Monday, June 23, 2008

Exams - H.S. & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8

GRAD CEREMONY: The Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 25 at 10:00 a.m. at Mother Teresa H.S. Graduates can pick up their Grad gowns, from the Tuck shop, on Wednesday morning, starting at 8:15 a.m. All gowns must be picked up by 8:55 a.m. Grads are required to assemble in the gymnasium by 9:00 a.m.

GRAD TICKETS: All tickets have been allocated and there are no extra tickets available. There will be limited standing room available. Doors open at 9:00 A.M. Standees will have to wait until all ticket holders are seated. Grads must pick up their tickets today or tomorrow morning.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Exams - H.S. & Day 1 - Gr. 7 & 8

A reminder to all 7/8 students interested in taking home an instrument this summer... please see Mrs. Antoine as soon as possible in order to get all your paperwork filled out.

GRADE 7/8/ BAND: For any 7/8 Band student interested in purchasing your "Photo Memories" CD please bring in your $5.00 to Mrs. Antoine as soon as possible.

SUMMER SCHOOL: The last day to pre-register for summer school through the Student Services office is TODAY. For application forms and info, please go to the Student services office or download the information from: Final Registration after today for day school reach ahead and make up courses will be at St. Nicholas Adult High School (West Campus) at 893 Admiral Avenue on Friday, June 27 and Monday, June 30, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm.

GRADE 9 STUDENTS: Grade 9 students in Ms. Lawlor's first semester class can pick up their CPR cards from Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services anytime TODAY.

HEY TITANS: Word is out on how good the year end video really is!! If you still want your own copy, we have just 10 left. Come and see Mr. Baldin in Room 216 during exam week with your $10 to pick one up.

GRAD CEREMONY: Graduates can pick up their Grad gowns from the Tuck shop on Wednesday, June 25 starting at 8:15 a.m. All gowns must be picked up by 8:55 a.m. Grads are required to assemble in the gymnasium by 9:00 a.m.

GRAD TICKETS: Grads must pick up tickets for the June 25th Graduation ceremony in the Student Services office by TODAY. All tickets have been allocated and there are no extra tickets available. There will limited standing room available. Doors open at 9;00 A.M. Standees will have to wait until all ticket holders are seated.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks are now available for a limited time - $50 first come first served until they run out. Please see Mr. Prigent in his Phys. Ed. office before/after school and at lunch. 7/8 students may also inquire via their homeroom teachers.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Exams - H.S. & Day 5 - Gr. 7 & 8

A reminder to all 7/8 students interested in taking home an instrument this summer... please see Mrs. Antoine as soon as possible in order to get all your paperwork filled out.

GRADE 7/8/ BAND: For any 7/8 Band student interested in purchasing your "Photo Memories" CD please bring in your $5.00 to Mrs. Antoine as soon as possible.

SUMMER SCHOOL: The last day to pre-register for summer school through the Student Services office is Friday, June 20. For application forms and info, please go to the Student services office or download the information from: Final Registration after June 20th for day school reach ahead and make up courses will be at St. Nicholas Adult High School (West Campus) at 893 Admiral Avenue on Friday, June 27 and Monday, June 30, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm.

Grade 9 students in Ms. Lawlor's first semester class can pick up their CPR cards from Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services anytime on Thursday and Friday.

HEY TITANS: Word is out on how good the year end video really is!! If you still want your own copy, we have just 10 left. Come and see Mr. Baldin in Room 216 during exam week with your $10 to pick one up.

GRAD CEREMONY: Graduates can pick up their Grad gowns from the Tuck shop on Wednesday, June 25 starting at 8:15 a.m. All gowns must be picked up by 8:55 a.m. Grads are required to assemble in the gymnasium by 9:00 a.m.

GRAD TICKETS: Grads must pick up tickets for the June 25th Graduation ceremony in the Student Services office by Friday, June 20th. All tickets have been allocated and there are no extra tickets available. There will limited standing room available. Doors open at 9;00 A.M. Standees will have to wait until all ticket holders are seated.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks are now available for a limited time - $50 first come first served until they run out. Please see Mr. Prigent in his Phys. Ed. office before/after school and at lunch. 7/8 students may also inquire via their homeroom teachers.

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Exams - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8

A reminder to all 7/8 students interested in taking home an instrument this summer... please see Mrs. Antoine as soon as possible in order to get all your paperwork filled out.

GRADE 7/8 BAND: For any 7/8 Band student interested in purchasing your "Photo Memories" CD please bring in your $5.00 to Mrs. Antoine as soon as possible.

GRADE NINE STUDENTS: Grade 9 students in Ms. Lawlor's first semester class can pick up their CPR cards from Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services after school on Wednesday, and anytime on Thursday and Friday.

HEY TITANS: Word is out on how good the year end video really is!! If you still want your own copy, we have just 10 left. Come and see Mr. Baldin in Room 216 during exam week with your $10 to pick one up.

GRAD CEREMONY: Graduates can pick up their Grad gowns from the Tuck shop on Wednesday, June 25 starting at 8:15 a.m. All gowns must be picked up by 8:55 a.m. Grads are required to assemble in the gymnasium by 9:00 a.m.

GRAD TICKETS: Grads must pick up tickets for the June 25th Graduation ceremony in the Student Services office by Friday, June 20th. All tickets have been allocated and there are no extra tickets available. There will limited standing room available. Doors open at 9;00 A.M. Standees will have to wait until all ticket holders are seated.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks are now available for a limited time - $50 first come first served until they run out. Please see Mr. Prigent in his Phys. Ed. office before/after school and at lunch. 7/8 students may also inquire via their homeroom teachers.

BLOODSTOCK 2008: Are you a grade 11 or 12 student trying to save money for College or University? Canadian Blood Services is giving students the opportunity to help save lives and win one of five $1,000 bursaries donated by a community partner! Recruit a minimum of 25 people to donate blood this summer, and you will be entered in the Bloodstock 2008 bursary draw. This volunteer experience will look great on your resume and help save lives. The registration deadline is June 20th. Bloodstock 2008 applications are available from Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130.

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8

A reminder to all 7/8 students interested in taking home an instrument this summer... please see Mrs. Antoine as soon as possible in order to get all your paperwork filled out.

GRADE 7/8/ BAND: For any 7/8 Band student interested in purchasing your "Photo Memories" CD please bring in your $5.00 to Mrs. Antoine as soon as possible.

LIBRARY: All students with overdue books and library fines are asked to go to the library after the morning announcements. Congratulations to 8-07 (Ms. Jewitt) and Homeroom 4 (Ms. Pipkins) for promptly returning all books and paying outstanding fines.

HEY TITANS: Word is out on how good the year end video really is!! If you still want your own copy, we have just 10 left. Come and see Mr. Baldin in Room 216 during exam week with your $10 to pick one up.

GRAD CEREMONY: Graduates can pick up their Grad gowns from the Tuck shop on Wednesday, June 25 starting at 8:15 a.m. All gowns must be picked up by 8:55 a.m. Grads are required to assemble in the gymnasium by 9:00 a.m.

GRAD TICKETS: Grads must pick up tickets for the June 25th Graduation ceremony in the Student Services office by Friday, June 20th. All tickets have been allocated and there are no extra tickets available. There will limited standing room available. Doors open at 9;00 A.M. Standees will have to wait until all ticket holders are seated.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks are now available for a limited time - $50 first come first served until they run out. Please see Mr. Prigent in his Phys. Ed. office before/after school and at lunch. 7/8 students may also inquire via their homeroom teachers.

BLOODSTOCK 2008: Are you a grade 11 or 12 student trying to save money for College or University? Canadian Blood Services is giving students the opportunity to help save lives and win one of five $1,000 bursaries donated by a community partner! Recruit a minimum of 25 people to donate blood this summer, and you will be entered in the Bloodstock 2008 bursary draw. This volunteer experience will look great on your resume and help save lives. The registration deadline is June 20th. Bloodstock 2008 applications are available from Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130.

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8

All library books are to be returned and fines paid by the end of homeroom TODAY to be eligible for the draw for the TIMBITS.

MT WRITING ANTHOLOGY: All final submissions to the writing anthology have been accepted. All published students will receive a copy of the anthology in September. Graduating students will receive a copy in the mail. Thank you to all students who submitted. Writers interested in participating in the anthology and workshops next year, please see Ms. Sehl or Ms. Earle.

YOUTH ON THE MOVE PROGRAM: This is a program for young people (ages 13 to 18) in the City of Ottawa. They are partnered with the Ottawa Police Service to provide services, this summer, to youth within the Ottawa West region. Representatives from Youth on the Move will be here at Mother Teresa, in the Atrium, during senior lunch TODAY to provide further information. Drop by their table and ask questions.

GRAD CEREMONY: Graduates can pick up their Grad gowns from the Tuck shop on Wednesday, June 25 starting at 8:15 a.m. All gowns must be picked up by 8:55 a.m. Grads are required to assemble in the gymnasium by 9:00 a.m. on the 25th.

GRAD TICKETS: Grads must pick up tickets for the June 25th Graduation ceremony in the Student Services office by Friday, June 20th. All tickets have been allocated and there are no extra tickets available. There will limited standing room available. Standees will have to wait until all ticket holders are seated.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks are now available for a limited time - $50 first come first served until they run out. Please see Mr. Prigent in his Phys. Ed. office before/after school and at lunch. 7/8 students may also inquire via their homeroom teachers.

BLOODSTOCK 2008: Are you a grade 11 or 12 student trying to save money for College or University? Canadian Blood Services is giving students the opportunity to help save lives and win one of five $1,000 bursaries donated by a community partner! Recruit a minimum of 25 people to donate blood this summer, and you will be entered in the Bloodstock 2008 bursary draw. This volunteer experience will look great on your resume and help save lives. The registration deadline is June 20th. Bloodstock 2008 applications are available from Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130.

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20 and students can apply online at

Friday, June 13, 2008

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 1 - Gr. 7 & 8

Please go to room 306 today at lunch for an end of the year celebration!

7-8 REACH FOR THE TOP: Could the following students meet in room 237 for a very brief meeting today: Sam Werhle, Johnny Dirienzo, Alex Yelgin, Janna Malone, Sean Hector, Alicia Roy, Derek McCalla, Bridget Mowat, Matt Morgan, Jiabo Hou, Shannon Kettles, Sean Ryan.

BAND NOTICE: This is a reminder to all grade 7/8 Band members. There is an awards lunch TODAY. This will be our final get-together. Please bring your lunch to the music room. There will be awards, prizes and goodies!

GRADE 8 SEMI-FORMAL: Don't forget to bring your money to the Semi-Formal TONIGHT! If you'd like a professional photo of you and your friends, it will only cost you $3 and you'll get your photo in 10 minutes or less! Photographers will be on hand from 7 to 9 pm. Grade 8 students are also reminded that there is a dress and behaviour code in place. Your homeroom teacher will provide additional details regarding the evening's schedule and expectations.

GRADE 8 SEMI-FORMAL COMMITTEE: There will be an important meeting of the Semi-Formal Commitee during 7-8 lunch TODAY in Room 332. Bring your lunch and be prepared to stay as we will be organizing the decorations.

LIBRARY: A list of outstanding books and fines was given to each homeroom teacher this week. The first class in each panel to have all outstanding books returned and fines paid by first period on Monday, June 16 will be given class timbits.

7/8 Homerooms: HS Homerooms:
7-01,7-06, 7-07,7-08, 03,,06,09,11,12,13,15,17,19,21,23,24,25,
8-01,8-02,8-03,8-04,8-05,8-06,8-07,8-08,8-09 26,26,28,29,30,31,32,36

GRAD CEREMONY: Graduates can pick up their Grad gowns from the Tuck shop on Wednesday, June 25 starting at 8:15 a.m. All gowns must be picked up by 8:55 a.m. Grads are required to assemble in the gymnasium by 9:00 a.m.

GRAD TICKETS: Grads must pick up tickets for the June 25th Graduation ceremony in the Student Services office by Friday, June 20th. All tickets have been allocated and there are no extra tickets available. There will limited standing room available. Standees will have to wait until all ticket holders are seated.

NOTICE: Megan Hayes: please see Mrs. Simpson today in Rm. 300.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks are now available for a limited time - $50 first come first served until they run out. Please see Mr. Prigent in his Phys. Ed. office before/after school and at lunch. Grade 7/8 students may also inquire via their homeroom teachers.

BLOODSTOCK 2008: Are you a grade 11 or 12 student trying to save money for College or University? Canadian Blood Services is giving students the opportunity to help save lives and win one of five $1,000 bursaries donated by a community partner! Recruit a minimum of 25 people to donate blood this summer, and you will be entered in the Bloodstock 2008 bursary draw. This volunteer experience will look great on your resume and help save lives. The registration deadline is June 20th. Bloodstock 2008 applications are available from Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130.

YOUTH ON THE MOVE PROGRAM: This is a program for young people (ages 13 to 18) in the City of Ottawa. They are partnered with the Ottawa Police Service to provide services, this summer, to youth within the Ottawa West region. The goals of this program are to:

1. Provide an opportunity to youth to voice their opinions

2. Organize and encourage youth to participate in productive community activities (e.g. sports, arts)

3. Provide information resources on a range of topics (e.g. employment, health, and community)

Representatives from Youth on the Move will be here at Mother Teresa, in the Atrium, during senior lunch on Monday, June 16 to provide further information. Drop by their table and ask questions.

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20 and students can apply online at

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 5 - Gr. 7 & 8

This is a reminder to all grade 7/8 Band members. There is an awards lunch on Friday, June 13th. This will be our final get-together. Please bring your lunch to the music room. There will be awards, prizes and goodies!

GRADE 8 SEMI-FORMAL: Don't forget to bring your money to the Semi-Formal on Friday! If you'd like a professional photo of you and your friends, it will only cost you $3 and you'll get your photo in 10 minutes or less! Photographers will be on hand from 7 to 9 pm. Grade 8 students are also reminded that there is a dress and behaviour code in place. Your homeroom teacher will provide additional details regarding the evening's schedule and expectations.

GRADE 8 SEMI-FORMAL COMMITTEE: There will be an important meeting of the Semi-Formal Commitee during 7-8 lunch on Friday, June 13th in Room 332. Bring your lunch and be prepared to stay as we will be organizing the decorations.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks are now available for a limited time - $50 first come first served until they run out. Please see Mr. Prigent in his Phys. Ed. office before/after school and at lunch. 7/8 students may also inquire via their homeroom teachers.

LIBRARY: Students are asked to return all books and pay all fines by Friday, June 13.

ENVIRONMENT CLUB: There will be a brief environment club meeting TODAY during 7/8 lunch at 1:00 in Room 326.

BLOODSTOCK 2008: Are you a grade 11 or 12 student trying to save money for College or University? Canadian Blood Services is giving students the opportunity to help save lives and win one of five $1,000 bursaries donated by a community partner! Recruit a minimum of 25 people to donate blood this summer, and you will be entered in the Bloodstock 2008 bursary draw. This volunteer experience will look great on your resume and help save lives. The registration deadline is June 20th. Bloodstock 2008 applications are available from Mrs. McLaughlin in room 130.

YOUTH ON THE MOVE PROGRAM: This is a program for young people (ages 13 to 18) in the City of Ottawa. They are partnered with the Ottawa Police Service to provide services, this summer, to youth within the Ottawa West region. The goals of this program are to:

1. Provide an opportunity to youth to voice their opinions

2. Organize and encourage youth to participate in productive community activities (e.g. sports, arts)

3. Provide information resources on a range of topics (e.g. employment, health, and community)

Representatives from Youth on the Move will be here at Mother Teresa, in the Atrium, during senior lunch on Monday, June 16 to provide further information. Drop by their table and ask questions.

PEER HELPERS PIZZA LUNCH: The Peer Helping Pizza Lunch will be held on Friday, June 13 at lunch in Room 326. Please sign up in Student Services by TODAY.

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20 and students can apply online at

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8

You are all invited to attend an end-of-the-year get together in room 306 at lunchtime. Chips or cookies to share with the group would be welcomed.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC EXPERIENCE: There is a meeting today at 3:10 in the chapel for all students who are travelling next February to the Dominican Republic. Please see Donna or Mr. Nearning, if you can not attend.

PEER HELPERS PIZZA LUNCH: The Peer Helping Pizza Lunch has been changed from Wednesday to Friday, June 13 at lunch in Room 326. Please sign up in Student Services by Thursday.

YEARBOOKS: Any student that did not purchase a yearbook may place their name on the waiting list for the yearbook lottery, with a cheque made out to Mother Teresa High School in the amount of $50. Cheques can be dropped off to Mr. Prigent's Phys. Ed. office anytime before school, lunch, and after school. REMINDER: YOUR CHEQUE DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A YEARBOOK - IT GUARANTEES YOU A CHANCE AT A YEARBOOK - THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE DURING PERIOD 4 TOMORROW (THURSDAY, JUNE 12TH).

ALGONQUIN COLLEGE INFO SESSION: Algonquin College is holding an information session TONIGHT from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Woodroffe campus in T Building, Room T102. This is a great opportunity to come and explore new programs and/or see what is still available for the Fall. You can register and get more info at:

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20 and students can apply online at

UNIVERSITY ADMISSION SERVICE: Qualified Ontario secondary school students applying for admission to an Ontario university who did not receive an offer of admission can inquire about possible openings at other Ontario universities through OUAC by calling the Admission information Service at 519-823-1940 ext. 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday from June 3 to August 22.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8

All players are asked to be dismissed at 1:20 pm today (right after lunch) to board the bus for our quarterfinal games at Sacred Heart. Any student not on the bus at 1:30 pm will be left behind!

PEER HELPERS PIZZA LUNCH DATE CHANGE: The Peer Helping Pizza Lunch has been changed from Wednesday to Friday, June 13 at lunch in Room 326. Please sign up in Student Services by Thursday.

REACH FOR THE TOP: The 5th Annual Teacher-Student Trivia Showdown will transpire today during Senior Lunch in the Mother Teresa Library. The instructors (led by Mr. Miller and Mr. Specht) should have their hands (and minds) full as they face a hungry bunch of pupil all-stars. Teachers currently hold a 4-1 lead and are fiercely determined to earn victory number five and secure dynasty status. Participants should be ready to play at 11:45. Bring it on!

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be distributed today. Only students without outstanding fees will receive them in homeroom. Any student that did not purchase a yearbook may place their name on the waiting list for the yearbook lottery, with a cheque made out to Mother Teresa High School in the amount of $50. Cheques can be dropped off to Mr. Prigent's Phys. Ed. office anytime before school, lunch, and after school. REMINDER: YOUR CHEQUE DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A YEARBOOK - IT GUARANTEES YOU A CHANCE AT A YEARBOOK - THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE DURING PERIOD 4 ON THURSDAY, JUNE 12TH.

ALGONQUIN COLLEGE INFO SESSION: Algonquin College is holding an information session on Wednesday, June 11 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Woodroffe campus in T Building, Room T102. This is a great opportunity to come and explore new programs and/or see what is still available for the Fall. You can register and get more info at:

BURSARY PROGRAM: The Dr. Albert Rose Bursary Program is designed to help public housing tenants with the costs of a postsecondary education. All members of rent-geared-to-income households in Ontario, including those living in public housing, non-profit, co-op, and private rent supplement units can receive a bursary award, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements which are: never received this bursary before, be an Ontario resident, be enrolled in an eligible education program, and have a valid Social insurance Number card. For further information see your Guidance Counselor or visit the web site: Deadline to apply is July 4.

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20 and students can apply online at

UNIVERSITY ADMISSION SERVICE: Qualified Ontario secondary school students applying for admission to an Ontario university who did not receive an offer of admission can inquire about possible openings at other Ontario universities through OUAC by calling the Admission information Service at 519-823-1940 ext. 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday from June 3 to August 22.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8

The annual year end pizza lunch will be Wednesday, June 11. Please sign up in Student Services by the end of the day Tuesday so we know how much pizza to order.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be distributed tomorrow (Tuesday, June 10th). Only students without outstanding fees will receive them in homeroom that day. You have one week to clear your debt with the school in order to receive your yearbook on time. Any student that did not purchase a yearbook may place their name on the waiting list for the yearbook lottery, with a cheque made out to Mother Teresa High School in the amount of $50. Cheques can be dropped off to Mr. Prigent's Phys. Ed. office anytime before school, lunch, and after school. REMINDER: YOUR CHEQUE DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A YEARBOOK - IT GUARANTEES YOU A CHANCE AT A YEARBOOK - THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE DURING PERIOD 4 ON THURSDAY, JUNE 12TH.

GRAD TICKETS: Tickets for the Grad Ceremony on June 25 may be picked in the Student Services office.

ALGONQUIN COLLEGE INFO SESSION: Algonquin College is holding an information session on Wednesday, June 11 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Woodroffe campus in T Building, Room T102. This is a great opportunity to come and explore new programs and/or see what is still available for the Fall. You can register and get more info at:

BURSARY PROGRAM: The Dr. Albert Rose Bursary Program is designed to help public housing tenants with the costs of a postsecondary education. All members of rent-geared-to-income households in Ontario, including those living in public housing, non-profit, co-op, and private rent supplement units can receive a bursary award, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements which are: never received this bursary before, be an Ontario resident, be enrolled in an eligible education program, and have a valid Social insurance Number card. For further information see your Guidance Counselor or visit the web site: Deadline to apply is July 4.

AIMING FOR THE TOP SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are available to students, with high marks, who plan to enroll in a post-secondary program in Sept. 2008. You should apply if your average will be over 80%. Awards range from $100 to $3,500 and are based on financial need and academic achievement, with the higher amounts going to students with the most financial need. Last year approximately 13,700 students received awards. Deadline to apply is June 20 and students can apply online at

UNIVERSITY ADMISSION SERVICE: Qualified Ontario secondary school students applying for admission to an Ontario university who did not receive an offer of admission can inquire about possible openings at other Ontario universities through OUAC by calling the Admission information Service at 519-823-1940 ext. 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday from June 3 to August 22.

If you plan to obtain a job immediately after graduation, Work Place Ottawa can assist you. Their workshops cover a number of topics, including resume preparation, cover letters, researching the job market, job interview assistance, and employer “meet and greet” info-sessions. Workshops are free and are held at the South Location at 405-1355 Bank Street (across from the Billings Bridge mall). For more info, go online at:

Friday, June 6, 2008

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 1 - Gr. 7 & 8

Please ask the following students to see Mr. MacCuaig, in Room 240, TODAY AT LUNCH: Jordan Kurucz, Shingai Madziire, Gabriel Azzi, Peterson Pluviose Nelson, Jordan Smith, Daniel Logan, Jordan Devine

GRADE 7/8 BAND: A reminder to all grade 7/8 Band students: please remember to bring in all instruments and books to the music room as soon as possible.

LEADERSHIP CAMP: Mother Teresa’s Leadership Camp 2008 is all set to go Sept. 17th to 19th, 2008. Once again this year the staff of Mother Teresa has recommended students to attend Leadership Camp. Could the following students please come to a meeting at lunch in room 135 TODAY to pick up a permission form and find out about Leadership Camp. If you are in grade 10 or 11 this year and were at Leadership Camp last year, you will be expected to be a student leader. If you were a student leader last year, if we do not fill all 40 spots you will get a chance to come back again.

Amy Acheson
Mona Ahmad
Alejandro Arrieta
Natasha Aughey
Antony Bae
Bryn Belanger
Zachary Belanger
Nana Boame
Emma Bromley
Charlotte Cole
Kristen Cross
Hillary De Jong
Chantal Desjardins
Linda Do
Kwamaa Duah
Jennifer Gabel
Louis-Philip Gaulin-Riffou
Nazario Grecia
Raymond Greiss
Vanessa Handley
Brittany Helie
Sam Hopkins
Julia Hussien
Aaron Jipson
Moe Kadura
Nicole Kaminski
Daphka Kene
Stasa Klajic
Andrew Kramer
Pat Landry
Michelle Lapalme
Anthony Locatelli
Emily MacDonald
Kayla McCaffery
Tom McKibbon
Morgan McSheffrey
Kelsey Meagher
Brian Moeun
Kevin Moeun
Shane Morris
Karen Onyeaju
Pamela Palusova
Meagan Peixoto
Rebecca Petrie
Cory Powell
Natalie Rigg
Ouila Ruzindana
Nicole Salter
Shayanne Samarasinghe
Gowethami Sampathkumar
Stevie-Jane Sampson
Kathleen Sheridan
Wade Skinner
Sarah Sutton
Harrison Terrell
Victoria Tilley
Victoria Timpano
Keith Trempe
Carolina Uribe
Kyle Wallace
Sarah Wilgress
Ashley Wilson
Alyssa Wolf
Catherine Wong
Natasha Yee

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be distributed next Tuesday, June 10th. Only students without outstanding fees will receive them in homeroom that day. You have one week to clear your debt with the school in order to receive your yearbook on time. Any student that did not purchase a yearbook may place their name on the waiting list for the yearbook lottery, with a cheque made out to Mother Teresa High School in the amount of $50. Cheques can be dropped off to Mr. Prigent's Phys. Ed. office anytime before school, lunch, and after school. REMINDER: YOUR CHEQUE DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A YEARBOOK - IT GUARANTEES YOU A CHANCE AT A YEARBOOK - THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE PERIOD 4 ON JUNE 10TH.

GRAD TICKETS: Tickets for the Grad Ceremony on June 25 may be picked in the Student Services office.

MT WRITING ANTHOLOGY: A reminder to those who submitted an entry for the writing anthology that all final drafts are due TODAY. Please submit your final drafts either to Ms. Sehl (rm. 134) or Mrs. Earle (rm. 137)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 5 - Gr. 7 & 8

- Could the following students please come to a brief meeting in Mr. MacCuaig's room, Room 240, at the beginning of lunch TODAY: Jordan Kurucz, Shingai Madziire, Shauntel Snowden, Garbiel Azzi, David Chiarelli, Taber Gantner, Jay Hebert, Paige Kendell, Troy Leonard, Damian Levesque, Ashley Owusu-Ansah, Peterson Nelson, Jordan Smith, Taylor Smith, Zack Smith, Adam Sauve, Daniel Logan, Jordan Devine, Sarah Haynes and Kira Carroll.

GRADE 7/8 BAND: A reminder to all grade 7/8 Band students: please remember to bring in all instruments and books to the music room as soon as possible.

LIBRARY NOTICE: Students with outstanding library books and fines are asked to go to the library after homeroom today.

LEADERSHIP CAMP: Mother Teresa’s Leadership Camp 2008 is all set to go Sept. 17th to 19th, 2008. Once again this year the staff of Mother Teresa has recommended students to attend Leadership Camp. Could the following students please come to a meeting at lunch in room 135 on FRIDAY, June 6th (changed from yesterday’s announcements), to pick up a permission form and find out about Leadership Camp. If you are in grade 10 or 11 this year and were at Leadership Camp last year, you will be expected to be a student leader. If you were a student leader last year, if we do not fill all 40 spots you will get a chance to come back again. (please note that Shane Morris has been added to the list today!)

Amy Acheson
Mona Ahmad
Alejandro Arrieta
Natasha Aughey
Antony Bae
Bryn Belanger
Zachary Belanger
Nana Boame
Emma Bromley
Charlotte Cole
Kristen Cross
Hillary De Jong
Chantal Desjardins
Linda Do
Kwamaa Duah
Jennifer Gabel
Louis-Philip Gaulin-Riffou
Nazario Grecia
Raymond Greiss
Vanessa Handley
Brittany Helie
Sam Hopkins
Julia Hussien
Aaron Jipson
Moe Kadura
Nicole Kaminski
Daphka Kene
Stasa Klajic
Andrew Kramer
Pat Landry
Michelle Lapalme
Anthony Locatelli
Emily MacDonald
Kayla McCaffery
Tom McKibbon
Morgan McSheffrey
Kelsey Meagher
Brian Moeun
Kevin Moeun
Shane Morris
Karen Onyeaju
Pamela Palusova
Meagan Peixoto
Rebecca Petrie
Cory Powell
Natalie Rigg
Ouila Ruzindana
Nicole Salter
Shayanne Samarasinghe
Gowethami Sampathkumar
Stevie-Jane Sampson
Kathleen Sheridan
Wade Skinner
Sarah Sutton
Harrison Terrell
Victoria Tilley
Victoria Timpano
Keith Trempe
Carolina Uribe
Kyle Wallace
Sarah Wilgress
Ashley Wilson
Alyssa Wolf
Catherine Wong
Natasha Yee

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be distributed next Tuesday, June 10th. Only students without outstanding fees will receive them in homeroom that day. You have one week to clear your debt with the school in order to receive your yearbook on time. Any student that did not purchase a yearbook may place their name on the waiting list for the yearbook lottery, with a cheque made out to Mother Teresa High School in the amount of $50. Cheques can be dropped off to Mr. Prigent's Phys. Ed. office anytime before school, lunch, and after school. REMINDER: YOUR CHEQUE DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A YEARBOOK - IT GUARANTEES YOU A CHANCE AT A YEARBOOK - THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE PERIOD 4 ON JUNE 10TH.

NOTICE: Ms. Lawlor's 1st semester grade 9 girls can obtain their CPR certification cards TODAY at 12:15 - 12:30 in the atrium or at 3:10 in the atrium.

REMINDER TO GRADS: This Friday (June 6) is the last day to hand in your proof of community service hours required for graduation. Be sure to submit your forms to Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services.

GRAD TICKETS: Tickets for the Grad Ceremony on June 25 may be picked in the Student Services office.

A reminder to those who submitted an entry for the writing anthology that all final drafts are due by Friday, June 6. Please submit your final drafts either to Ms. Sehl (rm. 134) or Mrs. Earle (rm. 137) by Friday.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 4 - Gr. 7 & 8

There will be a meeting of the Grade 8 Semi-Formal Committee during lunch today in Room 332.

Could the following students please see Mr. MacCuaig at some point today: Emily Barrington, Katherine Barker, Vanessa Symington, Connor Gallagher, Sean Hector, Jiabo Hou, Joshua Reyes, Tushar Joshi, Travis Robidoux.

GRADE 7/8 BAND: A reminder to all grade 7/8 Band students: please remember to bring in all instruments and books to the music room as soon as possible.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS OF THE VOCAL GROUP: This year's closing school liturgy will take place Thursday June 19th. Please come out and sing with us as we celebrate the end of another successful school year. Our first practice will be TODAY at 3:15 in the chapel. Please see Mrs. Symes in rm. 336 if unable to attend.

LIBRARY NOTICE: Due to recent vandalism, the library computers are off limits TODAY during high school lunch. The library reading area is available.

Mother Teresa’s Leadership Camp 2008 is all set to go Sept. 17th to 19th, 2008. Once again this year the staff of Mother Teresa has recommended students to attend Leadership Camp. Could the following students please come to a meeting at lunch in room 212 on Thursday June 5th, to pick up a permission form and find out about Leadership Camp. If you are in grade 10 or 11 this year and were at Leadership Camp last year, you will be expected to be a student leader. If you were a student leader last year, if we do not fill all 40 spots you will get a chance to come back again.

Amy Acheson
Mona Ahmad
Alejandro Arrieta
Natasha Aughey
Antony Bae
Bryn Belanger
Zachary Belanger
Nana Boame
Emma Bromley
Charlotte Cole
Kristen Cross
Hillary De Jong
Chantal Desjardins
Linda Do
Kwamaa Duah
Jennifer Gabel
Louis-Philip Gaulin-Riffou
Nazario Grecia
Raymond Greiss
Vanessa Handley
Brittany Helie
Sam Hopkins
Julia Hussien
Aaron Jipson
Moe Kadura
Nicole Kaminski
Daphka Kene
Stasa Klajic
Andrew Kramer
Pat Landry
Michelle Lapalme
Anthony Locatelli
Emily MacDonald
Kayla McCaffery
Tom McKibbon
Morgan McSheffrey
Kelsey Meagher
Brian Moeun
Kevin Moeun
Karen Onyeaju
Pamela Palusova
Meagan Peixoto
Rebecca Petrie
Cory Powell
Natalie Rigg
Ouila Ruzindana
Nicole Salter
Shayanne Samarasinghe
Gowethami Sampathkumar
Stevie-Jane Sampson
Kathleen Sheridan
Wade Skinner
Sarah Sutton
Harrison Terrell
Victoria Tilley
Victoria Timpano
Keith Trempe
Carolina Uribe
Kyle Wallace
Sarah Wilgress
Ashley Wilson
Alyssa Wolf
Catherine Wong
Natasha Yee

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be distributed next Tuesday, June 10th. Only students without outstanding fees will receive them in homeroom that day. You have one week to clear your debt with the school in order to receive your yearbook on time. Any student that did not purchase a yearbook may place their name on the waiting list for the yearbook lottery, with a cheque made out to Mother Teresa High School in the amount of $50. Cheques can be dropped off to Mr. Prigent's Phys. Ed. office anytime before school, lunch, and after school. REMINDER: YOUR CHEQUE DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A YEARBOOK - IT GUARANTEES YOU A CHANCE AT A YEARBOOK - THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE PERIOD 4 ON JUNE 10TH.

THE PING PONG CHAMPIONSHIPS CONTINUE THIS WEEK. TODAY, the semifinals and finals will be held. Shikai Jin, Mr. Prigent, Mr. McSwiggan and the Arrieta brothers are all still in the hunt to claim the Gold Cup.

NOTICE: Ms. Lawlor's 1st semester grade 9 girls can obtain their CPR certification cards on Thursday at 12:15 - 12:30 in the atrium or at 3:10 in the atrium.

REMINDER TO GRADS: This Friday (June 6) is the last day to hand in your proof of community service hours required for graduation. Be sure to submit your forms to Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services.

GRAD TICKETS: Tickets for the Grad Ceremony on June 25 may be picked in the Student Services office.

NEED VOLUNTEER HOURS: What: Monsignor Paul Baxter year end celebrations event. Where: 333 Beatrice (MPB school). When: Friday, June 13 ... 3:30 – 9 pm. Why: We require help with set up, clean up, and different stations. Please call: Mary Wong 613-825-8806

MT WRITING ANTHOLOGY: A reminder to those who submitted an entry for the writing anthology that all final drafts are due by Friday, June 6. Please submit your final drafts either to Ms. Sehl (rm. 134) or Mrs. Earle (rm. 137) by Friday.

EURO-TRIP EASTER 2009 ROME, including an audience with the Pope, Pompeii and Greece: Students interested in Ancient History, Art, Architecture, Religion or may learn best through experiences should check out the 10 day enrichment trip next Easter. Students should see Mrs. Brady before Thursday, June 5 for information about how to secure a place on this trip. Mother Teresa has a limited number of spots for our school. The itinerary is posted outside room 201. Don't miss the deadline.

ATHLETIC BANQUET: The MT Athletic Awards Banquet will be held on Monday, June 9th @ 6:30 pm in the Caf. Banquet tickets and Athletic T-shirts will be distributed this week only. Outstanding Athletic Fees ($30) and uniforms must be given to Mr. Liska or your spring sport coaches ASAP.

VOLUNTEER HOURS OPPORTUNITY: Volunteers are required for the St-Luke Catholic School Year-End Dance to be held at Mother Teresa High School. The Organizing Committee is seeking volunteers to help with face painting which will tie into the Circus theme of this event. DATE: Friday, June 6, 2008 TIME: 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM. Anyone interested should contact Kathleen Watkinson in Student Services, by noon, Thursday, June 5, 2008.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 2 - H.S. & Day 3 - Gr. 7 & 8

A reminder to all grade 7/8 Band students: please remember to bring in all instruments and books to the music room as soon as possible.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS OF THE VOCAL GROUP: This year's closing school liturgy will take place Thursday, June 19th. Please come out and sing with us as we celebrate the end of another successful school year. Our first practice will be Wednesday, June 4th at 3:15 in the chapel. Please see Mrs. Symes in rm. 336 if unable to attend.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be distributed next Tuesday, June 10th. Only students without outstanding fees will receive them in homeroom that day. You have one week to clear your debt with the school in order to receive your yearbook on time. Any student that did not purchase a yearbook may place their name on the waiting list for the yearbook lottery, with a cheque made out to Mother Teresa High School in the amount of $50. Cheques can be dropped off to Mr. Prigent's Phys. Ed. office anytime before school, lunch, and after school. REMINDER: YOUR CHEQUE DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A YEARBOOK - IT GUARANTEES YOU A CHANCE AT A YEARBOOK - THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE PERIOD 4 ON JUNE 10TH.

ASSEMBLY FOR GRADUATES: Important graduation information will be presented at an assembly TODAY, during Period 2, in the Library. Report to your Period 2 class and wait to be called down. Please bring a pen.

GUEST SPEAKER: The following students have signed up for a guest speaker period 3 and 4, TODAY, for Police Foundations. A gentle reminder would really be helpful: Kendra Kenny, Steevy Mbarak, Jesse Rodden, Patricia Locatelli, Victoria Timpano, Devon Rice.

Wednesday, the semifinals and finals will be held. Shikai Jin, Mr. Prigent, Mr. McSwiggan and the Arrieta brothers are all still in the hunt to claim the Gold Cup.

NOTICE: Ms. Lawlor's 1st semester grade 9 girls can obtain their CPR certification cards on Tuesday or Thursday at 12:15 - 12:30 in the atrium or at 3:10 in the atrium.

REMINDER TO GRADS: This Friday (June 6) is the last day to hand in your proof of community service hours required for graduation. Be sure to submit your forms to Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services.

GRAD TICKETS: Tickets for the Grad Ceremony on June 25 will be distributed to the students starting TODAY. Students are asked to come to the Student Services office to pick up and sign for their tickets. Unfortunately we could not accommodate all requests for extra tickets as the demand exceeded our supply. Students will be advised of their allotted tickets when they pick them up in Student Services.

NEED VOLUNTEER HOURS: What: Monsignor Paul Baxter year end celebrations event. Where: 333 Beatrice (MPB school). When: Friday, June 13 ... 3:30 – 9 pm. Why: We require help with set up, clean up, and different stations. Please call: Mary Wong 613-825-8806

MT WRITING ANTHOLOGY: A reminder to those who submitted an entry for the writing anthology that all final drafts are due by next Friday, June 6. Please submit your final drafts either to Ms. Sehl (rm. 134) or Mrs. Earle (rm. 137) by Friday.

EURO-TRIP EASTER 2009 ROME, including an audience with the Pope, Pompeii and Greece: Students interested in Ancient History, Art, Architecture, Religion or may learn best through experiences should check out the 10 day enrichment trip next Easter. Students should see Mrs. Brady before Thursday, June 5 for information about how to secure a place on this trip. Mother Teresa has a limited number of spots for our school. The itinerary is posted outside room 201. Don't miss the deadline.

The MT Athletic Awards Banquet will be held on Monday, June 9th @ 6:30 pm in the Caf. Banquet tickets and Athletic T-shirts will be distributed this week only. Outstanding Athletic Fees ($30) and uniforms must be given to Mr. Liska or your spring sport coaches ASAP.

Volunteers are required for the St-Luke Catholic School Year-End Dance to be held at Mother Teresa High School. The Organizing Committee is seeking volunteers to help with face painting which will tie into the Circus theme of this event. DATE: Friday, June 6, 2008 TIME: 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM. Anyone interested should contact Kathleen Watkinson in Student Services, by noon, Thursday, June 5, 2008.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 1 - H.S. & Day 2 - Gr. 7 & 8

Today is the last day to buy tickets for the Grade 8 Semi Formal Dinner & Dance! Stop by the table in the atrium with $10 cash or cheque (made payable to Mother Teresa High School) as well as the bottom portion of your permission form signed by a parent/guardian.

REMINDER TO GRADS: This Friday (June 6) is the last day to hand in your proof of community service hours required for graduation. Be sure to submit your forms to Mrs. Watkinson in Student Services.

GRAD TICKETS: Tickets for the Grad Ceremony on June 25 will be distributed to the students starting tomorrow (Tuesday). Students are asked to come to the Student Services office to pick up and sign for their tickets. Unfortunately we could not accommodate all requests for extra tickets as the demand exceeded our supply. Students will be advised of their allotted tickets when they pick them up in Student Services.

MT WRITING ANTHOLOGY: A reminder to those who submitted an entry for the writing anthology that all final drafts are due by Friday, June 6. Please submit your final drafts either to Ms. Sehl (rm. 134) or Mrs. Earle (rm. 137) by Friday.

EURO-TRIP EASTER 2009 ROME, including an audience with the Pope, Pompeii and Greece: Students interested in Ancient History, Art, Architecture, Religion or may learn best through experiences should check out the 10 day enrichment trip next Easter. Students should see Mrs. Brady before Thursday, June 5 for information about how to secure a place on this trip. Mother Teresa has a limited number of spots for our school. The itinerary is posted outside room 201. Don't miss the deadline.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Volunteers needed for the Cancer Society’s Relay for Life on June 13th at the Nepean Sportsplex. Sign up at: or e-mail to: Gain valuable community service hours, have fun with friends, meet new people and help the Canadian Cancer Society.

ATHLETIC BANQUET: The MT Athletic Awards Banquet will be held on Monday, June 9th @ 6:30 pm in the Caf. Banquet tickets and Athletic T-shirts will be distributed from June 2 to June 6th only. Outstanding Athletic Fees ($30) and uniforms must be given to Mr. Liska or your spring sport coaches ASAP.

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