dieppe, Passchendaele, Flanders and Brussels (Belgium). We will have daily educational tours. More information to follow. (Open to gr. 9-12) departure date: March 31st 2012. (AB –Apr 29)
COSTA RICA TRIP 2012: Attention all eco-adventurists! This year was such a success, we're planning it again for next year as well. March 7th - March 14th 2012, you are invited to come and experience Costa Rica! Rainforests, swimming in waterfalls, zip lining, kayaking, hot springs, chocolate, tree planting, volunteering at a local school, and more. To reserve your seat on the plane, the deadline is May 1st - there is only room for 8 students who will be 16 yrs or older. Don't miss out!! If you're interested in the trip of a lifetime, please see Mrs. Ragaisis for more details. (SR –Apr 29)
BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: The annual blood donor clinic is being held on May 13th in our gym. You must be a minimum of 17 years old and 50kg/110lb to donate blood. Sign up through your homeroom teacher or see Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130 for more information. For complete eligibility requirements, please call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283). (DM –May 12)
INFORMATION FAIR ON COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION PROGRAMS for 2011 graduates and future graduates. Thursday, April 28th, 2011; 6:30pm to 9:00pm at the Hellenic Centre, 1315 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, Ontario. Community agencies will be available to discuss their services and programs. Information will be available on financial assistance programs, social, recreational, educational and work support programs. (KW –Apr 28)
ST. BRIGID’S SUMMER CAMP: Don't forget the St. Brigid's Summer Camp; a private residential camp for boys and girls. This camp holiday is offered to any child aged 8 to 14 regardless of family's financial situation. Activities include considerable use of the water front, sport fields and indoor facilities when the weather is poor. Hikes, canoeing, games, sing songs, storytelling, skits and campfire are highlights for our campers. Registration is on Saturday, April 30th from 8:00 am to 10:30 am at St. John the Apostle Church, 2340 Baseline Road. Parents or guardians must come in person to sign up their own children. Also check their website address, for further information. (KW –Apr 29)
IT’S BACK! THE OTTAWA URBAN TURTLE SANCTUARY SPRING CLEANUP THE CAPITAL EVENT: Students are invited to collect litter from these turtles' habitat and along the road abutting the Greenbelt. Four + hours would work towards the students' volunteer hours. The meeting location for this event will be on Lester Road, at the railway tracks, between Albion Road, and the Airport Parkway at 10:30am on Saturday, April 30th. For any questions, please call Cheryl Doran at 613 521-4894. Visit For those interested students, please sign up with Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services. The Wetlands on Lester Road in Ottawa South, is home to four of Ontario's eight turtle species. The four species are the Snapping, Midland Painted, Northern Map turtles, and the Blanding's turtles, of which 75% are considered Species at Risk. (KW –Apr 29)
LOOKING FOR THE NEXT TOP YOUNG PHILANTHROPIST: One Dreem is looking for a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of time and money to good causes. One Dreem wants to give you $10,000 to fund your good cause. Enter your idea at Former NBA-star Jerome Williams and businessman John Tory will judge the finalists. Other prizes to be won include exclusive television & radio interviews, a free youth leadership workshop, lunch with a mystery philanthropist and a BlackBerry Playbook. Simply go to and tell us your idea. They accept videos, photos and essays. Entries must be submitted by May 6th, 2011. Start voting for your favourites beginning May 7th, 2011. (KW –May 6)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Are you a mature high school student who would like to complete your volunteer hours working outdoors? Do you enjoy working with people? Are you patient? You could be part of an innovative summer camp which involves working with teens and adults with Special Needs. Saturday, May 14th 2pm to 5pm, Sunday, May 15th 9am to noon (raindate), July 11th-22nd; Monday - Friday, 9am - noon. Location: 5480 Richmond Road, Nepean K2R 1G4. Contact: Kathleen Rooney @ 613 789-1212 or email: See information in Student Services. (KW –May 13)
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY – CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL: Friday, May 6th to Monday, May 23rd, 2011. Visit their website: Contact: or call (613)567-5757 ext. 236. Pick up an information sheet in Student Students. (KW – May 13)
PROM COMMITTEE: There will be an important prom committee meeting Thursday April 28th at 11:25 in room 134. Only 1 month left! See you at lunch. (KP –Apr 28)
LOOKING FOR A PROM DRESS?? Fairy Godmother of Ottawa is a local non-profit dedicated to making prom night magical for all Ottawa area teens. Graduating high school students can be dressed free of charge for their special night. The dresses are stylish and in perfect condition so no one will know who has had the help of a fairy godmother! New and almost-new formal dresses, shoes and accessories are collected throughout the city and then distributed to Ottawa area high school students in need. Students who need a fairy godmother are asked to schedule a fitting by calling 613-232-PROM. (KP –Apr 29)
GRADUATION CEREMONY: The Grad Ceremony will be held Wednesday June 29th at 1:00pm at Mother Teresa HS. Each graduate will be given 2 tickets for their guests. Students that require more than 2 tickets must request the number of extra tickets by signing up in Student Services between Monday May 2nd and Friday May 6th. Signing up does not guarantee you will receive the number requested. Students should drop by Student Services the following week to find out how many extra tickets they will receive. (JH –May 6)
SCHOOL LETTER FOR GRADUATES: A reminder that the School Letter Applications are due in Student Services no later than Tuesday May 10. The application requires teacher signatures so start the process now! (JH –May 10)
GRADUATING STUDENTS – DEADLINES APPROACHING FAST! In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June. As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa:
· PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance. The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by May 13th, 2011.
- GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Friday June 10, 2011.
Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (SD –May 13)
SUMMER SCHOOL – PUBLIC BOARD: Summer School information from the Public Board is available in Student Services. Summer school locations are Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS, Adult HS, Sir Robert Borden HS and Longfields-Davidson Heights SS. Summer schedule is from July 6th to July 29th.
Reach ahead classes are from 8:30 am to 3:15 pm. Make-up classes are from 8:30 am to 11:35 am and 12:10pm to 3:15pm. Registration takes place during the day from Monday, May 2nd to Friday, June 3rd from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Registration also in the evening at the high school site of the course choice.
- May 17th (6pm to 7:30pm) Sir Robert Borden HS and LDHSS
- May 18th (6pm to 7:30pm) Adult HS registration is at the Albert St. Education Centre, 440 Albert Street
- May 18th (6pm to 7:30pm) at Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School
- Registration deadline for Reach ahead is June 3rd. (KW –Jun 2)
JEANS DAY: A reminder that Friday April 29th is Jeans Day. This week our contributions will go toward the Ride for Dad, in support of Prostate Cancer Research. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. (SD –Apr 29)
- Apr 26th – 29th – Shakespeare Week
- Apr 29th – Thinkfast ** NEW Date**
- May 2nd – 6th – Catholic Education Week
- May 5th – Open House and BBQ - 4:30 – 7:00 pm
- May 6th – Multicultural Show
- May 12th – 15th – New York City Trip
- May 16th – Student Council Elections
- May 19th – Grad Day
- May 20th - Prom
Christ is Risen! Alleluia!