Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8

~ Lenten Thought for the Day ~

Go and learn what the Scriptures mean when they say, `Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to be merciful to others.' I didn't come to invite good people to be my followers. I came to invite sinners.
~ Matthew 9:13


SCHEDULE: Early dismissal at 1:50 pm – all students. (High School Parent-Teacher Interview Day)

High School Timetable

Grade 7/8 Timetable

8:40-9:55          Homeroom and Period 1

8:40-8:50          Homeroom

10:00-11:00      Period 2

8:50-9:33          Period 1

11:05-11:45      Lunch

9:35-10:18        Period 2

11:50-12:45      Period 3

10:20-11:03      Period 3

12:50-1:50        Period 4

11:05-11:45      Period 4


11:45-12:27      Lunch


12:30-1:09        Period 5


1:11-1:50          Period 6

clip_image002PIZZA! The prom committee will be selling pizza after school in front of the Tuck Shop on Tuesday March 22 and Thursday March 24. $2.00 a slice. Cheese and Pepperoni available. (FZ –Mar 24)

B.U. GROUP MEETING: The B. U. group is meeting in the chapel on Thursday March 24 during 2nd period.  The students attending will be posted on First Class. (MD –Mar 24)

clip_image00448-HOUR YOUTH FILM FESTIVAL: Groups of students are invited to create short films around a theme that will be shared just before the race begins!  No experience required.  Check out for details on the FYBY (For Youth By Youth) 48-hour film race! (MP –Mar 25)

clip_image006CHAPEL DURING LENT: The chapel is available for personal and class prayer throughout Lent.  (MD –Mar 25)

clip_image008YOGA: The spring schedule for Yoga will run for 8 weeks from Monday, March 28th, 2011 until Monday, June 6th, 2011, from 3:05 – 4:05 pm.  (There are no classes April 25th, May 2nd and May 23rd.)  Anyone interested in signing up for the next yoga session can contact, or, registration forms are available in the main office.  Completed forms along with payment should be returned to the office by Friday March 25th. (JR –Mar 28)

clip_image010CANNED FOOD DRIVE! Collection for the annual canned food drive will run from Wednesday, March 23, 2011 until Friday, April 1. Our school goal is to raise 7500 canned goods by having each student bring in at least 5 cans. Friendly challenges between homerooms are also encouraged! Any homeroom wishing to make a challenge may write it up and place it in the SUGGESTION BOX in the front office. Homerooms will be notified within the day. Donations will be going to the Shepherds of Good Hope, and prizes will be awarded to the homerooms that collect the greatest number of cans per student. LEND A HAND, GIVE SOME CANS! (NR –Apr 1)

7/8 ANNOUNCEMENTS  clip_image012

INTRAMURALS:  Interested in playing indoor soccer during 7 and 8 intramurals? Come and sign up a team of five players during 7/8 lunch Wednesday and Thursday. Cost: $1 per team. (CN –Mar 24)

RED MAPLE CLUB: Red Maple Club will meet on Thursday this week. (CHV –Mar 24)

clip_image0147/8 GIRLS BASKETBALL: There will be Gr 7/8 girls basketball practices Wednesday, March 23rd and Friday, March 25th this week after school from 3:05-4:15. (EM –Mar 25)

clip_image016ATTENTION GRADE 7 & 8 BADMINTON TEAM: M.G. & D.C. are asked to stop by room 332 before school, during snack break, during lunch or after school, as soon as possible. (AJ –Mar 25)


clip_image018NEW YORK CITY 2011: Final payment, photocopy of Passport, and proof of Travel Insurance is due to Mr. Rowley (Room 136) or Mrs. Bell Dagenais (Room 135) by the end of the day on Thursday, March 24th 2011. (MR –Mar 24) 

clip_image020TRACK AND FIELD TEAM 2011: Interested athletes in Grade 9 - 12 MUST attend a mandatory meeting after school on Thursday, March 24th 2011 at 1:55 PM in Room 136.  Any questions or concerns see Mr. Rowley in room 136. (MR –Mar 24)

REACH FOR THE TOP: The long awaited Final Game will be played on Friday, March 25th with the dominating Team World Domination battling the imposing 5 Aces. The game will begin at 11:40 in Rm 307. Spectators welcome. (JS –Mar 24)

WHITE PINE CLUB: White Pine Club will meet on Thursday this week. (CHV –Mar 24)

clip_image022SPRING CONCERT BAND: Students interested in forming a Concert Band at MT this spring are asked to meet in room 100 at 11:05 on Thursday, March 24th.  You must have experience playing a woodwind or brass instrument as well as an ability to read music.  Be part of the Band.  Come out and Blow Your Horn! (RL –Mar 24)

CO-OP INTEGRATION DAY: Reminder to all co-op students! Thursday March 24 is a Co-op Integration Day and a Shortened Schedule Day. Please check the co-op website to make sure you have your work ready for Thursday. (MO –Mar 24)

 clip_image024COMING UP - JR BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Away game Thursday, March 24 at Deslaurier High School (EM –Mar 24)

GRADE 9 & 10 SEMESTER 1 ART STUDENTS: All of Ms. Stuart’s Semester 1 Grade 9 and 10 art students are asked to please come by to pick up their CPT’s and art projects, by the end of the day Thursday. (CS –Mar 24)

JUNIOR BOYS RUGBY: There will be a Junior Boys Rugby sign-up meeting on Friday March 25th at the start of lunch in Room 104 (Construction Shop).  A sign-up sheet will be posted on the door if you cannot attend, and are interested in playing. (CT –Mar 25)

clip_image026EUROPEAN ENRICHMENT TRIP: There will be an important planning meeting in room 201 on Friday March 25 during lunch.  Please bring 2 copies of your passport, insurance information and $65 tip money if you have not already done so.  (AB –Mar 25)

clip_image028EQAO LITERACY TEST PREPARATION: During the month of March, extra help/practice is available in the library seminar room before and after school in preparation for the test on Thursday, March 31, 2011.  (CHV –Mar 25)

clip_image029INCOME TAX FILING: Do you need your income tax filed for free??  If you had a job in 2010, bring your T4 slip to Mr. Baldin in room 216.  A volunteer from the Senior Accounting class will complete your return and efile it for you. (LB –Mar 28)

SOLAR CAR RACE PARTICIPANTS: Please see Mr. Taylor this week to book time to do Passport to Safety. There will be a Solar Car meeting on Tuesday March 29th at lunch in room 202. (SS –Mar 29)

clip_image031HS GIRLS SOCCER: Any high school girl interested in playing soccer for the school team, is asked to attend a brief, but MANDATORY meeting on Tuesday March 29th at 11:30 sharp in room 110.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. McSwiggan.  Grade 9’s are welcome!  (SM –Mar 29)

STUDENT SERVICES  clip_image033

BYTOWN BRIGANTINE INC: Bytown Brigantine Inc is looking for volunteers and has a great little brochure on summer camps and voyages.  Drop by Student Services for the brochures.  For their volunteer opportunities, visit their website at (KW –Apr 1)

clip_image035DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival is being held on the weekend of June 17th-19th. Over 300 volunteers help to make the Festival a success in the following areas: pre-event and post-even set up, silent auction, main tent, docks and staging, team services, site safety/maintenance, children's area, media tent, VIP area, welcoming crew, alternates/floaters, stage/entertainment.   Interested?  Visit their website at and fill out the online application.  Volunteers receive training and orientation, meal vouchers, water, parking passes, a volunteer T-shirt, a volunteer handbook, and an invite to the volunteer party.  Questions?  Email: (KW –Apr 8)

ALGONQUIN COLLEGE PERTH CAMPUS: Open House Saturday, April 9, 2011, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Program Offerings for Fall 2011.  Everyone Welcome.  For more information, phone (613) 267-2859, email, or visit the website: (KW -Apr 8)

clip_image037IT’S ALMOST HERE!.... The Berrigan Elementary School BBQ..... Thursday, June 9, 2011, 3pm to 8:30pm.  They are looking for 25 volunteer students to assist in set up of activities, tables, chairs, displays, run carnival-type games, etc. The event runs rain or shine so be prepared for inclement weather (rain gear) and bring a snack/meal. Pick up info sheet in Student Services. (KW –Apr 8)

LEAD. CHANGE. HELP.  A Youth Leadership Opportunity. Volunteer Ottawa is looking for volunteers (aged 16-24) to be part of a Youth Leadership Team.  The team will meet monthly. The purpose of the team is to increase youth interest, participation and commitment to volunteering.  Position descriptions include: creative type (logos, graphics, posters, You tube presentations), social media lover, social media writer, scribe and researcher, techno-wizard.  Interested?  Send anything (could be a resume and cover letter, video, audio file, link to a website, recommendations, artistic work, haiku, song etc) that answers these questions:
1.  What position are you applying for?
2.  Why do you want the position?
3.  Why should you be selected for the position?
4.  Who are you and how can I contact you?
Send to Damien Martin at Volunteer Ottawa.  613-736-5266 ext 115, or email:  youth@volunteerottawa. (KW –Apr 8)

GRADS clip_image039

DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY VISIT: Representatives from the Dominican University in Ottawa will be in the atrium during lunch Thursday March 24 to discuss their programs and how to apply. (JH –Mar 24)

clip_image041SAT PREP COURSE FOR U.S. COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE: If you are interested in attending a prep course running in April see Mr. Hallarn for details. (JH –Mar 25)

clip_image043GRADUATING STUDENTS – POLICIES AND DEADLINES:  In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June.  As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa: 

·          PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance.  The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by May 13th, 2011.

  • GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Friday June 10, 2011.

Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (SD –Apr 1)


clip_image048COMING UP…

  • Mar 31st Grade 10 EQAO Literacy Test

  • Mar 23rd – Apr 1st Canned Food Drive for Lent

  • April 21st Holy Thursday

  • April 22nd Good Friday  (no school)

  • April 24th Easter Sunday

  • April 25th Easter Monday (no school)


Course Archive