Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 1- H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8
~ Thought for the Week ~
If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out.
To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it. ~ Mother Teresa
PIZZA SALES: Pizza will be sold after school in the atrium on Tuesday, January 18. Cost: $2.00/slice. (CHV –Jan 18)
FREE CLASS -BASIC POWER YOGA - OPEN HOUSE! Come and enjoy a FREE Yoga class. Open House on Thursday January 20th, 2011, 3:15 – 4:15 pm in the dance studio. Mats are limited, so bring your own and bring a water bottle.
· Why Yoga? Tone muscle and build strength, increase flexibility, relieve stress, lose weight, improve overall health. All students and staff welcome! (JR –Jan 20)
INTRAMURAL 3 V 3 BASKETBALL: Sign ups will start Tuesday at lunch. (TF –Jan 18)
MTSAID MEETING: There will be an MTSAID meeting on Wednesday at lunch in room 205. (MK –Jan 19)
DO YOU LIKE PUBLIC SPEAKING? Are you interested in new leadership opportunities? Any high school students interested in doing a speech at the Royal Canadian Legion public speaking contest, please come and see Mrs. Birmingham in room 306 on Tuesday or Thursday. She will give you important dates at that time. There are only a few spots open, so you must see Mrs. B, so we know how many students are interested in representing our school. (JB –Jan 20)
EUROPEAN ENRICHMENT TRIP: APRIL 16, 2011 (57 DAYS TO GO): There will be an important planning meeting at lunch on Thursday January 20 in room 201. Topics to be covered will include: optional excursions, rooming lists, free time, social organization and packing list. (AB –Jan 20)
SAY IT OUT LOUD: Postcard Fiction (150 word story) is due at the end of the month. Please give submissions to Mrs. Simpson in Rm 138. (JS –Jan 21)
Oct 13 -- Jesus Christ Superstar and The Grapes of Wrath and a studio tour
Oct 14 -- Pre-show presentation, Twelfth Night and Merry Wives of Windsor
Oct 15 -- Acting workshop
Please see Mrs. Simpson in Rm 138 for details! (JS –Jan 26)
NEPEAN REDSKINS FOOTBALL CLUB 1ST ANNUAL SUPER BOWL SATURDAY TOUCH FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT: Location: LONGFIELDS-DAVIDSON H.S., 149 Berrigan Drive, Barrhaven. Date: SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5TH 2011, 9am-5pm. Rosters: Maximum of ten (10) players per team. Cost: $200.00 per team.
Costs include: Minimum of 2 games, T- shirts for all participating players, Each team will get $50.00 to spend at Broadways (valid February 5th and 6th only)
Awards will be handed out to teams participating in the division finals.
- Heavy weight hooded sweat shirts to the champions
- Sweat shirts to the finalists
- Plaque will also be placed on the wall at Broadways with the winning team and their roster on it
Registration can be done at Broadways Bar and Grill or Barrhaven Source for Sports. For information regarding the tournament please contact Rob Webb or at 613-314-8182 cell. (KZ –Jan 26)
THE YOUTH IN POLICING INITIATIVE is a summer employment program with the Ottawa Police Service for youth 14-17 years of age and attending a secondary school program. The goal of the Youth in Policing Initiative is to give young people an opportunity to develop job skills while enhancing police and community relations. The program is for youth who may experience barriers to success and would benefit from this unique opportunity. For More Information: www.ottawapolice.ca/en/community/teenlounge/YIPI.aspx. (JH -Jan 21)
NIGHT SCHOOL – WINTER 2011: February 22nd to June 1st - from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. Registration during the day from Monday, January 24 to Tuesday, February 15th at 440 Albert Street, Ottawa from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Evening registration is at the high school of your choice (Adult High School or Merivale High School) on Monday, February 14th (6pm - 7:30pm) and Tuesday, February 15th (6pm - 7:30pm). Registration deadline is February 15th. Registration forms are available in Student Services and must be approved by your counsellor and also signed by you and your parents.
- Make-up courses are offered at Merivale HS. Make-up Chemistry (SCH4U), English (ENG4U), Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) and Advanced Functions (MHF4U) will be offered for students who were not successful in obtaining these credits or who passed but want to improve their marks. Students considering a make-up course should have a final mark of 35% or more. Students should have taken the course within the last year and been in regular attendance until the end of the course. In order to meet the minimum hours required these courses will run from February 28th to April 27th. (KW –Jan 21)
ISE: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE INFORMATION MEETING: Monday January 31 at 7:30 at 440 Albert St. in the Lecture Hall. ISE offers 2 month, 3 month and Summer Exchanges to Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Quebec (Summer only). For more info see Mr. Hallarn. (JH –Jan 26)
LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEER HOURS? Looking to have some fun doing it? It's the Weekend to End Women's Cancer. We are looking for a number of volunteers to help with hair and make-up, male and female modeling, decorating/take-down, etc. The Fashion show will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 2011 at the National Arts Centre. Volunteers are needed from about 2:30pm until clean-up is finished. If interested, please contact Courtney and Lauren, ASAP, by email. Lc.events@hotmail.com It's going to be an amazing time so don't miss out ! (KW –Jan 26)
FREE SAT – AMERICAN UNIVERSITY INFORMATION SEMINAR: Saturday, January 29th, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, Ecclesiax/Glebe House, 2 Monk St, Ottawa (Hwy 417 & Bank St). Come find out about the American University Admissions process and requirements. (KW –Jan 21)
U OF O INFORMATION EVENING: University of Ottawa Information Evening and Fair is taking place on Thursday, February 24, 2011. This is an ideal opportunity to become familiar with their admission process, scholarships and bursaries, and international exchange opportunities, just to name a few topics covered. English presentations are from 6pm to 7:30pm. in the Alumni Auditorium, Jock Turcot University Centre (85 University Street). The information fair is from 5pm to 9pm. (KW –Jan 26)
- Jan 19th – 21st – EQAO Grade 9 Math Testing
- Jan 26th – Feb 1st – HS Exams
- Feb 3rd – HS Semester 2 begins