Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 1 - H.S. & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8
~ Thought for the Week ~
It is a kingly act to assist the fallen. ~ Mother Teresa
LOST PHONE: A student lost a phone in the 7/8 wing on Feb 14. It is a black LG 260. If found, please return to the main office, or contact 613-843-1462. Cash reward offered. (SD –Feb 22)
YOGA: The drop in Yoga classes will start again Monday February 7th from 3:05-4:05 PM. Classes will run on Mondays throughout February. $5.00 fee for each drop in class. Come on out! (JR –Feb 28)
WINTER DANCE: 7/8 students will have a chance to dance on the afternoon of Friday, February 25th ! Purchase your tickets this Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in homeroom for a cost of $2. Your name will also be placed in a draw to win a new IPOD nano. Students who wish to go to the library for free can also include their names in this draw for the cost of $1. Don't wait until the last minute to sign up! (JG –Feb 24)
7/8 BOYS HOCKEY: Grade 7/8 BOYS who are interested in trying out for the hockey team, are asked to sign up outside of Room 240 before Friday February 25th. You must take an information sheet from the folder posted outside the door so that you have all the tryout dates and times. Be sure to get this information to your parents. Tryouts begin Friday, Feb 25th. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Stuart or Mr. MacCuaig for details. (MM –Feb 25)
STUDENTS PLEASE SEE MRS BIRMINGHAM: T.B. and T.G. are asked to see Mrs. Birmingham on Tuesday, February 22. (JS –Feb 22)
REACH FOR THE TOP: The playoffs are here! The first round begins Tuesday, February 22 with the powerhouse P.B. Experience versus The Mans Club who squeaked into the playoffs with a late season victory. Thursday’s game will be the dominating Five Aces seeking to abolish Team Elite. (JS –Feb 22)
SAY IT OUT LOUD WINNER! Please congratulate S.P.A. for winning the postcard fiction contest for January. Please see Mrs. Simpson in Rm 138 for your prize. (JS –Feb 22)
SUBS MEETING: A reminder to all SUBS members, of the meeting Tuesday, Feb 22 at lunch in the Career Centre. (TC –Feb 22)
JR BOYS VOLLEYBALL: There is a practice Tuesday, February 22nd and Thursday, February 24th after school in the caf gym. (EM –Feb 24)
SAY IT OUT LOUD: The contest for February is YOUR CHOICE -- poem, story, essay, whatever! Keep the length to 500 words. Submit your writing to Rm 138 by the end of the month!! (JS –Feb 25)
HIGH SCHOOL INTRAMURALS: 5 on 5 Basketball signups have begun! Get your team in before March 1st. Games are full court. $1 per player. Forms available near the wood floor gym or see Mr. Prigent. (DP –Feb 28)
INTRAMURAL HOCKEY PLAYOFFS: Intramural Hockey Playoffs take place this week: Semi Finals begin Friday with All Out vs Teachers. March 1 Baked Hippos vs Happy Seals. Winning teams play Wed March 2 in the Finals. (DP – Mar 2)
ATTENTION ALL FUTURE PILOTS, ENGINEERS AND AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS! The Canada Aviation and Space Museum will be hosting a Career Day in the National Capital on Wednesday, February 23rd from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parking is free. To register or for more information, contact Kimberly Reynolds at 613-991-3835, or email kreynolds@technomuses.ca. You can also find out more about the event on the Museum's website: www.aviation.technomuses.ca. (KW –Feb 23)
OPTION SHEET PARENT INFORMATION MEETING: Thursday Feb 24, 6:30 - 8:30 pm in the Cafetorium. The focus of the meeting will be Course Selections for next year and navigating through High School and beyond. There will be two separate presentations, one for grade 8’s moving to grade 9 and one for current grade 9,10,11’s. For other important information please check the link on the school website, www.mths.ca, under the Daily Announcements. (JH –Feb 24)
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR FULL-TIME, PART-TIME OR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT? On Thursday Feb 24 from 10:00am - 2:00pm at Walter Baker, in the Upper Concourse, YSB Employment Services, in partnership with First Work Ontario, bring you over 20 employers, including employers within the Green & Solar Power sectors, all in one location. (KW –Feb 24)
ST. PATRICK’S DAY VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are needed for the 29th annual Ottawa St Patrick's parade, March 12th, 2011, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. See the volunteer clipboard in Student Services for more details. (KW –Feb 25)
RELAY FOR LIFE: Relay For Life is a 12-hour overnight, non-competitive event. This year it will take place Friday, June 10th at 7pm at the Nepean Sportsplex. Teams of 10 friends, family members or co-workers get together and run, walk, or stroll around a track as part of a relay for life team. Participants pitch tents. The tents serve as team's headquarters. Each participant pays a registration fee of $10 and is challenged to beat the $225 that each participant raised last year for the fight against cancer. To find out more information, please pick up a form in Student Services. You can register online at cancer.ca/relay or contact the teams recruitment lead, Shannon A. Pierangeli at mottawacentrerflteams@gmail.com or 613 618-4437. (KW –Feb 25)
2011 BARRHAVEN RUN FOR ROGER’S HOUSE: The 2011 Barrhaven Run for Roger's House event will take place Saturday, June 11, 2011. Events include a 10k race (timed), 5k race (timed), 2.5k family run/walk and a tot trot. Returning for 2011 is the Reebok School Challenge. The school with the most registered supporters will receive $1,000 in Reebok merchandise. Online registration is now open at www.BarrhavenRun.ca. Register early. Volunteers are needed on race day. To inquire about volunteering please email: volunteers@BarrhavenRun.ca. (KW –Feb 25)
ST. BRIGID’S SUMMER CAMP: Information is available in Student Services. See the job opportunities clipboard. Employment is open to any student aged 17 or older. The Counselor in Training Program is a two-week program open to students aged 15 and 16. Information on job opportunities and the training program for the summer of 2011 may be found on their website: www.stbcamp.ca. Application forms may be downloaded directly from the site. Forms should be sent to Joanne Cooke, 499 Island Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1Y 0B4. (KW –Mar 1)
VOLUNTEER RESOURCES AT THE QUEENSWAY CARLETON HOSPITAL: Students are required to attend a Volunteer Information Session to obtain an application form. At this session, they talk about what it takes to become a volunteer at the hospital, time commitment, dress codes, and potential volunteer opportunities. Students may sign up on line: www.qch.on.ca using the "volunteer" tab on the left or phone their office at 613 721-4709. (KW –Mar 1)
VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED FOR A PICNIC! Number of spots available: 30. Date: June 14th. Hours: 4-9pm. Location: Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School, Longfields Drive Barrhaven. Contact: Assunta Ricciuti by email sueandbrad@live.ca **Please note as this is a French elementary school French speaking students are preferable. (KW –Mar 1)
GRADE 12 STUDENTS: First semester marks have been sent to the Colleges and Universities. Please check on http://www.OUAC.on.ca and/or Ontariocolleges.ca that the marks are accurate. See your Guidance Counsellor if there are any concerns. (JH –Feb 22)
PROM COMMITTEE: Prom committee will meet at lunch on Wednesday Feb 23rd in room 134. See you all there! (KP –Feb 23)
U OTTAWA SPRING OPEN HOUSE is Friday, March 18, 2011 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come experience uOttawa! Over 60 presentations and workshops. Guided tours of campus, residences and sports facilities. There will be an Information fair bringing together professors, students and representatives from faculties and services. Register online uOttawa.ca/admission. (KW –Mar 11)
- Feb 23rd – Ski Club
- Feb 24th - Option sheet information night for parents of grades 8-11 students. 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
- Feb 25th – Grade 7 & 8 Dance – 1:20 pm – 2:45 pm.
- Feb 25th – High School (Gr. 9-12) Student Council Casino Night Dance - 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm.