Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 2- H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8
~ Thought for the Week ~
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. ~ Mother Teresa
HOMEWORK FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE ILL: Now that flu season is upon us, grade 7&8 students please ensure that you have a buddy in your homeroom that you can contact for homework when you are sick as well as using your class homework site to keep up to date on missed work. High school students should ensure that they have a buddy in each of their classes that they can contact for missed work or assignments and important dates. Students are encouraged to use the buddy system along with any online homework postings available, to acquire their homework while they are off. (SD –Jan 26)
PLEASE SAVE POP TABS: All students and staff are asked to begin collecting the tabs on all pop cans and bring them to the chapel daily. We will collect the tabs daily throughout the semester. (MD –Jan 26)
OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS AND FINES: Please return overdue library books and pay any fines before the end of the semester/term. (CHV –Jan 28)
7/8 BOYS SOCCER: The 7/8 Boys Soccer team is reminded of their practices after school this week, and next, from 3 - 4 pm. Practice days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and Monday of next week. (MM –Jan 28)
MT. STE.-ANNE/LEMASSIFF SKI TRIP: An important meeting for all students going on the trip. The meeting will take place Tuesday Jan. 25th at lunch in room 100. If you are unable to attend please see Mr. Nearing in Rm.111. (KN -Jan 25)
Oct 13 -- Jesus Christ Superstar and The Grapes of Wrath and a studio tour
Oct 14 -- Pre-show presentation, Twelfth Night and Merry Wives of Windsor
Oct 15 -- Acting workshop
Please see Mrs. Simpson in Rm 138 for details! (JS –Jan 26)
NEPEAN REDSKINS FOOTBALL CLUB 1ST ANNUAL SUPER BOWL SATURDAY TOUCH FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT: Location: LONGFIELDS-DAVIDSON H.S., 149 Berrigan Drive, Barrhaven. Date: SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5TH 2011, 9am-5pm. Rosters: Maximum of ten (10) players per team. Cost: $200.00 per team. Costs include: Minimum of 2 games, T- shirts for all participating players, Each team will get $50.00 to spend at Broadways (valid February 5th and 6th only)
Awards will be handed out to teams participating in the division finals.
- Heavy weight hooded sweat shirts to the champions
- Sweat shirts to the finalists
- Plaque will also be placed on the wall at Broadways with the winning team and their roster on it
Registration can be done at Broadways Bar and Grill or Barrhaven Source for Sports. For information regarding the tournament please contact Rob Webb or at 613-314-8182 cell. (KZ –Jan 26)
GIRLS FUTSAL: Any high school girl who is interested in playing Futsal (indoor soccer) is invited to try-out on Thursday February 3rd, from 3 – 4:30 pm. Please meet in the caf gym ready to go! (SM –Feb 3)
QUILTING! Want to collect community service hours doing something fun after school? We had our first Victoria Quilts meeting on Monday, January 17th, in the library from 3:30pm to 4:45pm. We were able to complete one quilt during this time with 5 students plus staff members. Can you imagine how many we could complete if we had more students? It's really easy to do and you would be doing the work for a great cause. Please see Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services for more information and to sign up for Monday nights. (KW –Jan 26)
ISE: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE INFORMATION MEETING: Monday January 31 at 7:30 at 440 Albert St. in the Lecture Hall. ISE offers 2 month, 3 month and Summer Exchanges to Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Quebec (Summer only). For more info see Mr. Hallarn. (JH –Jan 26)
LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEER HOURS? Looking to have some fun doing it? It's the Weekend to End Women's Cancer. We are looking for a number of volunteers to help with hair and make-up, male and female modeling, decorating/take-down, etc. The Fashion show will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 2011 at the National Arts Centre. Volunteers are needed from about 2:30pm until clean-up is finished. If interested, please contact Courtney and Lauren, ASAP, by email lc.events@live.ca. It's going to be an amazing time so don't miss out! (KW –Jan 26)
SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES with the RA Centre. Information is available in Student Services. Application forms are also available on line at www.racentre.com. (KW –Jan 26)
DRIVER’S ED: Driver Education Program Information and Registration Forms for Winter 2011 are in Student Services. Students may register either by mailing/dropping off the registration form to the Continuing Education Department (570 West Hunt Club Road), or by having a parent call 613 228-3338 to register with Visa or MasterCard payment. Open to all secondary school students who are at least 16 years of age and have a G1 license (prior to February 28, 2011). Registration is open from January 17th - February 18th. First class starts March 2nd from 3:15pm to 6:00pm. (KW –Jan 26)
MATH TUTOR NEEDED: Looking for a math tutor for a Grade 4 boy who attends Msgr. Paul Baxter School. Please contact Mr. Sarpong at 613 869-8878 as soon as possible to discuss arrangements. (KW –Jan 26)
INTERESTED IN ATTENDING UNB? Enter your name to win an iPad! Open to students and parents. Save your seat by calling 1 888 895-3344 or e-mailing chooseUNB@unb.ca. Come to the Lord Elgin Hotel, Tuesday, February 15th at 7:00 pm or the Holiday Inn Kanata on Wednesday, February 16th at 7:00 pm. (KW –Jan 26)
U OF O INFORMATION EVENING: University of Ottawa Information Evening and Fair is taking place on Thursday, February 24, 2011. This is an ideal opportunity to become familiar with their admission process, scholarships and bursaries, and international exchange opportunities, just to name a few topics covered. English presentations are from 6pm to 7:30pm. in the Alumni Auditorium, Jock Turcot University Centre (85 University Street). The information fair is from 5pm to 9pm. (KW –Jan 26)
GRADUATING STUDENTS – POLICIES AND DEADLINES: In the past, it has been the practice of some graduating students to leave their Community Service Hours to the last month of school, thereby jeopardizing their graduation in June. As a result, the following policies are now in place at Mother Teresa:
· PROM: All graduating students must have completed their 40 hours of community service if they intend to attend their graduation dance. The earlier the better! Hours must be submitted to Student Services by May 13th, 2011.
- GRADUATION: In order to attend the Graduation Ceremony, students must have the 40 hours of community service completed by Friday June 10, 2011.
Forms are available in Student Services, the main office, or on the Mother Teresa website. (SD –Jan 26)
COLLEGE APPLICATIONS: Grade 12 students are reminded the deadline for applying to College is Tuesday Feb 1. If you need assistance see your Guidance Counsellor. (JH –Feb 1)
- Jan 26th – Co-op Integration Day
- Jan 26th – Feb 1st – HS Exams
- Feb 3rd – HS Semester 2 begins
- Feb 4th – 7th – Ste. Anne Ski Trip
- Feb 9th – Ski Club
- Feb 10th – Report Cards – Grades 7 to 12